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Re: Sam Winchester | Supernatural | M/F healsforjustice October 23 2011, 17:53:24 UTC
How in the world has she thought that she could deal with this ( ... )


healsforjustice October 26 2011, 00:54:01 UTC
Her form stiffened at the touch, eyes flickering back and forth, unsure of whether to look at Sam or avoid his gaze entirely. Fingers lacing together, immediately tracing one digit in particular, she sighed, knowing her error. It was going to be hard, but she have never imagined pretending would have taken this big of a toll, making her question why she was still waiting.

At that however, she could only blame herself. Maybe she was being too patient, but what could she expect? Sam had a lot to deal with, it was foolish to think she could just make it all better with some kind words of support. It really showed how childishly she thought in hoping for such a quick fix.

"It's nothing, I'm being silly, thinking about this too much, I'm sorry." she rambled on, burying her face in her hands. "I'll be okay, I-...I can pull it together and get this job done, I promise."


last edit i swear ;A; exorsus October 26 2011, 01:26:22 UTC
Those words hit him hard, like being punched in the gut on the job. He'd known this was coming. Somehow, he'd known since the very first time they slept together. But every time it didn't happen, every time she didn't bring it up, he felt like they were dodging the bullet. And the thing about bullets? They could ricochet back to tear you apart.

Sam Winchester had absolutely no idea what to do and no surefire way to clean this up. Basically, he was in just another mess he'd made. So he did the only thing he could think of. He wrapped his arms around her and attempted to pull her into an embrace.

"No. Don't say that," he said quietly. "You're not being silly." He swallowed.

"I- Amelia, I'm sorry."


<3 And sorry for the delay, needed to sleep healsforjustice October 26 2011, 07:56:04 UTC
She didn't struggle at his attempts, and somehow turned herself around to lean against Sam, hiding her face in his chest. Honestly, she couldn't resist anyway, she didn't have the will to turn away from him.

On hearing the apology, she shook her her head, feeling worse; her attempts at being there to help him seemed to have only caused more problems. This wasn't supposed to happen.

"Don't be sorry, it's my own fault." she murmured, voice almost drowned out by the water running over them. "I got too caught up in all this, but I'll be fine. You...have enough to think about without me getting on your case about any sort of answer."


it's fine. sleep is wonderful. exorsus October 26 2011, 16:10:32 UTC
If he hadn't been listening so intently, he wouldn't have heard her. But what he did hear? It made him wish he hadn't. For a second, he lost his cool. He'd been trying to hold on to it in order to be the reasonable Sam he always was, but listening to her degrade herself once again was not how he'd wanted this to go.

"It's not your fault," he said, voice raising. He almost sounded...annoyed? No, not annoyed. Not quite angry, either. Upset, maybe. Whatever it was, it wasn't his normal way of addressing her.

"Stop blaming yourself for everything. It's not all about me, okay? This is about you." He grasped her shoulders to push her away just enough to try and get her to look up at him.


Still curse my timezone though. healsforjustice October 26 2011, 17:01:55 UTC
When he gripped her shoulders, particularly after using the sterner tone of voice, she couldn't help but flinch a little. At first she thought he might just push her away and leave altogether, but then realized he hadn't let go of her after putting distance between them. It took a moment, but eventually she lifted her head, clearly unsure of herself and worrying over .

She almost apologised again, but thought better of it. That was what made him upset in the first place. It seemed than the efforts made not to pressure Sam had backfired in her face, all because she couldn't separate her own hopes and what they needed to do for work.

"I thought...you needed a chance to consider things first. Was that wrong?" she murmured, continuing on, not sure if he would answer her anyway. After all, the way she had been behaving was rather immature, it was fairly obvious she had been mistaken. "This is just an act anyway, I shouldn't have took it so seriously, and risked the whole case."


well, I've been working on a giant term paper this morning, so I wouldn't have been on too much exorsus October 26 2011, 17:23:27 UTC
He could kick himself. The way she was looking up at him with those eyes, so large and sad, made him feel like he was the worst person in the world at the moment. Really, he probably was. What was he doing? Trying to make her feel better by raising his voice and confusing her even more? Nice going, asshat.

He closed his eyes, the shower continuing to sprinkle down on him as he tried to pull everything he wanted to say together.

They really were different people. She was so good at pretending, acting like how she thought he would want, that the fact slipped his mind every now and then. But she was really just Amelia.

"No, I did," he said. He was speaking softer now. He took a deep breath. "But I was wrong for that. It's not right for me to lead you on, no matter what."


And I was in classes most of the day too, so it's all good. healsforjustice October 26 2011, 17:56:50 UTC
Amelia stood in place, watching him wearily, both hopeful and scared of what he would say next. If he decided to just make everything end then and there, she wasn't sure how she would react. What they had wasn't just a physical attraction, at least on her end, and she honestly wanted to believe it was the same for him. Then again, this whole thing had shown she could easily get things wrong ( ... )


exorsus October 26 2011, 22:17:50 UTC
His eyebrows knitted together, forming that crease that he often got when he was thinking hard. She said he was worth waiting for. He'd never know why she thought he was. Maybe there were just some things he couldn't understand ( ... )


healsforjustice October 26 2011, 22:39:29 UTC
The fact that he was taking this seriously was enough, easing the lingering worries she held over still being too immature. Then again, Sam had never treated her differently due to her age, but based everything on what he knew of her, and like him, she had to wonder what he saw in someone like her. Perhaps they simply couldn't see their own good points, but the other one could, and that's why they fit together ( ... )


exorsus October 27 2011, 00:07:00 UTC
In his own way, he did want to say something romantic. There had always been a part of him that was a bit starry-eyed and reckless. It was what had put him at odds with his family during his earlier life. He'd secretly wanted to sweep someone off their feet and have an intimate but normal life. That had only kind of worked.

Since then, he'd grown up a lot, so he didn't even dream of that. But he could make Amelia see, through the ways they'd grown use to communicating, that he meant every word.

"All right," he said, brushing his thumb along the side of her hand. "But I think I can do better." To clarify his eloquently stated points, he shifted to lift her chin upwards and leaned down to press his lips against hers.


healsforjustice October 27 2011, 08:27:41 UTC
Things were hardly perfect, and what they had gone through was no ideal fairytale, but even at that, Amelia wouldn't have changed any of it. Sam was still very much what she had hoped she would find, only much more grounded and real. It was a comfort to know he wasn't like some fantasy that was going to disappear. Even so, she took the chance preserve the moment in her memory, just so she wouldn't forget just how special it was ( ... )


exorsus October 27 2011, 21:26:23 UTC
Sam, of course, would say that they could. Just a little affection wouldn't be too much of a distraction. They were working a job. There were things to be taken care of. Despite that, things probably would get heated. It was easy for him to lose himself in her, for better or for worse.

His hand untangled with hers, only to touch her again on her hip and push her completely flush with him. He had only meant for it to be a chaste kiss, but at the sound of her little moan, he began to deepen the kiss. His other hand brushed through the damp hair at the nape of her neck.

Hopefully, the resort wouldn't charge them extra for all their hot water use.


healsforjustice October 27 2011, 21:43:46 UTC
The issue was a mutual one, as she found the idea of pulling back from Sam less and less appealing by the second. Each movement of his lips and the touch of his finger through her hair just let her slip further into the moment.

Her free arm wound around his body, clinging on so as not to lose the contact between them. Being this close, she couldn't help but shiver and squrim, the warm water only increasing the pleasant sensations. It didn't help that their wet skin aided in the friction of their bodies, Amelia unable to suppress the need to squirm a little against him, legs shaky and form trembling.

She continued to trace her fingers over his skin, grazing over his ear, cheek and jaw, a constant reminder of intimacy shared. The feeling was only getting more intense the more time she spent with Sam, making her heart swell in her chest. Did they really have to go to this party and wait till later to be like this again?


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