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Re: Sam Winchester | Supernatural | M/F healsforjustice October 23 2011, 17:53:24 UTC
How in the world has she thought that she could deal with this?

That was the question that was repeating over and over in Amelia's mind as she stood on the balcony of the room, overlooking the front of the resort. Even as high up as she was, she could still pick out couples below, walking around hand in hand towards the beach, carefree and happy. It took every bit of will within her to stop her slight twinges of envy bubbling to the surface at the sight. After all, she was unsure if there would ever be that level of simple pleasure for her, and the man she was with.

Her relationship, using the term loosely, with Sam was confusing enough already, without adding this latest scheme in order to observe things going on at the hotel. Glancing back at the decor of the honeymoon suite, she shook her head, reminding herself that this was for work, and she should treat it as such. Needless to say, that was hard to do when the lady at the desk had addressed her as Mrs Winchester when they arrived.

If their relationship was still platonic as it had been some months before, she could have simply been embarrassed and shrugged it off, but no. Now the words filled her with the oddest bittersweet ache, something that both hurt and made her happy at the same time. It really was getting harder and harder to continue on like she was, but she refused to falter. When this all started she had insisted that Sam could have time to think, and not force him to make a choice of tying himself down. Of course, the week or two he needed soon turned into months, due to jobs and such. And even if she had to wonder where they stood, especially in how they would still sleep together on occassion, Amelia refused to pester him. Considering all Sam had been through, she was okay with letting things lie for now.

Sighing, she wandered back inside to sit on the bed, going through newspaper articles to research on the grounds. A glint of light caught her eye, making her swallow at the sight of the gold band around her finger. Purely for show of course, she could take it off now since no one was around, but couldn't bring herself to remove it. Hopefully her partner wouldn't notice when he came back to their room.

[ooc: Feel free to drop some of the other threads if you're too busy/hold off responding to this or others, I don't mind the wait. Sorry for adding another tag to the pile, but considering the CR between them, this was too tempting to ignore for me. ;3]


omg this is a really good idea. and lol lj notifs. hopefully you'll see this. exorsus October 25 2011, 02:36:56 UTC
Sam's eyes narrowed as he approached the door to their room. That whole trip downstairs had turned out to be a bust, of course. He possessed as much knowledge now as he had trudging out of bed this morning. And they were very, very nice beds. The only thing he had gained was a bag of fruit from the continental breakfast buffet. At least there was that. It'd be better than the McDonald's coffee they'd been chugging the last few weeks.

A couple dressed in swimsuits passed by him, obviously on their way to the beach for a morning swim. The woman smiled and linked her arm with the man, leaning on him ever-so slightly. Sam nodded as they acknowledged his presence. The look in their eyes, how they just barely noticed him due to being wrapped up in each other, reminded him of the ring around his finger. It was only a cheap imitation gold, but to the outside world it meant he was married. Once, he had treasured marriage as the ultimate bond between people, only to be entered when there was absolute love. These days, he wasn't so sure he was naive enough to believe that. But a part of him still felt a little guilty that he was using something that was important to so many people as a cover. Yet it was something that had to be done.

He figured whatever he felt, it had to be worse for Amelia, though he did not know the true extent. She was a true romantic, and the way they had to act in public didn't help the fragile relationship they had. Yes, he was calling it a "relationship." He wouldn't have continued to sleep with her had he not had some kind of feelings for her. The true nature of those feelings? Well, that was what he was not quite sure of.

He reached the door and produced the key card. Wow. They had really moved up the food chain.

"I'm back."


Glad you think so <3 I usually check my threads anyway due to the way LJ can be.~ healsforjustice October 25 2011, 07:37:48 UTC
By the time Sam had returned, Amelia had ended up sprawling on the large bed, lying on her stomach as she read through the clippings. Despite her age and the recent developments between them, it seemed that she still tended to miss the obvious implications in her position. That innocence, somehow, was very genuine, and more often than not had left her rather surprised when her partner would suddenly kiss or touch her, not that she minded. Even so, it did knock the breath out of her on occassion due to the differences in size between them. She wasn't sure if he still held back a bit for worry of hurting her, but each time it did seem that he was less and less fearful about how fragile she was.

Of course, she never saw it coming, even with how her position made the straps of her top slip down her shoulders, or gave an ample view past the borders of her neckline.

"Hey, any luck?" she enquired, offering a small smile. Yes, even that still very much real. No matter how hard things may have been at the moment, she wouldn't allow herself to treat Sam any different. It was difficult to be patient, and this situation was making the questions rise to the forefront of her mind. However, she really believed that what they had, that Sam himself, was worth waiting for.


exorsus October 25 2011, 11:58:24 UTC
Sam's eyes fell on the source the voice, subtly drinking in her appearance. Part of what was so complicated about this whole affair was Amelia's seeming unawareness of her own sexual power. She was never coy or teasing, but rather genuinely ignorant of the way her body would brush up against his, the way her voice would hitch at certain moments. And now, the way her shirt revealed the swell of her breast...


"None. Either the manager doesn't know anything, or he's playing dumb," he said, not missing a beat as he sat the bag down on the table. "And he doesn't want to talk about how three couples have gone missing."

Closing his eyes, he ran his fingers through his hair. "I brought you back some food, though."


healsforjustice October 25 2011, 16:31:56 UTC
As she listened, Amelia pushed herself to sit up properly, while tidying up the papers that were scattered on the sheets. Any gaze that meant more than polite eye contact was lost on her, and even when she did catch Same staring, her first response was always asking if something was the matter. Somehow, she couldn't quite get past the memories of being thought of as too excitable and naive to recognise that some of the little quirks in her posture or moment could be perceived as seductive.

She finished tidying up the mess fairly quickly, pondering over "Well, it's not too unusual, disappearances are not the sort of thing are going to attract customers. Besides, he might have thought you were a tabloid journalist and didn't want to open his mouth for fear he'd be quoted in some trashy newspaper." she shrugged, since it was rare they ever got a straight answer out of people anyway, though Amelia probably still gave others the benefit of the doubt too much at times.

She would have asked more on what they had to do next, but was interrupted when Sam mentioned the food. Her eyes lit up at bit, not so much because she was hungry, but because the gesture was genuinely sweet. Climbing off the bed, she walked up to him, practically glowing.

"Thank you Sam." she smiled, leaning up on her toes and quickly planting a small kiss on his cheek. Naturally, she didn't take note of the close proximity or how she was pressing up against him, too focused on showing him the little bit of gratitude and affection. She did it often enough that she didn't think anything of it, reaffirming the care and support she wanted to give him.


exorsus October 25 2011, 17:29:18 UTC
"That or a cop," he added. Honestly, things weren't adding up around here. Three couples going missing in such quick succession? The things that took pairs, usually pagan gods or witches, wanted them for fertility rituals. But those were yearly, at most. Even more often, there would be a hibernation period. It could be something that was just snagging people two by two of convenience. Or it could be not their kind of problem. Still-

He was snapped out of his thoughts by the feeling of Amelia's lips on his face. No matter how many times she did that (and it was getting more frequent), it surprised him. Not that it was bad. No, far from it. It was just such a sweet little reminder that he had someone there for him.

"You're welcome," he replied, wrapping his arm around her to give her a squeeze. It amazed him, even now, how soft she was. Without even realizing it, his mood began to pick up.

After a moment, he reluctantly let go. Shit. There was work to do.

"Did you find anything out about the construction process? Any injuries or casualties?"


healsforjustice October 25 2011, 17:47:03 UTC
Humming softly, she allowed her lips to linger a little bit longer than needed, her nose brushing against his skin in a tender manner. It was a nice reminder that there was something between them, something more than a purely physical relationship. There were times she worried she was being too clingy, but always relaxed in how he would hold her like this.

Drawing back when he let go, she turned to leaf through the clippings, handing a few to Sam. While there was nothing outright sinister or suspicious from what she looked at, doing this line of work had shown her the simplist answer was hardly ever the right one.

"Nothing that severe, just a few freak accidents, no injuries but some of the crew swore that someone was tampering with equipment. Blame was put on some of the locals who protested the construction, but there wasn't any proof, so no one was charged." she replied, running a hand through her hair and rubbing the back of her neck. "I'm not sure what else to go on, or if any of these people would even talk to us."


exorsus October 25 2011, 20:52:21 UTC
Clingy was hit or miss for Sam. While he certainly had his quirks, he was the one in the family most open to physical contact. And he did know that it was the way Amelia expressed herself.

"Well, it's better than nothing," he reminded her, standing back up straight. 'Freak accidents,' while they may certainly be freak, are rarely accidents. "We'll keep snooping around in public records. And," he began, picking out an apple from the bag. "They're holding a party tonight. We can go and see what we can find out."

He walked over to the desk that was housing his laptop, idly rolling the apple in his hand. There was the ring again. He glanced over to Amelia. She was still wearing hers, he finally noted, even though she hadn't been out and had no need to keep up the illusion.

"You probably shouldn't leave that on your finger. It might turn it green." Sure, it was good costume jewelry, but costume none the less.


healsforjustice October 25 2011, 21:05:02 UTC
She had been warned before about being overly eager, and as such did try to hold back a bit, not wanting to smother Sam or seem like she was pressuring him for answers about where they stood. Still, it was hard to do considering a lot of the time, she simply wanted nothing more than to be close to him.

"I suppose so, I'm sure something will turn up." she replied, sitting back down on the mattress. It just seemed to be their luck, things tended to pop up when they least expected them. Even so, they would have to keep their wits about them. Hadn't she been warned by her friends that in these sort of places it was easy for someone to spike the drinks?

Her pondering was interrupted when Sam pointed out her ring, making her face heat up rather quickly. Biting her lip, she twisted the band around her finger, trying to hide any hints of sadness at the thought of removing it.

"Yeah, I guess...I should probably have a shower before we go downstairs for this party anyway." she nodded


exorsus October 25 2011, 21:22:30 UTC
Of course, Sam didn't completely catch on to her reluctance, but he was in tune enough to feel that something was up. He was an observer of emotions, especially hers, and biting her lip was her tell. She did it when she was bothered.

He really needed to teach her how to have a good poker face. For now, though, he wanted to find out what the problem was. They couldn't go to work with anything hanging over them. It would throw them off their game.

"I need to take one too, actually," he said, changing his approach. Strategy was now to defuse situation, then research. He forwent taking a bite of the apple and grabbing his laptop.

"Mind sharing the shower?"


healsforjustice October 25 2011, 21:32:52 UTC
Admittedly, Amelia had problems hiding her feelings at the best of times, a naturally open person and one who didn't think much of deception, and thus was a bad liar at any rate. Ever since she had ended up with Sam, it seemed that she simply couldn't pull off pretending she was okay, at least not in an entirely convincing way.

She listened half-heartedly, only to do a double take and nearly fall off the bed at the last request. Why did her mind just go straight to the gutter with that one? Shaking her head profusely, she tried to remember how to breath, before giving Sam a small nod.

"S-Sure, that's fine." she replied, deciding to quickly scurry off to the bathroom to get ready, repeating a mantra over and over inwardly in order to not make a fool of herself; he didn't mean it like that after all.


exorsus October 25 2011, 22:39:46 UTC
Well, to her credit, what it would mean would be in the gutter from most. Sam wasn't an angel. He didn't mean it in a completely platonic way, of course. But even though he didn't view sex in exactly the same way Amelia did, he didn't want to use it as a bandage to cover up any issues that may have existed. He cared for her far too much for that. Really, he just wanted it to be an intimate gesture.

Intimate. That was a good word. It wasn't quite "romantic," not exactly, yet it was strong enough.

He followed her slowly, removing his shirt as he went. Since he'd been trying to fit in with the tourists, he was only wearing a t-shirt rather than his usual multiple layers.


healsforjustice October 25 2011, 23:04:34 UTC
In order to try and prevent any further mishap on her part, Amelia didn't look at him as she turned on the water or arranged towels for both of them. Her blushing was probably a good enough indicator to let Sam know she wasn't upset, just embarrassed. Odd, it wasn't like he hadn't seen her without clothes, or her him either. Still, this was the only way to prevent her looking more foolish, at least she thought so.

Despite everything though, she took her time in removing her clothes and folding them to the side, again, likely unaware of any sort of display she was giving her partner at that moment. Considering how big the shower was, she probably wasn't making things much better as she stepped in, head falling back under the spray as she began washing. She assumed Sam would follow soon enough; it wasn't as if there was anything stopping him right?


exorsus October 25 2011, 23:52:20 UTC
Sam didn't purposely watch her undress. He did, however, catch a few glimpses. Yeah, he didn't know how long he could stay unaffected. He'd still try. After she stepped into the shower, he removed the rest of his clothes. Pants, boots, socks, underwear. They all went into an organized pile. He moved to take off his watch, then his "ring." He stopped before removing the latter. He considered her actions earlier, and simply stepped in behind her.

Even if the shower had been bigger, it wouldn't have been much better. He was still him and at a disadvantage when things were sized for normal people. As things stood, it wasn't big enough for two people, anyway.

The water dripped through her hair, making it shine under the light. The rivulets continued along her shoulders and down her back...

Oh yeah. He was supposed to be showering, or at least having the pretense of that.

"Hey, hand me the soap."


healsforjustice October 26 2011, 00:02:57 UTC
Even if she had been any good at hiding the feelings bubbling within her, pretty much all pretense was gone when she made the mistake of glancing back, face flushing anew. It didn't help that he was so close, skin only just separated as he joined her under the water. At least she was less likely to turn around due to the limited space, so the risk of having to look at him fully was minimal.

She had brought herself to task the ring off, not wanting to push her luck, but even at that moment, her hand made a point of stroking the finger on her right hand, almost missing the feeling of the piece of jewellery there. She was dwelling on this too much, and she knew it. Something was simply not allowing her to let go though, no matter what she tried.

Sam's voice snapped her back to reality, silently glancing to the side so she knew where his hand was to give him the bar of soap. The contact might have been little, but even the lightest touch of wet warm skin was enough to made her shudder as she tried not to stare at his chest. Of course, she overlooked how his height probably allowed him a fair vantage point of hers.


exorsus October 26 2011, 00:44:12 UTC
He could see her chest easily, were he to be honest. And the sight was appealing as hell. Well, it always was, but especially now. Despite this, he was preoccupied. She had made that movement of touching her finger again. Her ring finger. His suspicions were pretty much confirmed at that. Damn it. He should have seen this happening. Why had he let it go on for so long?

Sam took the bar of soap, only to set it on a ledge nearby. Instead, his hand went up to touch her shoulder.

"Amelia, what's wrong?"


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