Close Yet Far ~ Chapter Two

Jan 21, 2012 00:45

Title: Close Yet Far
Author: the_heartless69
Pairing: Vam
Rating: PG-13, for now. Some swearing in this chapter.
Summary: Kinda AU. Ville and Bam have barely known each other for six months, but they are already the best of friends. What could possibly come between them as they explore their relationship and discover brand new feelings and emotions?
Word count: 1914
Disclaimer: Everyone in this fic owns his or herself, and CKY own the title Close Yet Far.
Authors Notes: So, yeah; have an update. It's been... *counts with fingers* too long since my last update (blame it on lack of comments. But thank you to everyone who has commented!) but anyway, I've finally gotten off my arse and finished this chapter! Still no beta, and I'm quite drunk right now, so this chapter is probably god-awful. Either way, everyone should comment. Comments = motivation to write = quicker updates = smiles all around.

Chapter One

“Bam, wake up.”

“Mmph, fuck off.” Bam swatted at the finger poking at his cheek, burying his face further into a pillow.

“Bam! I can’t sleep when you’re lying on me like this, asshole,” Ville grumbled as he shoved hard against Bam’s side, forcing him onto the ground.

“What the hell?” Bam groaned, his eyes darting around the living room as though he had no idea where he was. “What the fuck was that for?”

“I couldn’t breathe, you were using my neck as a fucking pillow. I’m too hungover for this shit.” Ville whined as he pushed himself off the couch and made his way upstairs to the nearest bedroom.

“Where ya goin’?” Bam mumbled, almost half asleep again as he watched Ville make his way upstairs.


“Fuck, Ville, wait for me.” Bam whined as he stood to follow Ville, hooking a finger through a belt loop on his friends’ jeans.


Hours later, Ville awoke to a loud crash echoing throughout the house. Groaning, he rolled onto his side, curling into a foetal position, not quite remembering or caring how he managed to find his way to bed during the night, but definitely noticing that his nose had cleared significantly, although his throat still hurt a bit.

I wonder where Bam is, he thought as he felt himself slipping back to sleep. He was glad he had managed to convince Bam to drink with him the night before; the whole point of his visit was to drink, and hang out with his friend, but when he had come down with the flu on his first night there, Bam had gone all ‘mother-hen’ on him and summoned Ape, who had instructed Bam to keep Ville in bed and drinking plenty of liquids.

As much as he hated being sick, Ville was quite enjoying the amount of attention Bam was spending on him... even though he was barely allowed out of bed. But he was sure that once Bam saw how much better he was feeling today (well, apart from the throbbing headache and churning stomach) he would ease up on him a bit.

As his eyes drifted shut, he heard Bam’s laughter echoing throughout the house, followed by April shouting. “What is wrong with you, Bam?! Are you insane?!”

Ville groaned as he rolled off the bed and pulled a shirt over his head before Bam burst into the room, locking the door behind him.

“What did you do now, Bam?”

“I put...” Bam paused, giggling. “I put Dico’s special juice in Phil’s bottle of mouthwash!” he fell to the floor laughing.

“Bam! That’s disgusting! Why would you do that?”

“Calm down, Finlandia, it’s not what you’re thinking. Just a concoction of Dico’s favourite liquors.”

“Oh. Now, that’s a little disappointing, Bam,” Ville smirked as he sat on the bed and tugged a sock onto his foot, internally wondering where the other had disappeared to. “Why was April screaming? That doesn’t sound so bad.”

“Because Phil didn’t spit it out when he realised what it was,” he grinned. “He’s fucking annihilated.”

Ville snorted as he kneeled on the ground and peeked under the bed in search of his missing sock. “Phil’s drunk? That is something I’ve not seen before.” He wiggled further under the bed as he found his sock, reaching forward to retrieve it, pretending not to realise that he was giving Bam a perfect view of his jean clad ass.

Bam stood, leaning against the wall and stared, his mouth agape. What. An. Ass.

“What was that, Bammie? Admiring the view?” Ville teased as he crawled out from under the bed and leaned against the bed, pulling his other sock on.

Fuck, did I say that out loud? “Hard to ignore it when you’ve got your ass sticking up in the air. You’ve got a chick’s ass, anyway, just so you know.”Bam defended speedily and crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at the floor as Ville blushed and threw a magazine he found under the bed at Bam.

“I do not,” he whined. He stood and brushed off his jeans. “Where’s Phil? I’ve gotta see this.” He started for the door only to be held back by Bam tugging on his shirt.

“I wouldn’t go out there if I were you; Ape’s really pissed. Like, to the point where she's throwing fruit at Phil.”

“What? I’m stuck in this room for God knows how long because you got bored and pissed off your mother? I don’t think so.” He started towards the door again.

“Wait! Would it help if I mention the whiskey I have stashed in my underwear drawer?” Bam cried in desperation, seeking an excuse to keep Ville all to himself... in his bedroom for a while.

“It will only help if you have a packet or two of cigarettes hidden somewhere, too.”

Bam pulled a packet of Ville’s Marlboro’s out of his back pocket and grinned as his friend snatched the packet away from him and plucked a cigarette from the box, retrieving a lighter from the nightstand and getting comfortable on the bed. “Well, are you going to come drink with me, or not?”

“Sure,” Bam replied, sitting on the edge of the bed and passing the bottle of Jack to Ville. “You feeling any better today, dude?”

“Mmm,” Ville nodded. “Much better. Drinking fixes everything Bam-Bam; even the flu.” Ville smirked and took a swig from the bottle before handing it back to Bam.

“I betchya it was the orange juice that fixed you. Aren’t you too hungover too drink though? I kinda feel like vomiting just looking at that bottle.”

“I could ask you the same question, Bam. Plus, how many times have I told you that the only way to cure a hangover is to start drinking when you wake up?” He grinned as Bam took a small sip from the bottle, trying to ‘harden up’ so Ville wouldn’t think him a complete pussy.

“So, how is everything? We haven’t had much of a chance to talk since you got here.”

“Bam, we’ve had plenty of time to chat. You’ve just been too busy downloading bootleg videos and buying my bands’ shit on eBay.” Ville grinned and shoved lightly at his blushing friends shoulder. “I’m just kidding,” he assured him when he noticed the pink tinge of embarrassment marking Bam’s cheeks. “Everything is fine; busy with the tour, but boring during the breaks. I’m glad you invited me to come visit you this month or it would’ve meant another boring four weeks holed up in my apartment.” He reached for the bottle which Bam handed over willingly.

“What about Jonna? Why didn’t you go home to hang with her or whatever?” Bam focused on his twiddling thumbs, his eyebrows furrowed.

“Hmm, Jonna.” Ville muttered, taking two large sips of whiskey. “I’ve been thinking of ending things with her.”

“What? Bam looked up at his friend, shocked. “I thought you really liked her?”

“Naw, we’ve only been on a couple of dates. Honestly, she’s getting on my nerves a bit. She’s moving too fast. Calling me five times a day when I’m away, sending me those damn SMS messages in between phone calls, expecting me to message back; Bam, I don’t even know how to turn my fucking phone on.” He giggled sheepishly.

“So, she’s a clingy girlfriend? I SMS and call you a lot, you gonna break up with me too?” Bam grinned, raising an eyebrow as Ville slapped his chest.

“Shut up Bam, it’s completely different. My Mumma called me last week on tour and asked if it was okay that she gave my spare keys to Jonna. I don’t know what she wants with them, but it is way too fucking soon for her to be making herself at home in my apartment. It’s kind of freaking me out a bit.”

“So break up with her?”

Ville snorted. “Not that simple. I’m going to wait until I get back to Finland in a couple of months. I don’t want to break up with her while she has my keys and I’m in another fucking country.”

“You’re too suspicious, man.” Bam laughed as he shuffled further up the bed to sit next to his friend. He gnawed at his bottom lip as he contemplated what Ville had just told him. He couldn’t deny the fact that he was excited by the prospect of Ville and Jonna breaking up. He had only met Jonna once, and she seemed like a nice enough woman, but he hated the thought of Ville being with anyone but him. Although he knew all too well that he never stood a chance with Ville. The man had women falling all over him; worshipping the ground he walked on. He knew of women travelling halfway across the planet just to be on the same continent as Ville. Plus, Bam didn’t have tits. How could he possibly compare to any of those women? He was past the point of caring, though, how much pain he was putting himself through just to have a few drinks with his friend. Friend, he thought to himself. I hate that fucking word.

“Earth to Bam?”

“Huh?” Bam snapped out of his reverie and raised an eyebrow at his drinking companion.

“I’ve been trying to get your attention for like five minutes, Bam-Bam. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” he lied. “What were you saying?”

“I was asking if you’d heard from Jenn since yesterday?”


“Your ex girlfriend?” Ville raised an eyebrow at Bam before taking the bottle of Jack from him and taking a sip.

“I know who Jenn is,” Bam rolled his eyes. “Nah, I haven’t heard from her since she showed up yesterday afternoon. She’s probably just trying to fuck with my head or scare me into getting back with her or something. I don’t know. I don’t really care, either. She’s harmless.”

“Mmm, if you say so,”  Ville muttered.

The two men sat in silence for a time, passing the bottle of Jack between them and sharing a couple of cigarettes, each lost in their own thoughts.

Bam broke the companionable silence after a while, mentioning that he hadn’t heard Ape screaming for the past twenty minutes. “I’m getting claustrophobic or whatever. I’m gonna go skate. You coming with me?”

Ville nodded, putting his cigarette out in a glass ashtray on the nightstand. “I’ll be there in a few minutes, I need to piss. I’ll see you outside.” He said as he rose from the bed and made his way to the adjoining bathroom.

Bam raced from the room, grabbing his skateboard on his way, leaving Ville to himself for a few minutes.

After relieving himself, Ville washed his hands and stared at himself in the mirror, splashing water over his flushed face. As much as he enjoyed it, being locked in a bedroom with Bam was probably the worst idea ever. During the time they spent in the average sized bedroom, Ville was constantly struggling to push certain thoughts to the back of his mind. How would Bam’s lips feel against his own? What would he taste like? What would he be doing with his hands?

Oh, god.

Snap out of it, Valo. He commanded himself, splashing more water over his face and turning the faucet off. He dried his face on Bam’s towel, inhaling the man’s lingering scent deeply before turning off the light and making his way outside to watch his friend do clever tricks on his skateboard.

So, there you have it. Chapter two. Again, I will mention that comments mean quicker updates. Coz, you know, no one feels like finishing their fic when they're convinced that no one likes it :P

vam, ville valo, bam margera

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