Viva La Finland ~ Chapter One

Jan 19, 2012 01:31

Title: Viva La Finland
Author: the_heartless69
Pairing: Vam
Rating: NC-17, member locked for swearing and failed attempt at smut.
Summary: According to Bam, the only reason he has returned to Finland is to track down Raab's mail order bride. At least, that's what he tells everyone else. Ville, however, knows the real reason why he came back. 
Word count: 1323 words
Disclaimer: Don't know, don't own, never happened.
Authors Notes: Set during the filming of season 5, episode 8 of Viva La Bam. Random fic I've been working on while so intoxicated that the plot bunnies for Close Yet Far seem so... close yet far. I'm hilarious. No beta; excuse the mistakes. I've never written actual smut before, so this is probably painfully awful. Please don't kill me for it. Onwards!

“Here we are in Helsinki, at an Ice Bar with Ville and the Reverend McCoy.  And we’re gonna be tracking down...”

“My wife!”

“His wife. That’s the only reason why we’re here in Finland. Well, Ruisrock’s coming up...” Bam mentioned as Raab cut him off midsentence.

“No, that’s the only reason why we’re here in Finland; to find my wife.”

“You really love her, don’t you?” Bam chuckled.

“...Yeah, look at this face!” Raab said, passing a photo of his wife around to the group. “How could you deny that?”

The men laughed as their drinks were set in front of them by the barkeep. “Cheers to my wife!” Raab proclaimed, taking his shot.

“All right, enough of the fuckin’ bullshit,” Bam declared, directing his gaze towards the cameraman. “Turn the goddamn camera off.” His face fell, his false smile replaced with a look of determination as turned towards his friends. “I need to find a bathroom.” He glared pointedly towards Ville before he turned, making his way for the restroom as Ville stared down at the empty shot glass between his fingers, trying to hide the desperation in his eyes.

After another round of shots funded by Bam’s tab, Andy McCoy broke the almost awkward silence. “So... Raab, you’re dead set on finding this broad?”

“Fuckin’ aye, McCoy, she’s hot! Plus, we’re still technically married; unless she comes out with divorce papers, she’s stuck with me.”

“Okay, sure, so we need to find someone who can speak... Or read Russian?” Ville asked.

“I guess so, you guys don’t understand what this shit says?” Raab passed the slip of paper with his wife’s address on it around the group, only for both men to shrug, having absolutely no idea what the written words meant.

“I can’t even read your handwriting,” Andy chuckled, waving to grab the bartenders attention. “Another round,” he requested, before turning back to face Raab. “Dude, how the fuck are you going to find this chick if you can’t understand her address?”

“I have no fucking clue, that’s why we had to hunt down you fucks,” Raab chuckled. “Fuck, I’m gonna go see what’s taking Bam so long.”

“Wait,” Ville said, snapping his head up to glance at Raab then at the bathrooms towards the back of the bar. “I have to take a leak anyway, I’ll see what’s keeping Bam,” Ville stated, turning to walk towards the facilities. “You guys just wait for the drinks.” He suggested, quickening his pace.


“Bam?” Ville called through the men’s room door. “Bam, where are you?” he asked, stepping through the door, only to be grabbed by the neck of his shirt and dragged into the nearest stall, his lips immediately assaulted as his body was pressed into the wall.

“Mmm,” he moaned into the kiss. “So am I to assume that Raab isn’t the only reason you’re here?”

“Duh,” Bam whispered against Ville’s lips, his eyes fluttering closed before capturing the Finn’s bottom lip between his own lips.

Ville trailed his hands down Bam’s chest before resting them against his stomach. “I’ve missed you, Bam-Bam.”

“You too,” Bam opened his eyes to gaze up at his lovers face before resting a hand against Ville’s neck, pulling him down into another kiss, their tongues twirling and dancing together.

“Bam,” Ville groaned as Bam forced his leg in between Ville’s, rubbing his thigh against Ville’s hardening length.

“I’m sorry I haven’t come to see you for a while, babe.” Bam whispered against Ville’s lips as he traced his fingers just above Ville’s belt before snapping the button on the man’s jeans, slipping his hand into Ville’s pants and palming his errection.

“Unngh,” Ville groaned, burying his face in the crook of Bam’s neck, nipping the skin before licking over the wound. “Bam, please,” he begged, bringing a hand up to tangle his fingers through Bam’s hair. “It’s been too long.”

“Tell me what you want, Ville.” Bam demanded as he removed his hand from Ville’s pants to undo his zipper at a torturously slow pace.

“You know what I want,” Ville mumbled against Bam’s jaw, tracing along his jaw line with his full lips.

“Tell me what you want,” Bam repeated. “I want to hear you say it.”

“I want you, Bam. Need to feel you...” he trailed off, gasping as Bam pulled his pants down to his knees, reaching behind him to tease his entrance.

As he slowly managed to work one finger into his lovers entrance, he brought his free hand up to Ville’s chest, pulling his shirt over his head. He traced his hand over his Villes chest until his reached his nipple, pulling an erect, pink bud between his fingers. He rolled the nub between his fingers before bringing his mouth to Ville’s chest, nipping over his nipple with his teeth, while slipping a second finger into Ville’s entrance.

As he wiggled his fingers around and around, he asked “Ville, are you ready for me?”, trailing kisses across the mans chest until he reach his other nipple, giving it the same treatment as the first.

The only reply Bam received was Ville’s moan as he tried to push himself further down onto Bam’s fingers in an attempt to reach his sweet spot. But, just as his felt the intrusive fingers brush over his prostate, they were removed from his body entirely. Ville whined, furrowing his eyebrows at Bam until Bam smirked at him, pulling Ville’s legs around his hips and forcing his errection into him in one quick thrust.

Ville let out a throaty gasp as Bam hit his spot with the first thrust. “Mmm, Bam.” He whispered into the mans neck.

“Shh, Ville. Someone might come in and hear you.”

Ville nodded and bit down on his lip, biting back the groan that was threatening to escape with each thrust.

“Fuck, you feel so good,” Bam whispered against Ville’s lips before pulling him into a heated kiss, feeling himself reach his peak as he wrapped his fist around Ville’s cock. Ville whimpered at the contact and shuddered as he spurted his release over their stomachs.

“Are you going to come for me, Bam-Bam?” Ville nipped at Bam’s collarbone. Bam felt shivers run down his spine at the sound of his lovers voice, releasing his seed into the other man’s body.

Panting, he rested his forehead against the Finn’s as he pulled out and set him on the floor. “Fuck, I’ve missed you, Ville.”

“I’ve missed you too. How long are you here for this time?” Ville asked as he cleaned his and Bam’s stomaches with toilet paper.

“I leave the day after Ruisrock. Gotta go back home after that to finish filming. I don’t think we’ll be doing any more seasons after this though; MTV haven’t contacted me about it yet, so that means I’ll be free to visit more.” He glanced up at Ville as he pulled his shirt over his head and smoothed a hand over his hair.

“Where are you staying while you’re here?” Ville asked.

“Not sure, we’ll probably be off searching for this chick today and tomorrow, so we’ll probably just steal your tour bus again* and crash there tonight.”

“Well, you’re free to stay with me after Ruisrock,” Ville suggested as he nipped at Bam’s earlobe. “I don’t know about you, but I need another drink.” Ville unlocked the door and stepped out of the stall, avoiding eye contact with a man who was standing in front of the basin, glaring towards the stall Ville had just exited.

As they walked back towards the bar, Bam craned his neck to whisper in Ville’s ear. “How much do you think he heard?” before they both burst into laughter.

*I don’t know how exactly it was that they were getting from place to place before they found Raab’s wife, but for the sake of the fic, they are now using HIM’s tour bus. Again.

vam, ville valo, bam margera

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