Bieber Wars: Episode III.

May 01, 2011 01:58

Bieber Wars: Episode I.

Bieber Wars: Episode II.

Bieber Wars: Episode III

A long time ago (three weeks ago) in a galaxy far, far away (Seattle), the departure of a certain person from the Empire (a certain unnamed pharmacy company) is but a distant memory as the battle following the discovery of a rising Dark Lord's (Justin Bieber's) likeness rages on across the Empire. The two Imperial plebs (Beeb and Wishbone) have started to form alliances with other members of the Empire as the battle gains momentum. No one is to be trusted (it's basically a free-for-all at this point). This is the continuing story of that battle.

Day 11:

Upon return to the Imperial Soul Star Destroyer on Friday, Wishbone has many a nitpick waiting for my PURPOSELY inaccurate Edward Bieber (we all know she was just intimidated by the fabulous SPARKLES), and has countered with this Bieber from the future. It's funny because it's probably true.


Continuing the future theme (and because it's the day after what would've been Judgement Day in the world of Terminator and I'm a nerd), I respond with the Biebinator. You puny humans are no match for his music. He'll be back!


Day 12:

I must take a brief respite for plotting Doctor Who my health, and so I'm not actually around on Saturday to witness the atrocity of Bunny Bieber, courtesy of Wishbone. I have to wait until Sunday to yell, "SOMEONE KILL IT. PLEASE." as I open my locker.


Day 13:

Of course, come Sunday, I am well-rested and prepared to return to battle. I combine my two greatest weapons in to one: Zombie Jesus Bieber (a.k.a. Blasphemy Bieber). It is, after all, Zombie Jesus Day (a.k.a. Easter Sunday). Wishbone is both shocked and terrified, as well as greatly amused. The Empire is within my grasp.

image Click to view

He is risen, and he's coming for your BRAINS.


Day 14:

Apparently in shock from Blasphemy Bieber, Wishbone does not retaliate, and I strike another blow in the form of Teapot Bieber while she's still down. This is a fine example of what one of my fellow plebes called Wikipedia thinking: we started talking about a topic and, several inexplicable jumps later, my brain arrived at this destination.

Of course, then we started applying the actual "I'm A Little Teapot" song to this and couldn't get past the whole "steamed up" part without gagging a little.

Day 15:

Whether out of confusion or shock, Wishbone YET AGAIN does not strike back. Victory is in sight. I use Pirate Bieber to get the point across that I take NO prisoners in this battle for the Empire.

Stay tuned for week four.

boredom, door wars, work

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