Bieber Wars: Episode II

Apr 23, 2011 01:39

Bieber Wars: Episode I.

Bieber Wars: Episode II

A long time ago (two weeks ago) in a galaxy far, far away (Seattle), following the departure of a certain person from the Empire (a certain unnamed pharmacy company), the likeness of a rising Dark Lord, Justin Bieber, was discovered amongst the belongings said person left behind. A great battle was started between two of the Imperial plebs (Beeb and Wishbone) upon this discovery, and soon the battle spread across the Empire. This is the continuing story of that battle.

Day 6:

When I return on Friday, Wishbone has countered my Friday Bieber with THIS terrifying gem. Favorite scary movie? No. Scariest movie ever? YES.


After brief contemplation, I feel this is the only appropriate response, considering I'm actually legitimately ill (and SOMEBODY kept telling me not to get them sick). I may or may not have actually been contagious, too, and gotten several people there sick. MY BAD, GUYS. I didn't really think I was contagious. >_>


Day 7:

I find the next day that Wishbone has not retaliated, so I take the opportunity to strike another blow by totally stealing one of Wishbone's own not-so-secret plots. Athough, I somehow don't think this is what she meant when she said she wanted to make a Trouty Mouth Bieber.

Oh, and, this is Trouty Mouth, by the by.

We're both too amused to make another move, so a temporary truce is called.


Day 8:

Of course, I fully expected to return the next day to some decent retaliation, but Wishbone has decided to fall-back for the day (call in sick) to regroup. Taking full advantage of this unique opportunity, I strike yet another blow. I seriously can't stop laughing. I'm told even the Emperor (our store manager) was amused by this one.

Don't tell her I called her that. >_> IT'S ONLY BECAUSE SHE'S THE BOSS, GUYS.


Day 9:

There is still no retaliation the following day, despite Wishbone's return. I suspect she is about to fly the white flag, but I take no prisoners, so I keep the hilarity blows coming. This one is yet another inside joke, and I yet again assure you that, thought slightly wrong, it is EXTREMELY hilarious.

image Click to view

I know, I know, I'm reusing a mechanism, here, but, hey, I was working on a schedule.


Day 10:

Wishbone FINALLY strikes back, AND HOW. Yep, THAT'S ME, and I unintentionally set the groundwork for it. I feel like this one was pretty much inevitable.


I retaliate with THIS. HE FUCKING SPARKLES, YO. I'm exceptionally proud of that fact. Of course, all Wishbone could do was criticize my inaccuracy, but, WHATEVER, you know it's only because she was traumatized.

Close-ups of the SPARKLE (that "sparkle" is said with jazz hands, by the way).

Stay tuned for week three.

boredom, door wars, work

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