I hope you like lists....IN THE NEW YEAR!!!

Jan 05, 2009 16:32

Man, I for what ever reason I have taken my sweet time making this post. Oddly enough, like last year this post was made 5 days after the new year, though I wanted to make it last night. Any way, on to talking about the yea that was 2008. Actually, before I talk about how this year has been to me, let's take a look back at the beginning of the year and my resolutions that were:

-lose weight
I did actually lose a few pounds, a fact I found quite surprising when I visited my doctor for the first time in 2 years. Unfortunately over the next few months leading up to my next checkup I had gained 10 pounds. Sigh.

-talk to cute library girl
I did talk to her, and even though nothing came of it I am happy I did.

-spend less money
I don't quite know where I stand on this. I like to think I did spend less money from last year, last year I bought my Xbox 360, bass, and Wii. I would say a slight improvement, even though I have very little in the way of money right now.

-procrastinate less
I think I maintained the same level of procrastination that I am famous for among my friends.

-finish super hero side project
Nothing came of this. I don't even think I've added any new names or opened it up since March. I have been thinking about it and adding new characters though, just haven't written them down.

-practice my bass more
My poor bass. Not only did I not practice with it at all, it moved down to the cold, cold basement with me. Right now I have my Central hoodie draped over it to try and keep it warm, fearing cold damage.

-improve my grades
I may not be at the highest plateau that I want to be grade wise, but I did in fact improve my grades. The past two semesters I got above a 3.0, didn't have a single D, didn't drop a class, and only got on C (fuck you Speech).

-get a better job
I did get a better job, though I was first fired from my old one. Olde Towne Florist was a blast to work at. I had the best time driving around Michigan, giving people flowers, and listening to public radio. Given the choice between giving people sandwiches and giving them flowers, flowers would win hands down. Didn't do much in the way of making friends with my co-workers though, seeing as how they are about 20 years older then I am.

-get more sleep
I would like to saw I did get more sleep this year, but I really don't know. I usually go to bed before 2:30 AM these days, and sleep longer.

-make some new friends
I have made some new friends. Unfortunately they were mostly class friends instead of hang out friends.

-read Audacity of Hope
Gave up on this. When I have a pile graphic novels or manga sitting next to it I would rather read those.

So, those were updates from last years New Years resolutions. Overall I think I did well. Any way, how was the 2008 for me? Overall it was so-so. There were really shitty parts and some pretty cool parts, they sort of even each other out. The bad would be getting fired from my first job, the ticket that gave me three points, getting my games stolen, and, this is for everyone, the bad economy and the car companies failing. The good parts where getting an awesome new job, all of the cool movies that came out this year, getting a degree, and Obama getting elected.

Well, here's to 2009! Time for some resolutions:

-lose weight
Again, more trying to get in shape/living a healthy lifestyle.

-start a band/make a CD over the summer
For what ever reason I have started thinking that I need to start a band. I don't know if this is a good or bad idea, but we'll see by the end of summer. If anyone wants to join in I would be happy to have them.

-get a job
Once again I am jobless, at least until February or May, and seeing as how I am at a lose for money I really need a job. Don't care where, as long as they give me good hours and good pay. Okay, maybe I have a little more reservations about working, but they're pretty obvious stuff.

-work towards financial independence/moving out
I'm getting a little tired of living with my mom. It's nothing big, just little things that are getting me down. I want to star saving up money to move out of here and in with someone else, probably my cousin Andrew. As of now there is no way I'll be able to move out, so this year I'll try and save as much money as I can, looking forward to the day when I can finally move out. Also, crying baby, getting tired of that.

-try and start a relationship/get a "special someone"
Most of my friends have a boyfriend or girlfriend, and I have to say I'm a little jealous they way they talk about them. Why don't I have one already? Well, there are a list of reasons, most if not all being on me, but one is that I have put zero effort into getting a significant other, so this year I pledge to try.

-continue boosting my grades
Make my grades higher then a 3.0 and keep them there. Also, work my way towards a 4.0.

-get more sleep
Pretty simple get to bed earlier. Going to try for 1:30 AM each night at the most.

-procrastinate less
Try to get projects and assignments done before the day they are due. I really need to work on that. Last semester I finished a speech an hour before I had to preset it. Oddly enough, I did way better on that one then the one I had stashed away for a few classes.

2009, so full of hope. What am I looking forward to? Well:
-Watchmen: Awesome movie adaptation of the award winning book
-Coraline: Movie adaptation of the childrens book by Neil Gaiman. In glorious Nightmare Before Christmas claymation no less
-New Scrubs (which starts tomorrow!!!)
-Conan moving to 11:30
-Getting my room back (hopefully)
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