Title: The Terrible Sock Catastrophe Author: Tha Wrecka (scorpionightmare@yahoo.com) Rating: PG Summary: Little Sirius is overwhelming. Little Remus freaks out. Distribution: Just ask.
TITLE: Mutually Assured Destruction SUMMARY: There are three people in this relationship and one of them is dead. RATING: PG-13, Wes/Illyria WARNINGS: Spoilers to The Girl In Question.
Title: The Cold Between Author: Tha Wrecka ( scorpionightmare@yahoo.com) Rating: PG-13, I think Notes: Buffy/Giles, for Greensilver. Horribly late, because I had a great deal of difficulty writing this pairing. Probably not what you were hoping for.
Title: Wide-Eyed Narcissus Rating: R, girl kissing, sexual themes, possibly necrophilia Summary: Fred buzzes on obliviously and, even dead, Lilah is still persuasive. Notes: For the Fredficathon, for maybedarkpink who wanted Fred/Lilah angst with Lilah dressing up as Fred. Hope I delivered.
Title: Waiting For Alice Author: Tha Wrecka (scorpionightmare@yahoo.com) Rating:PG-13 Pairing: Darla/Spike for voleuseSummary: He is not afraid. She is not bothered. It is not real
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