OOC ||| Relationships

Jan 02, 2010 12:48

Please comment to be added, even if they've only had one short conversation. Thank you! Ah, and any castmates, I'm happy to talk out bilateral relations as well, if my headcanon doesn't match up with yours.


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The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; "Pom" → is_an_island
"No, no, I insist on giving proper presents. I'll knit you something for... July and all those winter months."
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Australia really, really loves England. He has ever since he met him. When he was a kid he assumed that when the James Cook expedition left that England would never come back, just like the Netherlands, Portugal and France, and was shocked when, in fact, he did. Even if it was only a desperate attempt to replace America. Ever since then he adored and idolised England more than anyone else, turning a blind eye to England's many faults and crimes. He even tried to copy being a tsundere and it stuck half way. Being so far away from the center of the empire, he quickly got some attention seeking issues, doing his best to attract any attention- good or bad- from England, while still trying to not get into enough trouble to make England not want him anymore. He had a slight inferiority complex, constantly assuming that England was comparing him to the other colonies and certain other countries that weren't colonies anymore, and spent his time both running around trying to prove he didn't care even if England was doing that and also running around trying to beat them all at a competition that was mostly in his own mind.

Eventually Australia started to get over this obsession as he grew up and started to feel more responsible for himself and his neighbours. He still loved England, but decided that the best way to show that was by growing up and being strong and independent and then England would have to be proud of him, right?! With the World Wars he grew more disillusioned with England, however, and started to get sick of only fighting wars that really had nothing to do with him. By today, Australia has grown up a lot and though he still loves England and can't quite shake that automatic loyalty and deference to him, he's aware of his responsibilities as a major power in the South Pacific and Asia and generally thinks more highly of himself on his own terms. This means he feels more free to openly argue with England and disobey him, and also just be an equal to him. Because of this, he doesn't quite like England telling him what to do and worrying over him in Mayfield, since he feels like he's being talked down to and it feels like a real step back from where he is today. But, at the same time, being worried over by England is nice since it proves he cares.

The Principality of Wy; "Princess" → wybrows
"No way! That's a really dumb song, Oz. Not cool at all."
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WIP: Daughter and stuff. Doesn't like Banjor Paterson though, where did he go wrong?

Canada; "Snowy"→ mr_blandy_bland
"Anyway, you were a girl up until a little while ago..."
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Okay, so, Australia's feelings for Canada are more complicated than you might expect. No, seriously. He likes Canada a lot, and even looks up to him a little, when he remembers too. When Australia was younger, they didn't get on very well. Wikipedia describes everything before WW1 as a "reluctant relationship".  They argued over trade, mostly, with Australia looking down on Canada because of America (who he didn't like so much back then) and Canada mostly just getting frustrated with how immature Australia was, by the looks of things. However, they worked together a lot in WW1 and WW2, as well as in Korea, which helped them bond a bit. They had an on and off again friendship, before they eventually formed a council to oversee the relationship and make sure they stayed friends. Australia is fairly tsundere for Canada, liking him a lot on a personal level but also liking to make fun of him whenever the chance arrives. That said, he considers him a brother and a mate and that's all there is to it.

Vanille; "Vani"→ runawayfocus
"Sure! I love animals, haha!"
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Australia likes Vanille, he thinks she's a sweet girl. He's guessed that she's been through a lot, but he doesn't feel like it's his place to ask her about it. He also thinks she's pretty strong, emotionally, even though he gets the vibe that she wouldn't agree with that assessment. Besides this, he doesn't really know all that much about her because he's not the type to ask questions and he's a tad dumb when it comes to that kind of thing, but he's not all that worried about finding anything else out about her since he considers that her business and doesn't particularly care. He's put her on the "mates" list and will try to help her with anything whenever he gets the chance to, and she's also one of the people here he particularly wants to keep safe.

The Netherlands; "Hozza" → nederregion
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Australia's really fond of the Netherlands, both as a friend and as a distant uncle/big brother figure thing. The Netherlands is the first other nation he can remember meeting, and after God knows how long on his own in the middle of the desert, that alone was enough to make him love the guy forever. There's been arguments whether or not the Netherlands really was the one to discover Australia- Portugal and even China have made claims too- but he's the first person Australia himself remembers. He gave him his first name and everything. They're also good friends! In modern times, they work together on lots of issues (climate change and international terrorism just to start) and have a lot of social security agreements for their people working in each other's houses. He's the kind of guy that Australia's pretty comfortable going to for advice and just to hang out with.

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; "Hong" → scentofbauhinia
"And you should start staying out of the sun more now. You know, crows' feet."
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Hong Kong and Australia aren't super close but they were British colonies for a while together and Australia thinks he's a pretty cool kid. He's a nice West friendly entrance to China, trendy, and doesn't get worked up over much. Australia does think of Hong Kong as a kid, despite the fact that if you count years spent as a colony, he's not that much older than him (by country standards).

Vietnam; "Vettie" → lotuslife
"I want it known that I don't fully support this Capitalist venture. I'm only here for her."
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In modern day, Australia and Vietnam are on pretty good terms politically and he works together with ASEAN a lot. They might not be that tight, but Australia considers her a "mate". He still feels a bit guilty about his part in the Vietnam War- however small his part was and whatever his intentions were- and would do his best to help Vietnam whenever anything came up that he could help with. He likes her on a personal level, because she's this tough chick type that he tends to admire. She's not exactly a country that's in his "neighbourhood" but in Mayfield she's one of the closest nations he has to that, so he feels a kinship with her over that, however aware of it Vietnam might be. There's also the fact that he doesn't consider her a threat at all, even though he respects her, so he's comfortable letting his guard down around her. (No one else can tell when Australia's guard is up or down.) In short, she's a mate and he likes her.

The Republic of Cuba; "Q"→ commie_island
"My boss is smart. I'm sure he pulled us through."
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Australia likes Cuba, kinda. They're not super close but they mostly get along pretty well and have mostly compatible personalities, so he's happy to hang out with him. Australia also tries to defend Cuba on occasion, and has voted for ending the embargo on him several times in the past, to no avail. They also have quite a few mutual friends. Trade between them is pretty minimal, only AUS$10 million per year, I think, but that's more to do with the state of Cuba's economy and the fact that he doesn't take credit than anything personal, from what I can tell. They've worked together on Pacific issues, and Australia tries to help Cuba out when he can on various things. In short, he's someone Australia's happy to call a mate, even if they're not bff.

The United States of America; "Seppo"→ redscareandblue
"No, America, remember?"
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Vince Noir; "Vin"→ numanstan
"What if they send us all back and the universe just implodes 'cause some person knows 'bout mobiles before trains're invented?"
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WIP: Somehow, they keep having somewhat deep conversations, by their standards.

Conrad Achenleck; "Fruit Bat"→ wimpyvampire
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WIP: They see me trollin'. They hatin'. To be fair, Conrad bit him and sucked his blood once.

Romana Italia→ tomatatas
"You know there are easier ways to kill a man, than with a cricket bat."
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Wog-babe! That is her name. Australia likes Romana, he likes tough chicks that yell at him and hit him. Dangerous critters, yes. Plus, she cooks! He thinks he lucked out on the wife thing, finally. The whole "other world where everyone is a chick" thing kind of weirds him out when he thinks about it too much, though. He's trying to avoid giving into his morbid curiosity and asking for details. Sometimes her abrasive attitude does tick him off, and he gets irritated. Mostly he just wants to mess with her though.

New Zealand→ notmiddleearth
"sheepshagger sheepshagger sheepshagger"
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The most important country in the world. His sister and his best mate, Australia loves New Zealand like nobody else. He trusts her completely and adores her. Obviously, he acts accordingly. With intense, brutal tsun like the world has never seen.

henry lawson dork, !ooc

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