Title: Fairy Tales
Character/Pairing: Rose/Ten
Rating: All Ages
Summary: There are some things she just can't believe in anymore.
Disclaimer: Sadly, Doctor Who belongs to the BBC and not me.
Author's Notes: Part of the
Life, Whatever That Means series
The package had arrived that morning. Rose didn’t recognize the name in the return address but the card inside revealed it to be a baby gift from one of her father’s employees.
She carefully unwrapped the paper and found a beautifully bound fairy tale collection. She flipped through the pages, reminiscing about the times long past when her own mother had read these same tales to her. Stories of princesses and princes living in worlds where good always triumphed over evil and love conquered all obstacles. These were worlds where true love meant happily ever after.
She set the book on her desk and pulled out her stationary set. The thank-you note was quickly written and sealed into an envelope. She picked up the book, tucked it under her arm and went to post the note. She dropped the note in the post and the book in the bin. She knew firsthand that happily ever after was a fairy tale itself and Rose Tyler didn’t believe in fairy tales anymore.