
Dec 16, 2008 09:14

Goodbye, first semester of college. I will not miss you in the slightest.

*fist pump*

Took my final final exam (lolz) at 7:30 this morning, and now I can relax. I'm a bit annoyed because I studied SO hard for that test and I still feel like I did only "okay"--stupid professor and her stupid random questions. Ah well. At least I'm done with geog ( Read more... )

yay, brrr, finals, real life, meme

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Comments 4

siriuslyjames December 16 2008, 16:52:03 UTC
Ugh college bookstores suck. I listed mine on Amazon and got more than I paid for on a couple.

But YAY for the semester being over!! WOO!


heartpause December 16 2008, 21:54:48 UTC
Well, from what I've heard in the past (and experienced myself) it's much more economical to sell your books on Half.com than to try & sell them back to college bookstores 'cause chances are you'll make so much more money online! :)


d_wndy December 16 2008, 22:01:10 UTC
YAYYYYYYYY for being done

yea.. selling back to school always sucks.. but i hate the hassle of trying to sell back to other kids.. unless i know one of my friends is taking the class and needs the books


amethyststeam December 17 2008, 01:43:22 UTC
Glad your finals are over! Good luck with your final semester grades. ♥


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