
Dec 16, 2008 09:14

Goodbye, first semester of college. I will not miss you in the slightest.

*fist pump*

Took my final final exam (lolz) at 7:30 this morning, and now I can relax. I'm a bit annoyed because I studied SO hard for that test and I still feel like I did only "okay"--stupid professor and her stupid random questions. Ah well. At least I'm done with geog forever.

My theatre test yesterday went swimmingly, and I've finished my creative writing portfolio, which I'll be handing in tomorrow. *contented sigh*

Also, I sold my books back, which was the most ridiculous thing ever. I knew I wasn't going to make much, but they gave me TEN DOLLARS for my most expensive book,which was $85, which I bought for a class I dropped. So basically, a never been used copy of that wasn't worth even half of what I paid because they're not going to sell the book anymore. They wouldn't even take my stupid geog text book. All in all, I made $115 when I originally payed around $500. *sigh* Oh well. I heard one girl saying they only gave her $19 for about six books and she paid about the same I did, so I really should not be complaining lol. This is the way this stupid system works.

OH! I guess I should do the happy meme.

1. I got to sleep in today! That was lovely. Seriously. And now I am talking to Lena, and talking to Lena always makes my day lol. I miss her so much.
2. Okay, I got to sleep in again, lol. Anddd...umm....Corin bought me french onion soup! 
3. (yesterday) Aced my theatre test, painted my nails, got a handmade bracelet, and watched Nicole knit my scarf! I'm so happy. It's green and soft and my roomie made it for me because she's just learning to knit. It's almost done, so I'll have it when I go home for break!! 
4. DONE WITH THE SEMESTER!!! I'm planning to go shopping with Blake for Christmas presents later, and just generally enjoy my time off. Also, I got iced coffee and a croissant for breakfast!! AND IT'S SEVEN DEGREES TODAY! \o/

Lol, that last part is actually legitimate happiness. Temperatures have been subzero for a few days now - yesterday morning when I left for my theatre final, it was -9, and the most it warmed up to all day was 1 degree before creeping back down to -2. It's been pretty miserable, so I'm relieved that it looks like it's warming up. Like, if it got to twenty today, as it is supposed to, that would be freaking amazing. Frigid air+VCD=not good.

Hahaha, well, I'm going to go be lazy and read fanfiction and watch stuff on my laptop with my  headphones in since Nicole has no finals today and is still asleep. Not thinking too hard sounds pretty good right about now.

yay, brrr, finals, real life, meme

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