like I need more TV shows in my life, right?

Jun 03, 2010 16:27

As most of you know, I'm a huge TV buff. I'm finding myself at a loss since most of my shows have gone on summer hiatus, and have decided it's time to turn to my, "I've Been Meaning To Watch..." list. I'm still working through Bones, but I'd like to mix it up a little: after all, while the show is great, you can only watch so many episodes about ( Read more... )

tv is love, ayudame!, f-list luff

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Comments 35

leiaweasley June 4 2010, 00:44:28 UTC

It's my favorite show right now and it has Adam Baldwin being even more awesome.


that_september June 4 2010, 01:27:34 UTC
I lovelovelove Adam Baldwin so much--he definitely is adding to my desire to watch the show. :D


jesterlady June 4 2010, 00:49:17 UTC
I love Doctor Who-I really do,

But everyone must see Lost at some point. And you-you get to watch it all the way through without having to wait agonizing summers and weeks of hiatus. And the end was so amazing-it really was. S2 was kind of eh and I didn't really like s4 as much. But the rest is crazy amazing!


that_september June 4 2010, 01:29:15 UTC
Well, I definitely trust your TV opinions! I really did like season one a lot; I just got so sad during season two when Locke's dad stole his kidney and then pushed him out of the window. :( Also, I kept getting really creeped out by the Others and the music for the title, haha. I kept watching it really late at night, so no doubt that had something to do with it.


jesterlady June 4 2010, 04:08:11 UTC
:) It's so worth it. In a Joss Whedon steal your soul kinda way but with much happier endings and resolutions.

I had a friend who got totally creeped out by the Dharma initiatives video guy and couldn't watch the show any longer. Very odd.


darkenedsakura June 4 2010, 00:55:31 UTC
When you have time for another crime drama (psh Bones...okay, I did watch it as well, but I dropped it at the beginning of season 3 because I just couldn't take the character interactions any more and ahhhh Zack the only cool one sigh, plus it's...really not my kind of crime drama, if you know what I mean), you really should check out The Mentalist. It's got only some of the best crime drama snark ever, has an underlying plot and very dark moments amidst the hilarity, and yeah. I guarantee that you will fall in love with it. (And don't believe the people who call it a ripoff of Psych, 'cause it's completely different. And better. Far more badass, cough hack.)

Otherwise, lemme know how LOST goes - I watched it back in the day, and then uh, stopped. No surprise there. 8D


that_september June 4 2010, 01:31:39 UTC
Hahaha, you would think Zack is the only cool one on Bones. ♥

Out of curiosity, what character reactions bothered you? For example, Hodgins is my favorite, and I like him and Angela. I also like Booth and Brennan. I just started season three, so I'm interested to hear what pissed you off.

Ooh, yes, The Mentalist. My mom loves this show, and I like the main actor a lot. Thanks for jogging my memory, because I actually have been meaning to watch it.

And ahaha, I knew you watched LOST! Remember who lent me the first season? :P I think you'd already stopped watching, or were about to, when you got me to watch it.


darkenedsakura June 8 2010, 20:30:10 UTC
Hey, I like Brennan too, but...since she spends most of her time interacting with Booth and I got over their interactions long ago, yeah. ):

Hmmmmmmmm. I mean, the pairings were fine and all in the first season, and part of the second season too as well? But then it just started getting old. I mean, five or however many seasons and Bones and Booth are still as challenged as gets stale. Plus I read ahead about Hodgins and Angela and it all sounds like contrived writer shit, aka "we've gotta give them -some- kind of problem..." I dunno, Bones in general is a very different feel from most of my crime dramas. Not parody/hilarity enough to be like Castle, and too...soapy, in a way, compared to the darker/staple ones. I dunno. :\

Watch ittttttt. I'd love to see you write something for the main pairing. Well, there's nothing really canon, so to say, but...there's ship tease like whoa. They've gotta mean something by the end. If they don't die or anything, anyway ( ... )


mrssnape13 June 4 2010, 01:35:38 UTC


Sorry, I'm just really enthusiastic about that show! It's pretty new to me too, but this new season is a decent place to start, I think. The Doctor is adorable with an edge, and his new friend Amy is awesomely Scottish with a hilarious attitude! :)

I'd also recommend Community, if you haven't tried that yet. Although that's on summer hiatus, NBC is showing repeats all summer long.


that_september June 4 2010, 01:39:14 UTC
Consensus so far seems to be Doctor Who and starting with the new season! That and Chuck, lol.

I loveeee Community. Actually, I should probably watch the episodes I've missed, because for awhile there, I was just watching it sporadically. Honestly though, it's such a great show. Out of curiosity, do you ship Jeff/Annie? I've noticed a lot of S/Pers seem to like the Jeff/Annie pairing.


mrssnape13 June 4 2010, 02:07:30 UTC
I LOVE Jeff/Annie! :) I feel like they play off of each other so well, and they make each other grow as human beings, which is lovely. That's actually what got me into S/P as well, though Season 3 seemed to back track in the personal growth department. I have hope though.

How about you? Are you Jeff/Annie, Jeff/Britta, Troy/Abed, etc?

I feel the same way about the show. It never fails to make me happy, every single week. :)


that_september June 4 2010, 16:20:31 UTC
I agree so much with you about S/P! What I really love about them is their friendship, how they help each other grow. This is the first true non-canon ship I've ever had, but to me, it just makes so much more sense than Leonard/Penny. Of course, the person who got me into BBT is a hardcore S/Per, so I might have gone in with a slight bias, but honestly, I love their chemistry ( ... )


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that_september June 4 2010, 01:51:31 UTC
Yeah, I've been wary about Who from the first time I tried to watch it and lost interest. I'm definitely going to try out the new series, though.

And most everyone seems to keep insisting I watch Chuck, so it's a definite. I really really love Adam Baldwin, so anytime I get to see him on screen is a plus. :D


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