like I need more TV shows in my life, right?

Jun 03, 2010 16:27

As most of you know, I'm a huge TV buff. I'm finding myself at a loss since most of my shows have gone on summer hiatus, and have decided it's time to turn to my, "I've Been Meaning To Watch..." list. I'm still working through Bones, but I'd like to mix it up a little: after all, while the show is great, you can only watch so many episodes about murders and skeletons in a row before you start getting paranoid.

So! I turn to you, the almighty, wise, and benevolent f-list! What show(s) should I start (or try again, as the case may be)?

Poll What you should watch!I've tried out Doctor Who (never got very far), have seen random episodes of Parks & Rec, a few Chuck episodes, and heard good things about Six Feet Under, Private Practice, and Nurse Jackie. I watched the first season of LOST, got a few episodes into the second season, and then was too creeped out to continue. I know I'm forgetting another show, too.

I'd love to have shows rec'd to me, as well as what you think of some of the ones I've listed here. For example, LOST. Is it worth it? My mom swears it is and that I must see it the entire way through, but I'm wary.

Thank you in advance! :D 

tv is love, ayudame!, f-list luff

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