in which there is a poll and I ramble about my Cuban identity crisis

Apr 10, 2010 23:04

So, I've been having some thoughts lately on race and ethnicity, and I was curious to hear back from all of you.

Poll Race and ethnicity!
My own ramblings on discovering my ethnicity. )

deep thoughts, whoa ethnic!, crazy cubans, race and identity, real life, poll time

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Comments 3

kelzies April 11 2010, 22:57:16 UTC
It doesn't matter to me where a person is from/their heratige. Who they are as a person is what counts. Should be for everyone in this day and age.
Despite what you might hear about Australia in the news, except for the odd few we really aren't a racist country. Of course we have the odd racially related incident but it's not as bad as the media makes out. They tend to see one thing and stick to it. Since we're all from various countries/races I think we're fairly tolerant.

I'm like you in a way! I'm part Italian but you wouldn't know it. I'm more like the Irish/English side - pale skin. All I got from the Italian side is the love of their food LOL.


nocturnes April 12 2010, 00:55:43 UTC
I'm ethnically entirely Western European (3/8 Dutch, 3/8 German, 1/8 English, 1/16 Scottish and 1/16 Swedish -- I'm not really sure how applicable any of this is) so I never feel like I have any place in any discussion about ethnicity ( ... )


enna_xor April 12 2010, 01:41:12 UTC
Interesting topic! When people ask what I am, I say I'm half Mexican and half white. My dad was born in Mexico, and moved to the US when he was just a few years old. I don't know the exact breakdowns on my mom's side, but I know I'm part British, Scottish, Dutch, Native American... and a few others ( ... )


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