Fic: Nine Notes Later, Part One

Jun 21, 2009 17:28

Title: Nine Notes Later
Rating: PG-13.
Characters/Pairings: R/Hr, H/G, mentions of Malfoy, Dean Thomas, Lavender Brown, McGonagall, Sprout, Snape. Het with plenty of gen thrown in.
Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling would probably kill me for this one. :P 
Author's Note: This is one of my personal favorites. I've had so much fun playing in this universe and writing this. It's not done by a long shot, but I believe it could stand alone where it is. I fully intend to continue writing - I've been adding sporadically for two years, so why not? 
Summary: Girls, advice columns, death wishes, and more when the boys pass notes in class and Hermione butts in (continually).

The Key:

Text like this is Ron.

Text like this is Harry.

Text like this is Hermione.





I’m starting to think this Lavender thing was a stupid idea.

What, caught on, have you?

Er, maybe. A bit.

And did you realize this before or after she sent you a necklace that spells out “My Sweetheart,” christened you Won-Won, and read her Ode to The Redhead of My Heart aloud in the common room?

...don’t rub it in, eh?

Right, sorry. So, was there a point to this? Because you know, passing notes in Snape’s class is a bit, uh, SUCIDIAL for lack of better term.

Well, how long can he drone on about the structure of the Anti-Anti-Jinx and expect us to pay attention? This is completely dull.

You think you can copy off of Hermione’s notes, don’t you?

Uh...well, you know, we ARE friends again, ever since the poisoning thing. I’m sure she won’t mind.

Mate, you are utterly predictable. I do hope you realize this-she’s going to be expecting it.

I-look, Harry…

Once AGAIN, is there a point? Because while I admit this lesson is getting boring, I’m not looking forward to a round of detentions. I have enough to deal with, what with Malfoy and Slughorn. So spit it out, ok?

Bloody-ugh, fine. Look, how do you chuck someone?


Y’know…chuck someone.

Are you actually coming to me for advice on how to get rid of a girlfriend?


Knowing, I assume, that I have no experience to be of any use?

Look, Harry, who ELSE am I going to ask about this?

Well, how about Hermione?

That’s just weird. I can’t ask a girl’s advice on dumping a girl! Besides, I dunno if you’ve noticed, but my…er…relationship with Lavender is a bit of a sore subject.

Ron, I don’t think a single person within the United Kingdom doesn’t know that it’s a “bit of a sore subject.”

Oi! What is it with you today, smartarse? You’re almost as bad as Malfoy.

...Ok, that was low.

Blimey, I’m sorry. Didn’t think about how that’d sound. What I meant is you’re ALMOST as bad as Malfoy, but not, you know, a possible Death Eater, smarmy, Slytherin, foul, evil git.

Gee, I feel lots better.

Harry! Ron! What do you suppose you’re doing?

Passing notes, what does it look like? Don’t pretend this lecture of Old Batty the Greaseball’s isn’t boring the hell out of you.

It seems to me if you have enough energy to invest in writing back and forth to each other, you should be able to write down what Snape is saying as well.

Hey, don’t look at me. He started it.

Well, Ron, suppose I don’t let you copy my notes again? What then?

You’ll just have to have my failing marks on your conscience, won’t you?

Hermione, Ron is asking me for advice on love.

Oh, is he? Do tell.

Harry! You prat, I told you I can’t talk to her about this-

No, really Ron, I’m interested. I expect you’re finishing up your poem, aren’t you?

Poem? What poem?

Oh, but Ron, Lavender’s little performance last night was adorable. I’m sure you’re writing a masterpiece in response entitled, “Purple Was Never My Favorite Color, But Then I Met You,” or something along those lines. Need a rhyme for hoity tart?

Merlin, Hermione, that’s a bit-er-harsh, don’t you think?

Yeah! I’ll have you know that’s my girlfriend you’re banging on about!

I happened to read the notes above, Ronald, and it seems that just moments ago you were begging Harry for advice on-what was the delightful terminology you used? “Chucking a girl?”

Eh, why do you act like I’m trying to write poems, then?

Let’s focus on the fact that Snape is-

Listen, Ron, if you’re going to dump her, just do it. You’re only leading her and yourself on.

Don’t tell me what to do, Hermione.

I’m not telling; I’m suggesting-Harry, would you stop kicking me, please? That really is a distasteful habit.

Look, if you’re so smart…then how should I…er, break it to her?

As soon as possible. Tonight, I’d say.




Can you believe that git? Detention tonight, when I could be chucking Lavender? That is so unfair.

You DO have a death wish-McGonagall is just as bad as Snape! Pay attention, for my sake if not yours!

Oh, please-this stuff is just as boring as Snape’s useless waffle. When am I ever going to need to transfigure a marble into a bed?

Suppose you’re stuck in the middle of nowhere, you’re about to keel over from exhaustion, and all you have is a wand and a marble. I expect you’d find it helpful THEN.

What is it with you and butting in on my notes?

What is it with YOU and slacking off in class?

What is it with the both of you and getting into arguments in any and all situations?

Shut up, Harry.

Yeah, what she said!

…How would it be if I accidentally on purpose told McGonagall that you two were distracting me?


Oh, no, I can’t concentrate on the Theory of the Melding Spell! Oh, no, I’m going to have to report this-two prefects, setting a bad example for an ickle student…it’s just unacceptable!

You watch it, Potter.


All right, all right. Ron, don’t stab Harry’s eye out with that quill; set it down. Pay attention. He’s right, we are a bad example.

Neither of you are any fun anymore.



Hey, Ron, about Lavender.

Oh, I’m so sorry Harry, I can’t pass notes with you. I’m concentrating on Flitwick’s lecture, you see. Wouldn’t do for me, as a prefect, to set a bad example.

All right, all right, I’m sorry. Look, I’ve had an idea about getting rid of her.

All is forgiven! What is it? What should I do?

Well, there is always actually telling her, “I care about you, but I think we’d be better off as friends. Our relationship has meant a great deal to me, but I’m afraid it’s best if we end it now before anyone gets hurt.”

You’ve been drinking Fire Whiskey again, haven’t you? You know how loopy it makes you-

You prat, I haven’t been drinking anything! Listen, if you tell her that all sincerely, she’ll probably let you off easy. Girls love that kind of stuff.

How would YOU know? You admitted yourself that you have no experience!

It was in the advice column in The Daily Prophet, I just found itHere, let me show you-I think you’ll find it absolutely FASCINATING…

Dear Auntie Andromeda,

My girl is really clingy and annoying, and I really want to chuck her before she gets too attached, but I dunno how to tell a girl I don’t love her. She’s been doing loads of mad stuff-sending terrible necklaces for Christmas, talking to my best mate about whether we’re a “serious” couple…

And the worst bit is, I really fancy this other girl (she’s one of my good friend, or-er-WAS, but now she’s annoyed with me since I’m going out with the girl I don’t like and…well, it’s very complicated at any rate), and I dunno how to tell HER how I feel either.

I’m rubbish with women! Please help me!

--Roonil Wazlib

(6th Year, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry)

Dearest Roonil,

Oh, you poor darling, you’re at that age, aren’t you? Don’t worry, love, once your hormones settle down, it’ll get better.

But, in the meantime, Auntie Andromeda wouldn’t want to leave you high and dry! Listen: as for this girl you wish to be rid of, simply tell her, “I care about you, but I think we’d be better off as friends. Our relationship has meant a great deal to me, but I’m afraid it’s best if we end it now before anyone gets hurt.”

Girls are very sensitive as I’m sure you’re aware of, especially in their school years; do be kind to her!

As for the girl you fancy…well, it sounds as if she might fancy you back, dearie! Let her cool off a bit, then let her know just how you feel.

It’s very admirable that you wrote to seek advice! It’s not too often I get letters from young gentlemen such as yourself, though I’ve no idea why. Best of luck, my boy. I’m sure the young lady you used to make the girl you fancy jealous will recover quickly.

Love from,

Auntie Andromeda

…oh, you have GOT to be joking me.

I know! How strange that ANOTHER sixth year at Hogwarts is in your very situation! You know, we really ought to spend more time with other people. It sounds like you and this Roonil Wazlib bloke would get on quite well.

Your contrived stupidity is not appreciated.

Where did YOU learn a word like CONTRIVED?

Hermione used it on me a few months back, and then told me to look it up. So, I did, and it means stop playing stupid when we both know that you know I wrote to Auntie Andromeda.

Hahahahaha, I didn’t expect you to actually admit it! HA! HA! “It’s not too often I get letters from young gentlemen such as yourself, though I’ve no idea why!” HA!

You shut up! I checked the paper every day for three solid months, and they never printed it until NOW? The nerve of some people!

“I’m rubbish with women! Please help me!” Hahahahahaha.

Hey, did I laugh at you when Malfoy broke your nose?

Urgh, are you always going to hold that over my head?

Of course. Then I can use it in situations EXACTLY like this one.

Ok, ok, you win. AGAIN.

Well, anyways, I don’t think Lavender will appreciate the Auntie Andromeda approach, you know? She’s sort of…touchy. I have a feeling that’ll just piss her off.

Well, I did get another idea, once I read the paper.

Which would be?

Let Lavender catch you and Hermione.

…Come again?

Oh, Ron, stop being contrived.

You’re a sodding prat, you know that?

I’ll take that as a compliment. Now, do you want me to clarify my great idea, or are you just going to sit there and insult me all day?


So, make a move on Hermione…you know, kiss her, or something! I’ll even help you! I’ll tell Lavender that you want her or something and she can walk into the broom cupboard or wherever you two end up and spot you and then you don’t have to dump her at all! She’ll be the one chucking you!

You’re telling me to snog Hermione. In a broom cupboard. And use that to my advantage to dump Lavender?


I’m really starting to worry about you, mate. You’re getting more like Malfoy every day!

WHAT? How is that suggestion Malfoy-ish?!

Uh, that’s veeery Slytherin! Aren’t that lot all about using others to get what they want?

Yes, but it’s not veeery Slytherin because it’s not as if you’d be using Hermione. You actually fancy her, don’t you?

…And, erm, what would give you that idea?

Uh, well, for one, the last three times she’s kissed your cheek, you stay distracted for hours and actually appear to spend time being introspective.

That’s ridiculous!

You bought her perfume for Christmas last year.

So? She’s a girl! Girls like perfume!

You agreed to go on a date with her before the whole Lavender Incident.

It wasn’t a date; we’ve been through this!

You banged on about Krum through four, fifth, and this year, NOT TO MENTION the fact that as soon as you found out she MIGHT have kissed him, you were all over Lavender and refusing to speak to her.

We’re friends, and she didn’t tell me something as important as that! I don’t like secrets!

Yeah, but I’m her friend too, and you don’t see me turning into a moody, sulking, angsty, prat with the temper of a Blast Ended Skrewt.

Obviously, since you went through that lovely phase LAST year. Sorry, Harry, we don’t all mature quite as quick as you.

I’m not even going to dignify that remark with a comment.

Hah. See, you’re running out of so-called “evidence.” You lose. Again.

Like hell I do. There’s tons more “evidence” I could use to my advantage, but I think this is most effective: “And the worst bit is, I really fancy this other girl (she’s one of my good friend, or-er-WAS, but now she’s annoyed with me since I’m going out with the girl I don’t like and…well, it’s very complicated at any rate), and I dunno how to tell HER how I feel either.” Explain away THAT, Roonil.

Who says I wrote that letter?


Oh. Right.

You. Are. Hopeless.

Ugh, Harry, what am I going to do?

What are you going to do about what?

AGH!! Why do you always-hey, stop reading over my shoulder!

Erm, Hermione, you really, really don’t want to see this. It’s all about…er…you know. Bloke stuff. Not anything you’d want to see.

What’s this about Blast Ended Skrewts…? And why are you two talking about me? What’s this s-



That was inspired, Ron. Very quick thinking.

Ugh, lucky Flitwick let me off with just detention. You think he bought the whole “accidentally setting the entire table on fire” thing, don’t you?

He didn’t seem very surprised.

No. That was the sad part.

Aw, cheer up. At least Hermione didn’t find out your dirty little secret.

Yeah, about Hermione. I’m thinking it’s a good idea if we-

Ron, I can’t understand what that little Incendio charm of yours was about last class! Honestly, if you don’t want me to read what you and Harry are writing, just say so!

I give up.

Part Two.

harry potter fic, h/g, r/hr

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