For impossibleflirt

Mar 09, 2010 14:28

To say that the Doctor had one hell of a day was a bit of an understatement, first, he didn't know what really had brought him to this planet, the TARDIS had gone all awry again and decided to give him a little surprise trip. Second, he apparently offended the locals Queen with a wave of his fingers, and thirdly, he had to be taken in to be ( Read more... )

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Comments 13

impossibleflirt March 9 2010, 20:47:18 UTC
It had been a long few months since Jack left Earth, he actually lost track of how long it had been; he didn’t want to remember. Ever since he left, he’s been hopping from planet to planet, bar to bar, hardly ever a sober a night without some random lover. He wanted to forget who he was and where he came from. When someone asked him, he’d make up some far fetched story. No one out here needed to know the truth and he sure as hell wasn’t going to tell anyone the truth ( ... )


th_doctor March 9 2010, 21:30:25 UTC
Grumbling low under his breath at the drunken teenagers, which were probably not even legal yet, though he couldn't be sure, not on this planet anyway. The Doctor visibly jumped when he heard his name almost being shouted, and he quirked a brow before he looked up, an obvious surprised expression washing over as he stared up at Jack.

"Jack?" he blinked. Shaking his head, he dusted off his hand on his trousers and reached up, taking the offered hand and pulled himself up. "Not exactly on Earth, now are we?" he smirked a little.

Looking down at himself, he dusted off the rest of his clothes, "Actually, the TARDIS brought me here, just this morning. Not sure why, had a real rough day," he pursed his lips, looking the other over. "Nevermind me, what are you doing here?" the Doctor found it a little odd, he would have thought that Jack would still be back on Earth.

"Wait-no, how are you here? I thought I disabled your little... space hopper,"


impossibleflirt March 9 2010, 22:09:21 UTC
The moment the Doctor started to question him, was the moment Jack wished that he never ran into him. There were so many other planets he could have gone to, but no, it just had to be this one "Gotta get right to the questions.” Jack rolled his eyes. "No hey Jack, how are you or I’ve missed you." Jack just looked at the Doctor for a moment, as if he was trying to figure out what to say next. "So the TARDIS brought you here?" Yes, Jack was trying to avoid the Doctor's questions; he really wasn't ready to answer them, yet along face up to the truth.

"Why was it so rough, I mean, besides being knocked to the ground by a bunch of drunk kids," Jack couldn't help but let a small laugh escape.

Jack looked down at his watch then back up to the Doctor. "Let's just say," Jack grinned, "I've got my ways, Doctor."


th_doctor March 9 2010, 22:38:28 UTC
The Doctor could feel the others obvious tension, and of course it made him think. He frowned, maybe it was worse than he thought, but he wouldn't pry, at least not yet anyway, Jack was right, "It's good to see you," he gave him a smile.

"Welll," he sighed, reaching up and scratching at his temple, "Being locked up in a cell for 12 hours straight doesn't exactly call for a good day," he shrugged a shoulder, "I've been in worse situations though, but being poked and prodded by guards definitely isn't fun," he wrinkled his nose, well, at least he didn't have to strip this time, though he did have to give up his coat - which had his sonic in it, or he wouldn't have had to stay locked up for that long.

He rose an eyebrow at Jack before he glanced down at his wrist strap - he'd let it slide this time.


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