Oct 24, 2012 10:10

This post is closed to new requests! Head over to Pt. 6!


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REQ: G1, Prowl/Jazz, Smokescreen, gambling, loosing bets, slaves, guilt anonymous May 28 2014, 15:54:02 UTC
This is the reason why Prowl hates gambling ( ... )


Re: REQ: G1, Prowl/Jazz, Smokescreen, gambling, loosing bets, slaves, guilt okkkkay May 28 2014, 19:28:11 UTC
SECONDED!!!! In all-caps YES PLEASE!


Re: REQ: G1, Prowl/Jazz, Smokescreen, gambling, loosing bets, slaves, guilt anonymous May 28 2014, 20:23:21 UTC
I hate when people post things that catch my interest while I'm working on other projects...

Count me in as thirding this like whoa with the possibility of filling.


Re: REQ: G1, Prowl/Jazz, Smokescreen, gambling, loosing bets, slaves, guilt anonymous May 28 2014, 20:29:05 UTC
*drools* Count this as a fourth, especially if the filler has Jazz having nightmares from his being abused...


Re: REQ: G1, Prowl/Jazz, Smokescreen, gambling, loosing bets, slaves, guilt anonymous May 29 2014, 12:58:59 UTC
*laughs* Yes! All sorts of slag happen :D And Prowl has to watch it all, knowing it's HIS fault that Jazz is having those nightmares, suffering like this! *purr*


Re: REQ: G1, Prowl/Jazz, Smokescreen, gambling, loosing bets, slaves, guilt anonymous May 29 2014, 16:37:28 UTC
And now I'm so imagining Jazz being tossed around the house and sometimes given as a reward to the good servants for them to do whatever they please to him that night... *shivers* *drools* Yes, yes, yes, someone please fill this (or drabble if you already have a request to fill)!


Re: REQ: G1, Prowl/Jazz, Smokescreen, gambling, loosing bets, slaves, guilt anonymous May 29 2014, 17:39:40 UTC
... Jazz as a reward? You just triggered an idea :D What if really that is a way to 'reward' good and exceptional servants? Prowl is usually 'perfect' in anything he does, including being a servant, but perhaps this time he strives not only to be perfect, but THE best servant, so that by giving him Jazz as a reward that way he can at least protect Jazz? :D


Re: REQ: G1, Prowl/Jazz, Smokescreen, gambling, loosing bets, slaves, guilt anonymous May 29 2014, 19:33:33 UTC
A thousand times YES! And if being the best servant means doing less than moral things to earn Jazz, Prowl is by all means willing to do anything. If that includes interfacing with the head of the house he's serving in (while Jazz, bound and gagged, watches), so be it as long as Jazz is given to him. After all, Prowl's also got to prove his worth in the berth to be worthy of having Jazz, right? ^_^

And because slaves of the house know they have tracking chips implanted in them, when Prowl suggests running away if Jazz's masters won't sell Jazz, Jazz denies the idea for reasons mentioned previously. Also, slave coding forced into slaves that don't behave right away? Not sure if Jazz would behave or not.


Re: REQ: G1, Prowl/Jazz, Smokescreen, gambling, loosing bets, slaves, guilt anonymous May 29 2014, 19:54:52 UTC
Sure, that sounds hot, but I think we're getting strayed from the prompt here. The main thing is the guilt that both Prowl and Smokey feel, and Jazz's suffering is just making them feel even worse. The thing that really should be shown here is how Prowl is attempting to fix this, to try and make to collateral damage minimal. So yeah, the slave part is important, but not the leading role the fic should center about, cuz then it's a whole new prompt XD But go ahead anon, write! I would love to see what you'll make of this prompt ^^


Re: REQ: G1, Prowl/Jazz, Smokescreen, gambling, loosing bets, slaves, guilt anonymous May 29 2014, 20:00:23 UTC
Sorry, my mind gets ahead of me most of the time. *sheepish grin* Thanks to you, I might drabble in this! :D (Or I might ask a friend if she'd like to write with me... but don't get your hopes up too much.)


Re: REQ: G1, Prowl/Jazz, Smokescreen, gambling, loosing bets, slaves, guilt anonymous May 29 2014, 20:27:27 UTC
(New voice)

You could always work that into the idea. Prowl justifies everything he does as necessary to protect Jazz but Jazz is creeped out by how different Prowl seems now which could lead to more guilt?


Re: REQ: G1, Prowl/Jazz, Smokescreen, gambling, loosing bets, slaves, guilt anonymous May 29 2014, 20:46:34 UTC
Yes yes yes, oh that is a wonderful idea! I love it, the more guilt, the better! <3


Re: REQ: G1, Prowl/Jazz, Smokescreen, gambling, loosing bets, slaves, guilt anonymous May 29 2014, 20:53:55 UTC
I'm seeing Jazz staying in Prowl's quarters after being gifted, and since Jazz might seem somewhat scared of him, Prowl sleeps on the floor while he has Jazz stay on the berth. After a while longer, Jazz starts getting nightmares in recharge, the effects of which keeps Prowl awake and miserable at night...


Re: REQ: G1, Prowl/Jazz, Smokescreen, gambling, loosing bets, slaves, guilt anonymous May 29 2014, 21:45:07 UTC
I find this very interesting because Prowl and Jazz were "engaged" to each other (which in a way is why Jazz is in that situation). Why would Jazz be scared from Prowl? Pissed and angry and hurt - yes - which is reason enough for Prowl to sleep on the floor. XD And oh yes, the nightmares is such a wonderful touch to all of this.
Hmmm, but when I think about it, you are right in a way; Jazz can be scared of Prowl after being gifted to him after a period of time in the House has passed. Like, in the beginning Jazz is pissed and angry, but as the abuse continues it slowly makes him scared from Prowl? Can you just picture the guilt in Prowl if that were to happen? His lively, energetic and positive Jazz scared of the mech he was supposed to happily bond? And they were happy before... Smokescreen better hurry with the cash. :D


Re: REQ: G1, Prowl/Jazz, Smokescreen, gambling, loosing bets, slaves, guilt anonymous May 29 2014, 22:41:53 UTC
Exactly my point, though not stated clearly~ All y'all may be getting some sporadic drabbles soon... ^_^


Re: REQ: G1, Prowl/Jazz, Smokescreen, gambling, loosing bets, slaves, guilt anonymous June 7 2014, 19:45:26 UTC
Eager anon is eager! Drabbles! <3 Where?! Where?! Oh anon, please post soon!


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