IDW Perceptor
The location was found quickly enough, Perceptor thankful that he had taken the time to map out the areas surrounding the labs and other locations. Several more times he had tried to get through to Kup but the static was making things extremely difficult much to his dismay.
Spotting the hot springs, an area which he has visited a couple times prior during his explorations, the scientist was quick to pinpoint the fallen debris that was most likely where a cave entrance had once been and with a quick motion to his counterpart he made a beeline for said area.
"Kup! Sir!" he called out as he reached the mass of rocks, his head tilting down he listened briefly, scanners running like crazy before he started to pull rocks out of the way, completely focused on the task at hand.
Hopefully things hadn't gotten too bad in the time it took them to reach the location.
(ooc: Alright, so, based on events both
here and
here, Drift and IDW Perceptor are now on their way to find Kup who, along with being trapped, is out of suppressant as well. Feel free to jump on board if you'd like, should your character be in the area or whatnot. C:)