Catastrophes and Building Projects

Apr 19, 2010 21:31

G1 Perceptor

ooc: the following location has been apped and approved. Thread is open to all at this time.

Perhaps it had been inevitable that the three Perceptors that had arrived thus far would be drawn to each other. Science is a demanding mistress, after all, and she also requires... certain implements.

Like a Laboratory, for starters.

Which is where at least one of the three Perceptors is, working on the mostly completed construction, when the earthquake hits, shaking the walls and rattling the glass of the greenhouse/aviary ominously. He stumbles as the ground heaves under his feet, managing to plant one foot smack into a bucket he had been using to hold the cleansing solution he'd been using on the freshly welded support joints. Cleanser sloshes everywhere, and Perceptor is forced to cling to the wall for support as he watches the newly installed glass with trepidation--

Until, with a loud, painful clang, everything goes dark.

Anyone who happens to wander in or be nearby will now be treated to the sight of a certain Perceptor sitting sprawled on the floor in the middle of a puddle of cleanser and spilled primer paint. One foot is crammed into the cleanser bucket... and the paint?

Well, it came from the bucket now stuck over his head like a helmet. The rest of the primer is splashed liberally over his shoulders and chest, and some very choice, unscientific words are burbling forth from under the impromptu helmet.

ooc: yes, there will be more response pertaining to the lost TFs and the rest of the actual catastrophe, but that will all come in the replies, so that folks have an opportunity to come on in and point and laugh. Or help. If they want. If someone -does- actually help de-bucket G1 Perceptor, and other characters want to post in and point and laugh, or whatever, just assume that your pup arrived in time to see the fun stuff before he was assisted. Mods, concensus between the three Perceptors (kinda like the Three Amigos, only nerdier) is to tag the new lab as "nerdlab". Thank you!

g1 perceptor, prompt: catastrophe

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