Title: Three is not Five Type: One-shot Genre: Angst Pairings: OT5, implied yunjae, implied homin Summary: Months have passed after the 'temporary' split, and DBSK will never be, again.
:(( honestly, I was having mixed reactions with JYJ's concert. I love them so much but alas, three is not five so the whole time I was reading fan accounts, I kept thinking about HoMin.
I really hope they don't regret it because I think they all deserve something greater than what they have now. And hopefully, ten years down the road, they'll be five again whether on stage or not.
oh god i love u T-T the HoMin scene really got to me.. my friends and some people i know been talking so much about JaeChunSu since their concert that it drive me crazy..and worst was that they started to say some mean stuf about HoMin and how they are being selfish..
i guess my friends are just a bit blind and didn't think that Yunho & Changmin are probabbly suffering too T3T
About the HoMin scene..do you know how much i feel like that ahhhh glad to know i'm not the only one.. i sometimes find myself regreting falling in love with dbsk in the 1st place but everytime that thought cross through my head i feel really disgusted with myself.. it's scary, i never really love a group as much as i love dbsk and just the thought that it may just end make me bitter and sad.. can i be selfish to say that i want to see them as 5 and not 3 or 1 T-T
Comments 8
that was heartbreaking
but really good
bambi slippers made me smile :D
thank you for reading :D glad you liked it!
thanks anw :D
I really hope they don't regret it because I think they all deserve something greater than what they have now. And hopefully, ten years down the road, they'll be five again whether on stage or not.
wonderfully written :) almost had me sobbing.
Yeah till right now i still don't feel the same way towards JYJ or any of them individually as i did to DBSK. :/
Thanks babe. :)
the HoMin scene really got to me.. my friends and some people i know been talking so much about JaeChunSu since their concert that it drive me crazy..and worst was that they started to say some mean stuf about HoMin and how they are being selfish..
i guess my friends are just a bit blind and didn't think that Yunho & Changmin are probabbly suffering too T3T
About the HoMin scene..do you know how much i feel like that ahhhh glad to know i'm not the only one.. i sometimes find myself regreting falling in love with dbsk in the 1st place but everytime that thought cross through my head i feel really disgusted with myself.. it's scary, i never really love a group as much as i love dbsk and just the thought that it may just end make me bitter and sad.. can i be selfish to say that i want to see them as 5 and not 3 or 1 T-T
anyway great insight.. luv your story <3
Don't worry, keep the faith, we can only hope!
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