News from the front

Dec 30, 2002 10:02

It's been awhile. I got off of work the Friday before Christmas, and I haven't been back since. I liked that. This coming back thing sucks.

I didn't really do anything major for Christmas, though. Didn't really go anywhere. My sister came in on that Friday and the whole family stayed in town for the week. Saturday night, my godfather had a cocktail party thing, and on Sunday night another set of family friends had another party. On Monday, my best friend and her fiancee took me to a Rockets game, and on Tuesday, some friends had yet another party. Wednesday, we had Christmas dinner at my parents house with my godfather and his family, and Thursday, I think, we just sort of recovered a bit. Friday, my mom made gumbo, and Saturday we had leftovers.

My family thinks in terms of meals...:)

It was a really great week, though. No one fought, no one bickered, no one felt at the end that they'd been too familyed out. I really enjoyed myself.

Presents were good. Digital camera, a sweater, a George Foreman grill, some books. My washer/dryer has been ordered from the factory, and it will get here on Friday. I'll try to install it myself, and then I'm gonna repaint some of my kitchen.

Work now sucks.

family, holiday, home improvement

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