THE WAY WE ARE (ch 38b / 44)

Jan 28, 2007 15:39

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Comments 78

Need more Orli/Michael anonymous February 13 2007, 05:03:42 UTC
Tessa, Tessa.... where are you? and what's happening with Orli and Michael? I know you are in a tough place in this story but don't leave the boys and all of us, your faithful readers waiting too long.
I keep checking every day for an update...but nothing. It makes me soooo sad. Just in case, it isn't clear I am trying to guilt you into posting soon.
Your writing is really amazing, great characters, rich detail, a real sense of the depth of emotions being experienced. I can't believe this is your first story.
Please write more soon.


Re: Need more Orli/Michael tessa111 February 13 2007, 08:51:33 UTC
I keep checking every day for an update...but nothing. It makes me soooo sad. Just in case, it isn't clear I am trying to guilt you into posting soon.

LOL. Well it's sort of working because I do feel pretty guilty! I know how annoying it is to wait for an update, and admit I am not always the most regular poster. I know I have left the story in a tough place - which I also really want to move on from... It's not that I have lost motivation - it's just that real life is a bit tough and annoying at the moment. The nerve... does RL not understand that I would much rather focus on my lovely boys! I promise I will make time and hope to update soon (but not until the weekend for sure as it would need to go to my lovely beta once I have finished it.)

Thanks for the lovely words; it's very encouraging to get a little clap on the back :)


autumnverse February 16 2007, 14:40:01 UTC
I can't believe I am actually all caught up *is strangely proud of self*

But Tessa, honey, as utterly brilliant as this story is, it is tearing me apart! *CRIES* Whyyyyy? Just get together already, eat cookies and be happy *sniffles*

*huggles genius you*


tessa111 February 16 2007, 19:17:52 UTC
YAY. Welcome to the end (so far) You made it, you're here *opens wine and throws confetti*

You're right, it's not the happiest of stories at the moment. I wish they would eat cookies; they're both getting so skinny from all the heart ache but what can I do - I can't force feed them. Guess it's best I just concentrate on an update.


autumnverse February 16 2007, 20:42:12 UTC





encelade2 February 17 2007, 19:28:45 UTC
I'm usually not interested in 'OC',for me the one and only who has a right to touch Orlando is Viggo.Period.
But,it was a rainy day,I was lazy,and looking around on Mirrormere,by chance,I started to read your story.
OMG,I nearly killed my eyes,never wanted to stop!
How did you manage to make me love Michael so much??I can't believe it!
Everything could be so true,the situation is real,the characters are intoxicating,and just now my heart is broken.Sob!
Do something,quick.
If you are good(come closer,I whisper a secret)I'll vote for you at the Awards. ;)

PS make the next chapters as long as they need,a good story deserves its own pace.


tessa111 February 18 2007, 10:06:31 UTC
Oh my, thanks for such a lovely comment. It is great to hear even a hard-core Viggo supporter can find a soft spot for Michael.

Sorry about the eyes :p

And for the whispered secret.... thank you very much. I'm so surprised to be nominated and am glad to hear it will be voted for :) It puts on the pressure though and now I worry terribly that I will mess up and disappoint everyone *bites nails* Hopefully it will be okay.


maddyer February 28 2007, 03:58:08 UTC
Hi Tessa,
I am still checking every day for an update... its so sad wondering and worrying how the boys are doing. I am off to vote for you at the slashyoscars while I wait for more Michael and Orlando. BTW I don't usually like OC, Vigorli is my drug but you hooked me thoroughly with this story.


maddyer February 28 2007, 07:08:16 UTC
Hi there,

I feel terribly ashamed with the long wait; I have been suffering from a stressful real life and an acute attack of writer's block. I am glad to say I have sort of worked my way through it and the next chapters went to my lovely beta yesterday - YAY! So it shouldn't be too long now :)

Thanks for voting for me - I'm so very flattered to be nominated (and even more so to know people are voting for it). I've been wanting to do a big Thank-You Post but found it better to wait until I post the next chapters.

Thanks for commenting and keeping me motivated :P


tessa111 February 28 2007, 08:08:30 UTC
The previous comments was from me - clearly! Since changing to Firefox I've been having problems with LJ posting so I wasn't automatically locked in. Sorry


weotolkien April 20 2007, 10:19:26 UTC
This will be a bonus comment, I guess, since I didn't leave specific feedback for this chapter in my other one :)

It's funny how a simple blue toothbrush can grow to have such meaning and be so dear to my heart. *sigh*

Such wonderful writing, though it was a very heart-breaking chapter to read. There just wasn't an easy solution here, which is so very realistic that it hurts all the more.


tessa111 April 22 2007, 05:41:10 UTC
Bonus comments are always welcome.

No, there wasn't an easy solution :( Poor Michael though *pets him* and poor Orlando as well I guess.

I can't believe you've almost made it to the end Again and I still haven't managed to post an update. I am just so incredibly stuck *whimpers* I only have 4 chapters to go and I can't do them. I think there is some sort of psychological blockade - as if I'm afraid to mess up so close to the finishing line that it's better to just not write it at all! I know that's not the way to go of course and I really have to move on. I just seriously worry that I will mess up Orlando's character in particular - and the ending. Crap.

Okay... *pulls self together and opens word document*


weotolkien April 30 2007, 06:49:39 UTC
I have no idea what it's like to write a story, let alone struggle through getting the ending just right. But I really don't think you have anything to worry about. It's very clear how much you care about these characters that you've so lovingly crafted. I don't think you could mess them up whichever direction you choose to go with them. Whether they go their separate ways or you leave us with a feeling of hope or if it's happily ever after, it's more about the journey to me, rather than how it ends.

You have a real gift of letting us see inside your characters and making us love them. Yes, even an OMC! *g* This is what will stick with me about your story :)

Maybe you've got the next chapter written already, but if not, take a deep breath, relax and let the guys lead you where they will. It will end up being the right place for them and us as well, I'm sure of it. *hugs*


tessa111 May 1 2007, 06:01:14 UTC
Thanks for your reassuring words. And you're right, it was more about the journey... but I still want the ending to be acceptable. I'm still not sure exactly what it will be!

And no, I haven't finished the next chapter already so I'm taking your advice, taking a deep breath and just letting the guys lead me now :)


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