I don't think I post about Doctor/Rose enough (at all) so...

Nov 29, 2009 23:58

...this was what brought it up, and also hazelwho mentioning this scene in our conversation and my discovering this gif in the inners of my computer

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fear her, doctor/rose squee, doctor who, season 2, ten/rose

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Comments 100

happyfew November 29 2009, 21:03:46 UTC
"Crappy plot-line"? Wut? IT WAS THE EPIC-EST OF EPICNESS. Yes. :P
GLEEE! ROOOSSSEEE! *loves* *wants more fawesome GIFS like these*


teruel_a_witch November 29 2009, 21:07:43 UTC
Well, I know it's usually considered pretty bad when it comes to the story BUT OMG TEN/ROSE-NESS TOPS EVERYTHING AND I WAS ALWAYS "PLOT?WHAT PLOT? LOOKIT TEH CUTE" ABOUT FEAR HER <3


happyfew November 29 2009, 21:14:42 UTC
Who cares? It's so pretty. And glee-ey.


teruel_a_witch November 29 2009, 21:36:58 UTC
Yup, and it has TWO HUGS in one ep which is pretty awesome in itself<3 and lots and lots of flirting and rumpled Time Lord &companion which implies certain activities ;D


rowofstars November 29 2009, 21:28:10 UTC
Fear Her doesn't need plot, though I thought it was kinda cute that a baby alien was just trying to make friends and the girl was drawing pictures to steal people. Anyways... IT HAS TEH CUTE AND THAT IS WHAT MATTERS. That and edible ball barrings.

So,flist, what scene of Who makes you just as happy as this one does me?
Here's 4 off the top of my head:

1. The hug of incredible EPICNESS at the end of Satan Pit.

2. The moment in Downing Street where Nine can't bring himself to blow the place up and possibly hurt Rose. (It's like awww he's already totally smitten!)

3. The scene in Impossible Planet where they're talking about being stuck together and LIVING TOGETHER.

4. At the start of New Earth where they are laying in the grass and all smiley giggly and Ten is being soooo Ten.


teruel_a_witch November 29 2009, 21:52:45 UTC

1. LOVE that hug, I just wish there were more close-ups, when it comes to TIP/TSP I choose the hug on my icon over that one, but they are ALL AWESOME AND LOVE. MORE TEN/ROSE HUGS ARE NEEDED.

2. That is a very major squee for me (HOW EPIC IS THAT LINE),too, along with "Just tell me you are sorry. - I am, I am SO sorry"*HUG* and "I think you need a Doctor"*KISS* these three are my favourite Nine/Rose moments EVAR <3

3. Yeah, also, when she turns her head away Ten gives her such a longing looks, hehe.

4. Aww, yeah, New Eath is my second favourite after Fear Her squee-wise :D This conversation and all the flirting = <3333 Swooning moment and than "Hello" is BEST THINGS EVER <33


rowofstars November 29 2009, 22:27:41 UTC
1. They are all epic in their own way, but I just adored the way he ran over there and scooped her up. It's like what should have happened in Stolen Earth (IF RTD WASN'T AN ANGST RIDDEN BASTARD). No, no I'm not bitter.

2. *Guh* All 3 of those are just such great moments. I love how cheesy the "I think you need a Doctor" line was. Nine can be such a goofball when he wants to be.

3. I know exactly the look you mean. It just shows how much he really does want carpets and doors and a life with Rose.

4. Oh man. That dazed look on his face after the kiss and the squeaky voice? *squishes Ten* Totally dorkable.

This thread is making me smile so much. :D Though I need to be writing angst, I may have to skip ahead to the squishy make up part.


momentmusical November 29 2009, 22:51:39 UTC
I just adored the way he ran over there and scooped her up. It's like what should have happened in Stolen Earth
THAT HUG WAS LIKE, THE MOST EPIC HUG OF ALL DOCTOR/ROSE HUGS. I feel severely short-changed by the fact that RTD cost us one that might've topped that one D:<.

I love how cheesy the "I think you need a Doctor" line was
Hee! I love cheesy!Nine, especially when he follows it up with such an amazing kiss ♥.


mrs_roy November 29 2009, 22:08:46 UTC

Edible ball bearings, Love them! Long live 10/Rose Love!


teruel_a_witch November 29 2009, 22:12:48 UTC
YES, all hail Ten/Rose the Magnificent <33333


momentmusical November 29 2009, 22:18:24 UTC
THAT SCEEEENE. Though it wasn't the best of episodes, the amount of Doctor/Rose shippy-ness was more than enough to make up for it ♥. Honestly, it seemed like everything they did they tried to make into an excuse for a hug. "Rose was attacked by a scribble! Oh noes! Must hug!" XDDD

Aaah, there are so many scenes, so I'll just list a few;

i. Basically ALL of The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit.
ii. Tooth and Claw, with all that flirting
iii. When he freaks out upon seeing a faceless Rose during The Idiot's Lantern. "Know her? I..." ASLDKFJA;ASD *explodes*
iv. The running scene in The Stolen Earth never fails to make me disintegrate into tears.


rowofstars November 29 2009, 22:30:16 UTC
ii. Tooth and Claw, with all that flirting
OH YES. The little touches and whispers and smiles like they have these little inside jokes.


teruel_a_witch November 29 2009, 22:38:11 UTC
They so have <3 also, he asks her "Was that rude again?", like she is his measure, it's SO couply, AWWW :DDD


momentmusical November 29 2009, 22:39:29 UTC
OH YES. The little touches and whispers and smiles like they have these little inside jokes.
HEE! They were so blatantly all over each other, you'd almost want to tell them to get a room if they weren't so cute XD.


carly21 November 29 2009, 22:22:24 UTC
I can't see the pic :(

So,flist, what scene of Who makes you just as happy as this one does me?

Now, how fitting is this? I was just making shippy wallpapers! :o

I love all Doctor/Rose moments, so I don't really got a hierarchy... but my favourite hug was TSP one at the end. Their bodies fit so snuggly together and the sound Rose makes... (a bit like 'DUUUUH!' XDD)!

Then the kiss in 'New Earth' (*ignores that it's Cassandra!Rose*) because she runs her hands through his hair so much and his GUH!-look after it! XD

Favourite Nine/Rose moment is probably in the Doctor Dances when he is jealous of Jack (captain envy ;))... and in PotW the kiss of course and how gently he lays her down.

But what I love about 'Fear her' the most was the post-pen-creature-attacks-hug! It was so unnecessary which shows that they take every excuse to touch! :o
Oh! And their interaction in general! So cute! :)

...and "I think you need a Doctor"*KISS* I'm using that line in one of the wallpapers! XD ( ... )


carly21 November 29 2009, 22:22:55 UTC
Ah, now I see it! :)


rowofstars November 29 2009, 22:34:50 UTC
Then the kiss in 'New Earth' (*ignores that it's Cassandra!Rose*) because she runs her hands through his hair so much and his GUH!-look after it! XD

HAIR RUFFLING!! :D Second only to epic hugs.


teruel_a_witch November 29 2009, 22:45:06 UTC
Now, how fitting is this? I was just making shippy wallpapers!
Great minds work in unison ;D

I love all Doctor/Rose moments, so I don't really got a hierarchy...
Me,too, it's just this one is special for me for reasons I mentioned <3

Their bodies fit so snuggly together and the sound Rose makes... (a bit like 'DUUUUH!' XDD
Hee, yeah, they both make adorable sounds <33

Then the kiss in 'New Earth' (*ignores that it's Cassandra!Rose*) because she runs her hands through his hair so much and his GUH!-look after it! XD

Yup, definitely, HAIR-RUFFLING and his squeeky voice and dazed look after the kiss *snickers*

how gently he lays her down.
Oh, yes, that one makes me gooey always <33

But what I love about 'Fear her' the most was the post-pen-creature-attacks-hug! It was so unnecessary which shows that they take every excuse to touch! :o

Yup, pretty awesome, second hug just for free <33

You know, when he said it I was all like "Wut?! That's like the cheesiest line evah!"... and then I spent hours squealing over it! XDDDYou know, at ( ... )


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