
May 12, 2011 00:02

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Comments 15

sunsetscreamer May 11 2011, 22:30:36 UTC
Well in Turkmenistan they say "sex etmek" borrowing the word from the Russian. Aka to do sex. Whereas the actual word in Turkmen is "siklamak" aka "to penis"


terrorgore May 11 2011, 22:52:30 UTC
whoa! gonna try really, really hard to use that in a conversation somewhere.

also d'you know what "etmek" means exactly? i thought in russian they just say "sex", like so many other languages seem to have taken from english too...
[oh right i see "etmek" means "do", right?]

in german i don't know of anything between super formal "geschlechtsverkehr" ("sexual intercourse" or something) & stuff like "nageln" (to nail). folks just say "sex" too.


sunsetscreamer May 11 2011, 22:59:57 UTC
yah etmek means "to do". The Turkmen borrow the russian words and use turkmen verb tenses.

I guess the way the words sound reflects how the people of that culture like to do it!

I can't understand the Turks but they can understand me. And yah I would love to know how the Turks and the Turkmen describe sex between, say, two chicks in their languages.


sunsetscreamer May 11 2011, 23:01:22 UTC
You can also insult someone by telling them to "go get laid"

its "Bar sikdur"


deathandthegirl May 11 2011, 22:34:22 UTC
Fucked if I know. :) Sorry, it was irresistible!


terrorgore May 11 2011, 22:52:46 UTC
aha, you win some internets!


zebrallama May 14 2011, 08:34:52 UTC


iheartoothecae May 12 2011, 00:23:58 UTC
In my native tongue, we call it gittin' bizzy (southern US).


zebrallama May 13 2011, 06:16:53 UTC
Sounds very implausible to me (textbook or no textbook), unless they mean that in some languages the old native words have been replaced by borrowings ... and why would that be a big deal? As Borges said, "all language is a system of quotations".


terrorgore May 13 2011, 11:03:11 UTC
very fair point, & judging by some of the comments on this post "sex" really just seems to have rubbed out a lot of older words across the board.


zebrallama May 14 2011, 08:36:43 UTC
Whoa, you get a lot of comments in that group! I guess linguists are loquacious.


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