Unlikely Allies: Chapter Seven, "Indecent Acts"

Nov 16, 2010 15:56

Summary: Severus blackmails an old acquaintance and follows up on an earlier lead.

Have you ever committed any indecent acts with women ( Read more... )

harry potter fanfic, horace, phineas, severus, unlikely allies

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Comments 60

yay;) ericoides November 17 2010, 01:39:34 UTC
On the theory that authors like readers who tell them they like stuff, I'm just writing to say how pleased I am to see a new chunk of this. Sorry I haven't anything more substantive to write.


Re: yay;) terri_testing November 17 2010, 06:43:10 UTC
Thanks! This particular chapter was almost impossible for me to write--it would not exist without, mmm, help. Glad you liked it.


mary_j_59 November 17 2010, 02:32:07 UTC
Oh - wow! Like you, I can't quite see why Horace was so terrified to have the conversation about Horcruces revealed. And Sev's pretty mean to him, isn't he? But I can see why - Severus is, in a way, blaming Horace for not protecting him, and, from what I can see, Horace actually is to blame for that. He didn't protect and guide his Slytherin students and didn't warn them about Tom. That is Horace's real guilt.

So - Snape's pretty nasty here, but it makes sense. I like the developing relationship between him and Phineas Nigellus; the old headmaster is starting to respect this boy, isn't he? And I LOVE the way the horcrux tries to defend itself from him when he destroys it. Yes, I definitely think Dumbledore tried to recall Ariana. Had he not done so, I don't think the ring would have injured him.


Protecting, and not terri_testing November 17 2010, 07:50:26 UTC
I'd been working on this part of the story for over a year, and blocked ( ... )


ioanna_ioannina November 18 2010, 10:55:32 UTC
I can subscribe every word, Mary.
I love, love, love this chapter, Terri!!!
"Not of your brewing." :-))
I don´t have enough words to describe my feelings, sorry...
Oh, if you will need anything Latin, just ask me, I majored in Latin and Ancient Greek and I´m teaching it...


Thanks for comments terri_testing November 18 2010, 18:28:32 UTC
Glad you liked it--it was a long time brewing!

Yeah, I enjoyed that line!

So how about my Latin in this one? Are my incantations and spell names okay? Thanks for your offer....


condwiramurs November 17 2010, 03:52:58 UTC
I second all of mary's comments. Wish I could add more but my brain is currently dead, so I'll just say well done terri! And poor Sev.


Poor Sev.... terri_testing November 17 2010, 07:52:50 UTC
As to "poor Sev," when he finally recovers from the emotional shock enough to come up with a theory about WTF really happened, it'll get worse....


oryx_leucoryx November 17 2010, 07:44:30 UTC
That was a complicated birth, but you did it ( ... )


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Joining terri_testing November 17 2010, 12:56:21 UTC
ONe of my very favorite of Alice Walker's books is Meridian....

And one of the scenes I remember best is when the tirle character is ostracized from her radical/revolutionary group because she doesn't correctly answer the question: Are you willing to kill for the revolution? Die for it, yeah sure, no problem....

Hey, if Slughorn only realized what kind of tactics that Voldemort was willing to resort to when the DE's started sending up the Dark Mark, I don't think we can blame Severus too severely ( ... )


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Ollivander terri_testing November 17 2010, 12:34:49 UTC
Actually Ollivander's motivations are much more of a hole in "Too Much There" than in canon. Canon!Ollivander clearly greatly admires power; when the two most powerful wizards in his world, Riddle and Dumbles, BOTH make it plain they want a certain identity obscured, why would he want to cheese them both off by being disobliging?

I can only say, on my TMT Ollivander's part, that Harry and Severus muast have favorably impressed him--and he must have seen how much a Harry-partisan my Severus already was. To offer the information gratis like that....


Re: Ollivander oryx_leucoryx November 17 2010, 17:21:09 UTC
I think your Ollivander is in line with the Ollivander of DH who is ashamed of setting Tom on the path to the Elder Wand (even though under extreme duress). Like Horace, he is a fence-sitter, for reasons of his own (why lose clientelle?). But at times he recognizes that he caused harm and seeks to mend that, though not through direct action or anything bold.

Of course Ollivander shouldn't feel guilt over selling a wand to an 11 year-old, but remaining silent over Tom's identity - for that yes.

(BTW both Tom and canon!Harry showed up unaccompanied in Ollivander's shop.)


Re: Ollivander terri_testing November 17 2010, 20:04:39 UTC
Actually, originally Harry showed up with Hagrid. But no one in their right mind would pass a confidence to Hagrid ( ... )


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