Title: Catch, Finicky, Honey
Character/Pairing: Alicia Washington/Nathaniel Taylor
Word Count: 149, 208, and 186 respectively.
Genre: General, some romance
Rating: G
Warning: None!
Spoiler alert: Season finale spoilers
Summary: Three filled prompts from the Friday One Word Challenge post,
Catch by
Finicky and Honey by
sky_kissAuthors Note: No beta, since they're so short. I have a feeling these are totally not what the prompters had in mind, but I'm sick and on cough medication so my brain is a bit odder than normal. Hope you enjoy!! PS- Loving this one word challenge thing.
Catch :: Mercsilla
She'd been alternating between teasing him and nagging at him the entire week he had the flu. When he was sitting somewhere, looking not busy, she enjoyed mocking his sniffles and complaints. When he tried to avoid her and get things done out of his office, she yelled at him until he finally caved and went back to this desk. He didn't have the energy to put up too much a fight, and she knew it.
He'd been symptom free for almost 24 hours and was gloating at his desk during a morning debriefing when Wash let out a very loud, very unladylike sneeze. The look on her face when she realized she'd caught his flu was priceless, and he couldn't help but laugh. The look on Shannon's face when Wash threw her plex at her Commanding Officer and stormed out of the meeting without permission was even better.
Finicky :: Sky_kiss
He thought it was a game. When he first started staying over at her place, he'd leave his toiletries bag on the sink vanity, in easy reach for when he got up in the morning. Every morning however, it would be off the vanity, and tucked away in the small cabinet behind the mirror. Which was impressive because it was full to the brim with tiny bottles and hair paraphernalia.
“Hey, Wash, why do you keep hiding my bag?” He'd finally asked, about to brush his teeth after digging his bag out of her surprisingly cluttered cabinet.
“I don't want anything on the vanity.” She shrugged and kept making the bed. “I don't like seeing clutter.”
“Have you seen your cabinet?” To make his point, he opened the door and two small bottles fell into the sink with a clatter.
“It's hidden from view, it's different. And keep leaving your bag on the vanity and I'll start putting it in more creative places.” Her tone held no humor as she shoved everything back into the cabinet and shut the door firmly. He smirked at her as something clunked against the door, and she just narrowed her eyes at him before leaving the room.
Honey :: Sky_kiss
“We need a bee keeper.” Wash blurted out as they carefully lowered a new sheet of glass onto his desk frame.
“Yeah, I'll get right on that.” Taylor gave her an odd look as he adjusted the clamps to keep the glass in place. “Can't believe those bastards broke my desk.”
“Seriously, we need a bee keeper.” Placing her hands all over the new glass, Wash grinned as he pulled out a rag and started to wipe up all her hand prints. “I miss having honey in my tea. There's plenty of bees. Therefore, there must be honey somewhere. We just need someone to go get it.”
“I don't even know what all would be required to set up a bee colony, or if these bees even make edible honey.” Grabbing her wrists to keep her from adding more hand prints to his desk, he sighed at the expectant look on her face. The face he hadn't expected to see again when they retook the colony. “Fine, I'll talk to Malcolm and ask him about getting you some bee vomit.”