First chapter is a "satisfyingly vague" chapter, as I described it to my friend. It's also not a real chapter, but a prologue.
On the Start of a Whole New Journey
Chapter 000 ~ Gone in the Blink of an Eye
Green was everywhere, surrounding him. The only break in color was the white shapes moving hither and thither, scurrying like ants at some job - though he had no idea what.
Someone was talking to him. He looked towards the voice. Another tall white pillar, but this one was identifiable by slight differences. White draped over the figure and spilled towards the ground but never reached it. Light blanketed over the dark red, almost black in the shadows of poor lighting, against a background forest of green monochrome. Only the base of the figure reflected anything - shiny leather that must have been meticulously polished free of dirt and dust daily.
Words were spilling from the figure’s mouth only to never reach his ears. The hard-lined cavern opened and shut soundlessly. His attention drifted, and that was when he saw something moving in the corner of his vision, right behind the mosaic of white and red and black that was mouthing something to him.
He cocked his head to look behind the white curtain, much as though he were playing hide-and-seek.
Before him was a pair of large clear eyes.
Eyes that reflected the green, the shadows, himself.
And then the silence transformed from a muffled dullness to a deafening blare and the world closed in upon itself without a moment’s notice.