#NaBloPoMo Day 3: 'Professional Blog' (ahahahahahahaha)

Dec 03, 2010 08:54

Alrighty tighties, since I know you're just dying to hear about it (all two of you), today is my scheduled' Professional Blog' day. Next week I'll talk about all the progress I didn't make on the works that are listed below. These happy, shiny, glowing little manuscripts are novels in progress that will one day grace the bookshelves of everyone in ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

Wow ext_344504 December 3 2010, 14:14:32 UTC
You have a lot ow WIP. Makes me think I need to try a little harder to get myu butt in gear and start writing.


terias_mcklay December 3 2010, 14:16:52 UTC
Coming from the NaNo word queen that's saying something. :P I need more hours in the day to get all this done.


You Thought 1lucky2 December 4 2010, 01:30:45 UTC
I am all set to read and interact with you!!


terias_mcklay December 4 2010, 04:55:18 UTC
Woot! Should be fun.


chercheur91 December 4 2010, 13:47:24 UTC
You have a heck of a lot of stuff. :)Can't wait to read some of it.

By the looks of it, there are at least 3 of us who are interested. :P


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