#NaBloPoMo Day 3: 'Professional Blog' (ahahahahahahaha)

Dec 03, 2010 08:54

Alrighty tighties, since I know you're just dying to hear about it (all two of you), today is my scheduled' Professional Blog' day. Next week I'll talk about all the progress I didn't make on the works that are listed below. These happy, shiny, glowing little manuscripts are novels in progress that will one day grace the bookshelves of everyone in the world (or at least my Mom's shelf). These do not include fanfic.

NaNoWriMo Novels:
2007~ Guardian: The Surrender. Complete. Final Edits Complete. 100K words. To Be Published at PD Publishing Fall 2011 
2008~ Guardian: Family Ties. Direct sequel to Surrender. Made it to 3rd edits before I decided to do a major plot retcon which now requires extensive editing. It'll make the series stronger (It will, I swear! *rocks in a corner*). 80K. Goal is to submit by March 1.
2009~ Untitled Vampire/Werewolf  This is not your little sister's Twilight fanfic. No one bloody sparkles. 1st draft complete. Unedited. 50K
2010~Gaurdian: Untitled. Direct sequel to Family Ties. 1st draft complete. Unedited. 50K

Random Novels (ie. not started during NaNo)
Indiana Jane: Russian Roulette. Complete. Final editing includes some nitpicky fact checking and dialogue check. 110K (A little long but I've pared down dialogue and description. At this point it would mean turfing scenes to cut down further). Goal is to submit by January 1.
Untitled Fantasy Novel. I'm still waffling as to how complete it is. When I first started writing, it was going to be fairly simple. Apparently it wanted to mutate itself into an epic that may now take two books to complete. If I decide to finish it in one book, it's the better part of 3/4 done. Otherwise, I'd say we're close to the halfway mark.

Shadow Hunter Chronicles (SHC)
My first series of novels from when I was just a baby writer. They all need a good, solid overhaul (I've learned a lot in the last ten years) but I think the main premises are still workable:

SHC: Book One: My very first novel which started out as a fanfic. I eventually got bored of playing in someone else's sandbox and re-tooled it to be an original. It's waaaayyyy too long at 150K. Knocking the stuffing out of the extra words as well as maturing the characters will hopefully take this from the 'Rejected' pile and put it into the 'Published' pile.
SHC: Book Two: Direct sequel. Complete. 1st edit complete. It needs a rework, for sure, but it's a pretty solid backbone.
SHC: Book Three: Initial pages started. May have to change based on the rework of book 2 but the scenes can be transplanted.
DOI: Ty's Story: A satellite novel that works in the same universe but not the same character. Crossovers do occur. Complete. Unedited.
DOI: Carmen's Story: Another satellite novel. Crossovers do occur. 1/4 done, may continue it, may not. Carmen does appear in a novella.
DOI: A Day in the Life of Zoe: Satellite novella. Complete. 1st edit. Posted online.
DOI: A Day in the Life of Zoe(2): Satellite novella. Direct sequel. Complete. Unedited.
DOI: Greek Shadow Hunter (Untitled): Satellite novella. Complete. Unedited.

My hope is to publish the first three main novels (should be another 5 book arc) and then move on to the satellite novels. Eventually the novellas will be collected into an anthology but until then I may post them on my website as teasers.

As of next week, I hope to have the last edits of Jane finished off. Will report back then.

Blog over.
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