#NaBloPoMo Day 4: TeriasMcKlay.com is active

Dec 04, 2010 14:11

Saturday. 'S' stands for 'Surprise!'

I've done it, kids! I've finally taken a baby step into the professional world. I've created my own website:

www.teriasmcklay.com is officially active.

I'll be doing a pile of redesign to make it fit more to my style and the wonderful Adele MacNeill will be providing some pictures for your viewing pleasure. Eventually I'll have a number of links to click through, including original works, fanfiction and once I have prints up and running, they'll be available for purchase as well. I plan to have the site set to my specs by the end of December (egads, I'm ambitious) and from there we'll just keep on keeping on. Go over, take a peek and if you have ideas for what you like to see, let me know.

Tomorrow, stay tuned for Book Review Day. Woo.

Blog Over.

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