#NaNoWriMo ending and #NaBloPoMo beginning

Dec 02, 2010 07:33

Hokay, so, this is my brain and it is le fried. Since I know everyone is dying to see how NaNo went (insert obligatory eye roll here), the results are thusly (yes, I'm aware that's not how you use it. Leave me alone.)

Final Word Counts

50,034 words for the Guardian sequel. I'm happy with the initial draft in that, it's an initial draft. It's a solid backbone, it followed more less what I wanted it to do. I had a character who apparently wanted out of her contract (prima donna bitch) so she's being written into the Witness Protection Program. She'll come back when she realizes she doesn't have a career beyond me.

50,312 words for the Lost Girl fanfiction. This one ended up with plot holes you could drive a semi through. I think most of the relationship part was alright (which was the challenge of course) but the plot suffered for it. I'll go back and try to salvage about 35K worth of the manuscript. *fingers crossed*

And, just when I thought my brain would be allowed time to relax, apparently I have been roped into NaBloPoMo. I honestly had no idea this challenged existed until just under 12 hours ago. The goal is to write one blog post, every day, for a month. I was just working my way up to three consistent posts a week so this should be interesting. And, by interesting, I mean you may want to prep yourself for mindless rambling and/or raving.

Nah, I'm kidding it won't be that bad. Because, dun dun dun, I have an idea! Since plotting NaNo went so well (snarkity snark) I shall plot NaBloPoMo!

Monday: New fanfic. No less than 3,000 words, no more than 5,000. (If you have a favourite pairing you want for x-mas, e-mail now)
Tuesday: Guest blog avec un amis. Let me know if you're interested.
Wednesday: Posting an edited chapter of my 'Terminator:Sarah Connor Chronicles' fanfic. No less than 5K, no more than 15K. (I'll move on to the Lost Girl fanfic in January after there has been time to settle a wee bit.)
Thursday: Wednesdays are ass for working (10 hour evening shift piggybacked onto a 6 am opening), so I'm pretty tuckered on Thursday. I'll do my 'Personal' blogging ici. Expect ranting.
Friday: 'Professional' blog goes here. I'll talk about progress on my latest works.
Saturday: We're going to leave this open to spontaneity. Could be drunk blogging, could be a surprise fic. Tune in and find out!
Sunday: Posting a review of a novel I have read that week. (I have three books in queue, if you have a recommendation, send it along)

If this schedule goes well, I'll try to maintain it through the New Year. If I'm really good, I'll have blog posts set up in advance but who's kidding who here? I'm lucky if I lay out my outfit the night before and all I wear to work are t-shirts, hoodies and lycra.

blog, fanfic, nanowrimo, naboplomo

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