Furry Little Friends - Dean/Castiel

Nov 16, 2009 03:02

Title: Furry Little Friends
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Word Count: ~950
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Castiel buys Dean a present. Too bad it's a chick gift.
Author's Notes: Written for spn_30snapshots, prompt #23 from A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words table.
My thought process went like this: Hey, it looks like a table that would be in a little girl’s room. Like, tea parties with stuffed animals! Like teddy bears! Yes, this is a fluffy piece.

“What the hell is this?” Dean asks as soon as he finishes opening his gift.

Castiel’s face slowly goes from a glowing smile to a reluctant frown.

“It’s a teddy bear,” Castiel answers.

“Yeah, I can see that. Why’s it wearing a trench coat?”

Castiel worries that his present is a mistake. Build-A-Bear didn’t stock the correct trench coat or suit, but he thought Dean would be able to recognize his intentions.

“It’s supposed to be me.”

“No shit.”

“You don’t like it,” Castiel says after Dean just stares at the stuffed animal in his hands.

Dean can’t help feeling like a dick, but it’s a teddy bear. Yeah, maybe they’re sleeping together, but a freaking teddy bear?

“Cas, I like it, okay?” Dean reassures. It isn’t really a lie. The bear is kind of cute, especially with its little blue tie, but... “But, what am I supposed to do with it?”

“I thought he could provide you company when I’m not around,” Castiel says assuredly.

“Sam’s around.” Dean says in response, because there’s no way he’s going to be walking around with a stuffed animal like Linus with his blanket. “Sam will make fun of me,” Dean adds.

Castiel's a little hurt, but he tries his best not to let it show.

“I’m sorry, I will keep him,” Castiel comments, taking the bear from Dean.

“Look, Cas, thanks, but...” Dean doesn’t get a chance to finish before Castiel disappears.

“Damn it,” Dean mutters to himself.


Dean and Castiel are never alone after that. Castiel either shows up when Sam’s around or leaves when Sam leaves.

It’s pissing Dean off, especially since he knows why Castiel's doing it. It's just a stupid bear, it shouldn’t be causing problems.

Except, Dean kind of felt like a dick when he made Castiel take back the bear. He still sort of feels the same two weeks later. He wants to make it up to Castiel, except every idea he gets involves sex, which isn’t going to happen the way things are going.

Dean never did relationships well and he doesn’t know how to fix this one. Except he knows one person who can help.

“Me and Cas are sleeping together,” Dean mumbles around a mouthful of burger.

When Sam smiles and says nothing, Dean feels his stomach drop. Dean knows that look.

“You knew?”

“Dude, you’ve never been subtle.”

Dean tries to think back to what would’ve given him and Cas away. Not that it matters now.

“So what did you guys fight about?”

Dean wonders if Sam has been sneaking demon blood, because, freaky ESP powers there.

“How’d you know?”

Sam rolls his eyes. “Right, because it isn't obvious you two have been fighting."

Sam's acting like they’re having a perfectly normal conversation, and Dean's thankful for that. It makes it easier to explain the situation.

Of course, Sam laughs about the bear and makes fun of Dean’s lack of relationship skills. But by the end, he does help Dean figure out a way to make things better with Castiel.

The idea is girly and sucks, and Dean knows Sam is going to tease him forever. But if that’s what it takes to make it up to Castiel, it’s worth it.


Dean calls Castiel, telling him he wants to talk. After he promises him that Sam's there too, Castiel asks for their location.

“Uh, I got you something,” Dean says as soon as Castiel appears.

While Dean is fumbling around in his duffle bag, Castiel glances over at Sam, unsure of what is going on. Sam shrugs.

“He knows about us,” Dean says, and he shoves a teddy bear into Castiel’s stomach.

Castiel forgets Sam’s in the room when he sees what Dean bought him. He takes the bear and smiles. It’s the same bear Castiel saw in the store that reminded him of Dean. He’s even wearing a little leather jacket, jeans, and boots.

“Dean,” Castiel says in thanks.

“Yeah, yeah. Will you stay after Sam leaves?”

Castiel nods.

Dean points to the door, cueing Sam’s exit.

“Aw, I think I’d rather stay an watch you guys make up.”

“Shut it and leave.”

Sam doesn’t put up much of a fight, but he makes a kissy face at Dean as he walks by. Castiel doesn’t see it, he’s too busy looking at his teddy bear.

“You told him,” Castiel says once Sam walks out.

“Yeah. And look, Cas, I’m sorry about the bear. I was being stupid and...”

Castiel cuts Dean off with a kiss and a shove towards the bed.


Castiel is gone the next morning, but Dean doesn’t wake up alone. His Little Cas bear is lying next to him. It shouldn’t make him smile, but it does.

Too bad Sam’s there to witness it.

“Aw, how cute,” Sam says before he starts laughing.

Dean grabs his pillow and throws it squarely at Sam’s head. He's not looking forward to putting up with all of Sam's bullshit.

Except, Dean can make Sam's life miserable too. Instead of packing up Little Cas in his duffle, he holds him up to Sam, "He's riding shotgun."

Sam makes his bitch face and Dean grins.

Sam doesn't tease Dean too much after that. And despite what Sam says, Dean doesn’t sleep with his teddy bear. It sleeps next to him, on its own pillow. If Dean wakes up cuddling the bear, it’s not his fault. He was asleep when it happened.

Of course, Dean never realizes it’s Sam who moves the bear under his arm at night. The same Sam who takes pictures of him hugging the bear in his sleep. And if Castiel just happens to have those pictures on his cellphone, Dean is none the wiser.

pairing: dean/castiel, table: spn_30snapshots, rating: pg-13, series: supernatural

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