Supernatural Love Letter - 5x10

Nov 20, 2009 07:37

Dear Supernatural,

I want to thank you for last night's episode. "Abandon All Hope" was a pleasure to watch. If by pleasure one counts being heart broken to the point where I had to close my eyes because I didn't want to burst out sobbing.

This is what I have been waiting for all season. Now it feels like the show is on the fucking road. S5 started out traveling down the highway of epicness but somewhere it pulled over pretty early. For speeding I hope, and not the need for the driver to take a bathroom break.

I have been ranting and raving about how awesome you are, show. How so very awesome. I was feeling like a liar because you weren't as awesome this season. I knew the mid-season finale would be epic and renew my faith in you, but I was cautious because what if you let me down?

You didn't show, you didn't. And I am writing you this letter to let you know what I loved and what I didn't love as much.

First, we know not all crossroads demons are women. Our boys are just "lucky" that they always get to seal deals with female demons. Maybe it wasn't the gay kiss I wanted, but when Crowley appeared, I was like... oh, no, you aren't show! Are you? YOU ARE! Show, show, show. You can do the Wincestuous implications with LARPers and gay love saving the day and white men that aren't our heroes kissing... I feel like the show is building up to something. What with all those longing looks between Dean and Castiel? Are you trying to make us feel comfortable with gay love so we can just accept how unpure Castiel's intentions are towards Dean? Good job, show, good job.

On the flip side, it feels like you purposely trying to avoid showing us the delicious chemistry between Dean and Castiel. I mean what is with their lack of scenes together? Where's that loving interaction that sent a million fan girl hearts aflutter? Are you throwing general gay at us so we will forget about Dean and Castiel's epic off screen love affair? Shame on you show, shame.

Second, fans have always addressed the poor treatment of women. I'm not going to touch on that, not really. Maybe I'm a bad girl because I've grown used to the useless objectification of women and expect every female on the show to die. But at least be fair show? If you are going to show Jo looking like that then at least give us more shirtless boys. I mean, Castiel is in a freaking trench coat all the time, I think it would go along way to see him shirtless. Dean never takes off his shirt, never. Sam, well, Sam is actually given the chance to look smoking - but there are still two other super hot guys.

This goes back to the gayness you keep giving us. You can bring the gay, but you can bring the pointless shirtless scenes? Oh wait, they aren't pointless. They show us that you are an equal opportunity objectifier. I mean, we already objectify your heroes. No love on this point, sorry show.

Third, Crowley was lovely. Just lovely. He should've invited the boys to have tea. But show, did you really have to have him call them morons? Our boys may be stupidly dysfunctional, but they are still alive! That has to count for something! Haha, just kidding. I think it is kind of hilarious if all demons think the boys are stupid idiots - that's got to hurt your self esteem if you're losing to them.

Fourth, I kind of loved Sam and Dean this episode. Sam and Dean, together. I may be one of those fans that was upset that their reunion was so quick and pissed every other episode at Sam, but thank you for reminding me what the show is about. (And I'm not talking about the Wincest.)

Fifth, did we really need to have Dean/Jo shoved in our faces? I guess I should be fair since we also get Dean/Castiel shoved in our faces, too. But this time it came off way too forceful and slightly out of no where? Like, really out of no where? Or maybe I just forgot 5x02 and all the eye fucking between Dean and Jo then? Was there any? Also, way to be obvious about who you are killing show. I mean, well, everyone knew it had to be the women, but still.

But I forgive you show. I really do, because their final scenes together? Really heartbreaking. The kiss to the forehead? Oh my God. I was sobbing, show, sobbing. I don't care if Dean's love was so sudden, it was heartbreakingly heart wrenching. Wait, I don't forgive you show. You killed Ellen. Mother-fucking ELLEN. You BASTARDS.

Sixth. Lucifer, Lucifer, Lucifer. You guys finally have one fucking bad ass, threatening bad guy. I mean, Yellow Eyes was kind of fucking epic, but Lilith didn't really strike any fear in my heart. But Lucifer? Of course he should be evil and awesome and epic. And he's not afraid to get dirty? Now, that's hot. Show, you are doing this right.

Seventh, kind of a continuation of my last point. Lucifer + Castiel? Ughhhh. Ughh. Love. It. Yes, Lucifer, parallel your fall with Castiel's. Didn't you say earlier that you fell because you loved God too much? Fuck. Yes. Show, if you don't show Lucifer telling Castiel he fell for loving Dean too much, then YOU ARE FUCKING UNFAIR. You keep doing that damn parallelism (Dean/Castiel/Anna, Sam/Ruby -- absent fathers -- whatever) you've got to tell us it was LOVE~ that made Castiel fall. I mean, you can get away with it if it is Lucifer saying it!

Eighth, Castiel is one BAMF. I was so heartbroken when he couldn't kill Meg... And fuck me for finding their embrace hot. But thank you for it show, because I can see the manips now. Especially with how Castiel looked like he was going to kiss her. Maybe the chemistry isn't really Dean/Castiel but Castiel/Everyone. Although it would be kind of wrong for an angel to be the fandom bicycle.

Or maybe Castiel is learning how to act? Because I really thought there was going to be surprise!demon-kiss. But instead it was a surprise!I'm-making-you-into-a-holy-fire-bridge. But that moment? I didn't know if I should feel impressed or feel repulsed for finding Castiel to be one BAMF for that scene. But I know better. That was damn impressive, and I really want to thank you for reminding me what this show is about. Oh wait, did I already say that? I retract my previous sentiment. This show is about kicking ass and looking fucking bad ass doing it! Not about the love~.

Lots of love,

P.S. Castiel was scorching hot this episode. More please.

misc: love letter, series: supernatural

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