Clear Skies Always Follow - Dean/Castiel

Nov 08, 2009 14:32

Title: Clear Skies Always Follow
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Word Count: ~450
Rating: PG
Summary: Thunderstorms are a reminder of Heaven.
Prompt #21 in the A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words table from spn_30snapshots
Notes: Thanks to evalens for the beta.

Castiel loved thunderstorms. He loved the thunder, the lightning, even the dark clouds that made the sky look angry. It reminded him of everything he once had and everything he gained.

The thunder was loud and rude, disrupting any and everything within its boom. Castiel could feel it shake the house and rattle his bones. It was unrelenting, powerful, so much like the might of Heaven, but now it reminded him more of Dean. It reminded him of the man's insolence at times, but mostly his pure determination to do what was right.

The lightning was a bitter reminder of the power Castiel once had. And while Castiel may no longer have a surging power coursing through his veins, he has Dean. Dean with enough energy, vitality and drive to match that of any thunderstorm.

The heavy rain clouds were a reminder of their battle. They had stood against both Heaven and Hell, even when they both believed their fight was hopeless. But Castiel learned even the darkest of clouds eventually yield to clear skies. He knew it was illogical, but he felt that no matter the obstacle, Dean would always be there, during and after the storm.

Castiel cared the least for the rain, cold in more ways than one. It reminded Castiel too much of the pain that the forces of Heaven had caused, of the unshed tears Dean kept hidden away. Selfishly, Castiel felt warmth when Dean chose to share his tears with him, to confide in him.

Maybe it was blasphemous to see so much of Heaven in Dean, but Castiel could not bring himself to care any longer. He was not ashamed of what he had. While he sometimes longed to be back in Heaven's good graces, it wouldn't be worth losing what he had now.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Castiel asked, sensing Dean watching him.

Dean hated thunderstorms. The thunder and the lightning didn't bother him, it was the rain. The rain that made it impossible to see past the windshield. Rain that turned perfectly good dirt roads into muddy traps. Rain that stirred up the worst kind of loneliness inside Dean.

Except seeing Castiel was standing by the window, curtains pulled back, blinds raised, staring outside...

"Yeah," Dean replied as he wrapped his arms around Castiel's waist and pulled him close.

Castiel leaned back against Dean. He knew Dean wasn't talking about the storm, but that didn't matter.

pairing: dean/castiel, rating: pg, table: spn_30snapshots, series: supernatural

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