A Step Forward Two Steps Back

Jul 20, 2022 18:39

Don't get me wrong, I am very, very happy that the House passed the Protections For Same-Sex Marriage BUT 157 Republicans voted against it. 157!! What is wrong with these people. Idiots! I know my flist can't do much about these 157 jerks but I just wanted all of you to know who they are and I wanted to have a handy referral list in my DW and LJ. ( Read more... )

same sex marriage, 157 republicans

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Comments 8

kazzy_cee July 21 2022, 06:32:09 UTC
Stay cool!

Politicians are useless ….


teragramm July 21 2022, 11:11:21 UTC
Yes, useless and so hopelessly living in the past that it's scary. Since I live in a more liberal-minded state I don't run into these old-fashioned, outdated ideas often. Thank goodness.

Today is going to be a little better, but not much. It's only supposed to get up to 90 (33C) today but 95 (35C) tomorrow and most of the weekend.


liminal_space July 21 2022, 17:02:03 UTC
they're douche bags is what they are.


teragramm July 21 2022, 18:08:41 UTC
They Are!!

I always wonder about these people what are they thinking, do they live in a vacuum? All of these religious nuts who think being gay is an affront to God. Do they not know any gay people? If they did know gay people, they would know it isn't a choice if it isn't a choice God made them like that. So what the heck???


trepkos July 27 2022, 22:33:00 UTC
Does this have to go to the Senate as well?


teragramm July 28 2022, 00:03:20 UTC
Yes, it has to go to the Senate. It might be tough but fingers crossed that it passes there too.


slaymesoftly September 7 2022, 13:55:44 UTC
Easy peasy - If there's an "R" by a candidate's name, I just assume they're not worth voting for. Sad to say, that seems to be where we are in this country.


teragramm September 7 2022, 16:27:48 UTC
Good plan! I agree!


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