[ongoing] Let the Game Begin

Jul 05, 2011 02:49


"Eh?! MAji? " She exclaimed seeing the red letters on screen and pouted.

"Hah! I told you. Who would create such rubbish? I wonder why the jimusho allowed such a thing as this videogame to exist in the first place." he smirked seeing her frustrated face. He was a sucker for games, but the one which she was playing wasn't really of his interest despite the fact that the RPG's were the five of them in ARASHI.

"Actually this game wasn't sold in the Japanese games market. And this was just a trial version." She frowned after hearing his words.

"HAH! No wonder. That game sucks."

"You think so?" She furrowed her eyebrows hearing him insult the game further.

"Yeah. Sheesh. And what was that lame introduction?" Rolling his eyes for the emphasis, "My eyes couldn't stand seeing my "self" going through those childish obstacles. What are we? Some kind of pokemon? Weird. Why do you have this piece of trash anyway?"

"I bought it somewhere."

"Eh? Maji?? This game is illegal. ARASHI is a trademark name. If the jimusho find any of this leaking in the market, the creator will surely get busted." He told her then suddenly widened his eyes realizing something. "But I'm amazed that it could be played on a standard games gadget,"

"Of course it was SUPPOSED to be played on that standards.." She leaned forward to eject the cd."And stop saying that its lame when you yourself don't know how to CREATE such game." She said sarcastically.

"At least, I know a GOOD game when I SEE one, whereas you~" eyeing her with a sort of smug attitude, "I didn't know that you're into this kind of game. No wonder you're poor."

"If I'm poor then how come you are here, contenting yourself with the little comforts that MY small apartment could give, when you can just check in a first-rate hotel?" She said coldly. "god. You even depleted my one month's worth of money in just one week!"

"I- that's because you're too kind that others take advantage of you" Okay. He shouldn't have said that.

"You mean, YOU took advantage of me. Sorry, if I'm so poor that I could not afford to be having an idol for a freeloader anymore!"

"Hey.. why are you being like that? I was just joking." He smiled hesitantly which he regretted after. It only made her temper worse.

"Oh. My, my, my, here's an extremely stingy idol. I agreed to let him live with me. I cooked for him, washed his clothes, and played games with him, stashing away all my free time. Heck, I even became his personal interpreter- all free of charge. HAH! I'm supposed to be earning two month's worth of money, let alone, that interpreter job. All the while I thought I was doing him a good deed then he suddenly blurted out how poor I was." She snorted. "What a joke indeed. Should I suppose to laugh on that?"

"Please be reasonable.." He was getting a headache. In fact, he didn't know why he was arguing with this woman.

"Fine. I'll tell you a reasonable thing." She paused and with the same cold tone paired with an expression full of contempt she told him, "Why don't you just go back to Japan and save you’re a$$ from a POOR being like ME!" She said in English.

"Hey! That was seriously offensive!" He was trying to control his annoyance. His not good in English, but he atleast understood what her words meant. Regaining his calm, he said disdainfully, "FINE. As if I would stay here, in your apartment that long." He grunted before standing on his feet.

"As if I wanted YOU to stay longer either." She said mockingly. "So when do you plan to leave freeloader?"

"Tomorrow." He glanced at the clock and frowned.

She glanced there too while pondering if what he said was true that she felt her jaw dropped hearing his next words.

"Actually, its two hours from now. My flight's 6am."

- - - -

A/n: I had this in my files long ago, but as i've told some of you before, i'll post it after Sho's CLASSMATES (see masterpost) since, its a sort of continuation, but then, there's no need to read the other fic, since the plot is independent and even without reading the previous fic, its still easier to cope with this. As again, yoroshiku ne~ *bows.

*The timeline goes back from when Nino is still doing Iwo Jima.,

let_the_game_begin, ninomiya, fanfic

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