[Complete] CLASSMATES 40/40

Jul 01, 2011 04:17

A/N: I really wanted to express my gratitude but the feeling just overwhelms me.. so, to abs_vanness, no3lr3i, jaja_emiko, ruilian_thatsme, r_matsuno, mintceres, kyassuru, ann0510, sweetgirl2710, raene_9, matsujun19, sakuraisha_251, luvin_arashi, lilabsho, lis_sho, ohsyojdub, azraqey, awa_naj, melodyofmysoul, warawan, ale_irenear, frankyrein, chttekim, rosesnwine88, clutzynew, reituki_fangirl, mysweetestlove, andreja1989, ueda_love1, julie1991, esther_ting, mistressmao, chesutoberry, biraincute, m1u_12, atenea005, mojojowan, yoshidasyu (really sorry if i needed to typoe in your lj names, because the thing about inserting lj users doesn't seem to work on me ) , thank you for all your support, and for finding time on your busy schedule to read this fic..althought some of new might have forgotten this fic, but still, i really want to thank you from the bottom of my heart:)

also, to those who had been reading this silently, thanks to you too. :) i hope someday, i will be able to know you:)

its really sad now that the fic is ending, it was the very first fiction that I have writtern and honestly, its difficult for me to post this one, (sorry) but then, i know that every story has an ending, im not sure though if you would like an ending like this.. so douzo~



“And that’s it!” The director called after the last scene was filmed.

“Good Job!”

Sadness and relief etched on Shi’s face as she heard the jeers coming from their production staff.

“Daijobu?” Sho asked the moment he saw anxiety registered on her face. Amidst the loud noise and the cheerful gestures, he wouldn’t miss the slight change of expression especially when it belongs to the woman he loves.

“Un,.” Shi said not meeting the man’s eyes.

“You sure?”

Looking at Sho, his expression full of concern, she said hesitantly, “Just that, I had this sudden urge to see the kids..”

“C’mon Shi, Shu’s in the apartment with them right now..” Sho said, trying to sound cheerful but he couldn’t fool her ears.

“See, even you are worried, I can sense it Sho..” Shi smiled hitting Sho on the shoulder, anxiety never left her face.

Sho put both hands on her shoulder instead while looking at her straightly in the eyes, “I told you, we should’ve let them stayed over our house or your real house while we’re working, rather than being worried here..”

“B-but,” Her face turned slightly red. Sho had a point. If she just agreed on leaving their kids to either one of their parents, she wouldn’t be that anxious to go home as soon as possible. She looked helplessly at Sho.

How the hell can I say no when you’re looking at me like that .. “Fine.” Sho sighed in assent, enclosing her in a hug. “You go ahead first. People might suspect it if we leave together. I’ll mingle for a while and come up with a good excuse for you, then let’s meet in your apartment.”

“Okay. Sorry about this Sho,” She smiled apologetically before breaking apart from the embrace. She bid him goodbye and then turned towards their director and production staff.

Looking at her retreating figure, Sho drew a heavy sigh, “Tsk. At least give me a parting kiss,” he muttered more to himself before blending with the crowd.

While thinking of a better excuse, Sho examined his surroundings and couldn’t help but smile seeing their reactions. From the looks of it, Sho could tell how their staff must have been disappointed when Shi left.


Shi opened her car door and walked out hastily, didn’t even bother to check if she locked her car door or not. Her mind was too preoccupied by the thoughts of her kids. She looked around the area. Everything looked fine, rather, it was more than fine and her heart began beating too fast.

It had been two weeks after that incident with Kota and they never heard anything about it, except, those bits of details that the guy was sacked by no less than his father. Kota-san, upon hearing the name Tetsuka and how his son messed with the daughter, was so enraged that he could’ve killed his own son if not for those generous bodyguards who threw themselves in between the father and son, in the end making it less painful for Kota Sendo, only that his face was unrecognizable at the moment.

Talking about influential, it never ceased to amaze her why people go crazy, if not, almost lose their wits just hearing her mother’s name. On top of it, adding Sakurai on the picture only made it more frightening, not to mention, intimidating. If a certain person goes by that name, the percentage of somebody messing with that person is very unlikely.

Or so she thought.

“Tadaima,” Shi washed off all the insane thoughts that were running on her mind before giving off her best smile. But what came on her field of vision was enough to replace her smile with dread panic. Papers everywhere, furniture out of place, pieces of broken glass-she was too stunned to move.

“Shu?” She called out Sho’s brother.

“Shuri? Shuji!?” Shi walked carelessly, never minding the shards of glass that lashed through her skin- blood started gushing out in every ripped skin of her two feet, while calling out the names of those who’re supposed to be there. It was weird in a sense that although Shu was there, something was still possible to happen. She began crying not in pain but of fear that something, God forbid, happened to the kids again. When no answers came, she practically ran upstairs to check on her kids, and by doing so, wounded herself even more. But there were no sight of either Shu, or Shuji ,or Shuri.

Shi sat on one of the staircase for support. She’s usually a strong-willed person, but when it comes to her kids, she didn’t know why her knees started to buckle each time something was to happen to them and now she was losing grip. All her life, she’d never felt this miserable, save that time, five years ago, when Sho left her. She felt helpless and weak because her wounds started to have its toll on her, intensified by the emotional pain she was having now. Her mind was running havoc that she can’t think of any “Sho..” She muttered shakily, having no strength to go down and retrieve her phone that was inside her bag which she carelessly threw on the floor seconds after she stepped inside the apartment.


She heard his voice downstairs.


“Are you there?” Sho felt constricted seeing the condition of her apartment that his phone nearly fell off his hand. He was praying that Shi wasn’t there but seeing her bag lain in a slapdash fashion on the floor and her keys still on the keyhole, he knew no otherwise. He walked cautiously with phone still on his hand and searched the apartment. The blood on the floor never missed his eyes, and it made him all the more wary. When he reached the foot of the stairs, his heart broke from the image he saw.

Shi was there sitting with her head rested on the banister, eyes focused on nowhere, wounds everywhere, skin had streak of blood that dried out from time that passed, and as if that wasn’t enough, she was crying endlessly but there was no sound, only tears.

“Shi..” Sho ascended the stairs two steps at a time reaching to her fast enough to enclose her in a tight hug. For that particular moment, the agony she was keeping all that time was conveyed, not through words but through tears. Shi looked up, eyes filled with so much pain, and released all those emotions she had been feeling, shaking madly as Sho held onto her, eyes red as he struggled to keep himself from crying.

Out of the blue, his phone rang. She never missed a single thing since Sho’s face was only inches away from hers.

Sho picked the call without checking while arms still wounded around her. “Jun?” His eyebrows furrowed hearing the overly familiar voice saying only a phrase and before he knew it, the call ended.


“Watch the news Sho!Hurry!”

“Damn!” There’s no way I would let that woman hurt my kids..” Sho punched the armrest of the sofa while eyes stared murderously on the screen, his other hand dialing the number of the only person he knew he could entrust her with.

After receiving that weird call from Jun, asking him to watch the news ASAP, he immediately followed assuming that it was an urgent business. With muscles and adrenaline combined altogether, he carried Shi all the way to the living room thinking that it wouldn’t be good leaving her alone and did what their youngest member told him to do.

But it’s the worst possible thing to do, especially, at that instant.

The moment he saw what was installed for them in the news, Sho all but jumped in front of the TV to prevent her from hurting further by seeing what the news was all about. But he was too late. She may have not seen all of it, but just a glimpse was enough to enlighten her about the matter. What made it much worse than the situation itself was the fact that the TV was set in the highest volume, enough for her to faint right away upon hearing the twins’ name mentioned by a woman whose name sounded familiar.

“Sh*t.” He cursed while waiting for a response. When the other line picked up, Sho said in a slightly-straightforward, not to mention, commanding tone. “Nino, I don’t care where you are right now, but I need you to go here.”


“Are you fcukin serious man? This ain’t time for games Nino. My kids were taken as hostages but I can’t leave Shi like this, not when she’s hurt and badly needed a company,” He said sternly but when no response came from the younger guy, “I guess it was wrong to call you-“ and was about to end the call when Nino finally spoke.

Wait. I’ll be there in no less than five minutes.


No words can express the shock on Sho’s face awhile ago when he entered the apartment 4minutes after their conversation that Nino couldn’t help but admit that he was just in the vicinity when the older guy called.

It was not a secret amongst them that he’s still harboring his feelings towards Shi for they knew it wasn’t an easy task to forget and just give away all those feelings to someone else. When he accidentally watched the breaking news on his way to the location of his photoshoot, he didn’t think twice. Seconds later he was on the main streets, driving his way to her apartment, stereo playing one of their singles as a background. But it sucks to realize that although he had gone to the extent of ditching his photoshoot, he still couldn’t bring himself to go upstairs, not when Sho was already there, based from the car, parked few meters away from his. He decided to stay there for a bit, doubling the pain that was already building inside him.

So when the older guy called him and told him what had happened, his heart almost split in two. It was nerve-wrecking. Of the five of them, why must Sho choose him to look over Shi? Of course, he had known the answer. Rather than feeling arrogant, he felt grateful knowing that his friend entrusted her to him, not that Sho didn’t trust the other guys, just that, he had deeper feelings for Shi than the rest of the guys, and Sho knew that. Also, Sho must have thought that Shi was the most comfortable being with him than being with the other members. Nino couldn’t help but respect the guy for that.


“No..please don’t..”

“This can’t be happening,” Nino wiped the tears that escaped from his eyes as he gazed at her sleeping figure, suddenly humming the song from his stereo awhile ago which was still instilled on his mind.

No one knows or should know
Of those tears hidden in your eyes

With all her screams and the changes in her expression, there was no doubt that she was having a nightmare. He had managed to clean all her wounds and covered it with bandage but somehow he couldn’t bring himself to change her clothes.

Like in a dream, stop time
Let the sadness gently continue to sleep

“If I knew this would happen, I shouldn’t have allowed him to enter your lives..” He muttered while caressing her pale cheeks and tucked the loose hair strands beneath her ears, allowing himself a better view of her face, the song still playing on his mind. “I should have been more selfish and keep you for myself.” Nino bent over to kiss her forehead. “I am so sorry for this mess, I know its hard, but please hang in there Angel.. right now, Sho is fighting for your kids..” He told her with his eyes closed, lips still on her forehead and tears flowing endlessly off his eyes down her face.

Shi stirred on the bed, her face still had that worried expression on.

“Please listen to me..” Nino let out a bitter laugh and continued, “but I guess there’s no way you can since you’re sleeping..Angel..I know you can’t love me as much as you love Sho, I know I can never replace that guy even in a hundred, iie, even in million years, I know and I already accepted the truth that no matter what I do, there’ll be no place for me in your heart!”

Nino trembled, now he couldn’t stop himself from embracing her. Memories of them together began repeating on his mind, from that first meeting inside the JE building lobby and in the coffee shop, that look on her face when she found out that she’ll be acting with him, that sweet smile which never cease to dazzle him, that tears she cried when he confessed his feelings to her, to that bittersweet moment when she rejected him, all those thoughts replayed themselves as if it was only yesterday that they happened, along with that song which he can’t stop himself from thinking, it was like last song syndrome.

Even now, the revived memories are like glass
Covered with cracks, full of scratches,
Believing in tomorrow..

“Sho might kill me for this,.and the guys? I dunno, they might as well too, but atleast, allow me to comfort you this time..to offer you a life that is less miserable than this..” He continued talking with the belief that she still couldn’t hear him.

“Nino?” Shi opened her eyes in confusion.

“I-..” There was a lump in Nino’s throat. He didn’t expect her to wake up too soon.

She struggled hard to get to a sitting position, her expression unreadable for a moment.

“Sho?! The twins!”


I am not crying and yet my face is getting wet.. She opened her eyes slightly and was too stunned to see Nino, his face, too close to her. Her first instinct was to push the guy but upon realizing that he was crying, and the dampness she felt on her face was due to his tears, she opted to remain still and listen to what he has to say. When he laughed, it was as if she tasted the bitterness within him. When he finally spoke, it felt as if she was stabbed deep down, for his pain was unbearable. But her heart sank deep when she heard him say things that were out of line, too out of line that she snapped. The compassion that she was feeling towards him was replaced with annoyance and confusion.

“Nino?” Shi snapped open her eyes, confusion on her face.

Seeing the shock that registered on his face, she just pretended not to hear what he had just said for it was disconcerting. Although it wasn’t the right thing to do, she prayed for a day that she’ll be able to confess to him about that sin. And as if the gods had heard her silent prayer, her mind was instantly flooded with panic and fear.

“Sho?! The twins!” She said as realization dawned on her.


The streets of Tokyo at night were as busy as it always is; only it was busier this time. One could even say that it was the busiest time the Tokyo streets had ever been. Among the line of different shops, fine dining and commercialized properties, only one stood out. On that particular corner, just after an antique shop, stood a building, a tall one, of Japan’s Johnny’s Entertainment. Since the agency is renowned of its high profile standards, mainly in producing male idols, it was just typical to have dozens of fangirls flailing outside. But for this particular time, there were hundreds, no, thousands of them crowding that area, except that, it wasn’t just them, there were also bystanders of some sort-drunkards, employees, shop owners, students, even some celebrities.

From the flashes of cameras everywhere, reporters on standby, and TV station vans from all over the places parked along the main streets, which had caused a great disturbance in traffic flow, one would think that they were holding some huge event. Certainly, it was big-there’s no question about that from how much people gathered around that area, only, it wasn’t as flashy and soothing as those in concerts and butai. On the contrary, it was as dark and frightening.

In the midst of those people was a disturbing scene- kidnap and hostage taking of two kids-a boy and a girl, each wearing on their chest something which was unmistakably a time bomb, and the hostage taker, a well-known, slender, and pretty-faced woman with annoyingly evil expression deepened by her thick make-up, who was carrying a gun which was pointed at no one and a small box with a single red button which was obviously the one used for control devices.

Long, yellow, thick plastic thread encircled the area, preventing the audience from entering the scene, the one which you actually call as police line. Tokyo cops were scattered around, being the first in line among the group of people which were there, hired, skilled snipers were stationed in different buildings surrounding the area in case there will be a shootout, and a negotiator upfront was in-contact with the offender.

“Miss, what do you want?” called Negotiator-san over the speaker phone.

“I told you, I want their damn mother!” The woman said in a high-pitched voice, eyes wandered around the area and grinned evilly upon seeing a certain person.

“Aikawa-san, why are you doing this?” Sho who had just arrived in the scene spoke in a low tone over the speaker phone, his expression a mixture of contempt and fear. The rest of the guys were with him, except for Nino. “What did my kids’ mother have to do with you?”

“A lot! There were a lot of things that she had to do with me!” Aikawa said throwing Sho a nasty grin. “And don’t give me that look Sakurai-san, who knows? My hand might slip..” She threatened putting her thumb on the red button and shook her head. “If that happens, say goodbye to your kids!”


The crowd’s reactions chorused with that of Sho.

“SHUT UP!” Aikawa hissed at the crowd. “You people! Shut up. Aren’t you curious as to who these kids’ mom is?”

Hearing that question, there were great murmurings among the crowd that did create confusions. Some exchanged glances, others nodded in agreement with what the female idol had just said.

Aikawa smiled seeing that. Surely, one could not underestimate fans’ influence and she knew she had to use that to her advantage.

“Aren’t she worried about her kids? What kind of mother would leave her kids in this kind of situation, let alone the idol father and the rest of them to deal with this?” She was talking to the crowd. “Don’t you feel pity towards your idol?..” She clicked her tongue, shook her head and bowed then flashed a dirty look at Sho. “Poor Saku-”

“Stop saying bad things about Mama!” Shuri shouted all of a sudden, cutting the actress in midsentence.

Aikawa glared at Shuri who just stared at her, sizing her, and she hated it. She grabbed Shuri by the chin, forcing the kid to look at her. “What do you know young girl? You could die any minute now and yet your mom’s not even here, not even showing her damned face!” Her grip on Shuri’s chin tightened around for seconds before releasing it in rather a harsh manner that the girl winced in pain. “If you speak another word, I’ll swear, I won’t spare your lives!” She then placed a hand on Shuri’s cheek, slapping it with force, based from the red marks that started getting visible by the time.

“Stop that you ugly woman!” Shuji snapped her hand off his sister’s face and shielded himself in front of Shuri.

“Why? You’ve got some courage there young boy!” She smiled genuinely, then smirked, and hit Shuji twice as strong as how she had slapped Shuri.

“Shuji! Shuri! Please do what she says!” Sho’s voice was again heard all over the place. He couldn’t stand seeing his kids being hurt so badly. “Please don’t utter a word..” HE said pleadingly then turned towards the woman who was eyeing him maliciously. “Please Aikawa-san, stop this..”

“Stop? Are you kidding me Sakurai? There’s no way I would stop until I see that bit*h’s face!” Aikawa retorted, hands dangerously holding the gun and the switch box.

“Why? What do you want with her? Is my presence not enough? I’m their dad you know..” Sho reasoned out.

“Ah.. yes of course, you ARE their dad,” She pursed her lips as if thinking, then diverted her attention to the crowd, “We are ALL aware of that fact, RIGHT?”

The crowd, mostly girls, didn’t know whether to agree or not.

“But you see, Sakurai-san,” Turning her gaze back at Sho, “It’s not you who I wanted, and I thought I stressed it out earlier. Its TETSUKA SHI whom I wanted.”

A loud, series of gasps were heard from the left side of the crowd. It was from a group of students, the nerdy-looking types, with props included-black-rimmed eyeglasses, baggy clothes, and either books or electronic dictionaries on their hands.

“You!” Aikawa unconsciously pointed the gun on the guy with glasses on. “Humor us. What’s with that bit*h’s name to earn that series of fake awe’s from you?”

The guy was too afraid he was unable to utter a single word. The girl on his side spoke. Reading from the gadget she was holding, “Tetsuka Shi-san, the only daughter of Tetsuka Reiko-san of the business world. Among those who took the licensure exam for engineers, Shi-san was the only one who perfected the exam, and also-”

“Sasuga Sakurai-san to choose that kind of woman to be the mother of his kids ne~” Aikawa stated out impatiently. She again glanced at Sho, “You don’t have any idea what it is about her that upsets me, do you?”

Sho chose not to response.

“Let me tell you then, what upsets me most was that even though she had already made for herself a name in her respected profession, she still had the nerve to steal the job that was originally mine!”

“What are you saying? Who stole what?” It was Jun this time. The last thing they need was the actress revealing Shi’s “other” job. But he was a minute late-for after addressing that question to her, the actress smirked and didn’t waste any second.

“Whoah. Bikurishita!” Aikawa said feigning a shocked expression. “Weren’t you acting with her guys?”

Jun glared at her which she returned with a grimace.

Fans looked at each other questioningly; all had that series of gaps in holding their breaths, curious as to what the actress was saying.

“Oh,. Did I hit a soft spot?” She asked mockingly, eyes darted towards the rest of the guys. “And here were you all, pretending that you don’t know her, let alone the fact that the woman who’s been acting with you these past months in your upcoming project with TBS, is these kids’ mother!”

Hearing that, the tension in the atmosphere grew bigger, coupled with a series of “Uso’s”, “Lies”, “Maji de’s” from the crowd.

“One more thing, where’s your brat of a member?” Her eyes traveled around, searching for Nino, before she scoffed and said in a loud manner, “And so, it seemed that the guy’s out there, protecting that bi*ch!”

“You bet!”


“Are you sure you want to go?” Nino pleaded for the nth time. They were arguing outside his car not too long before she snatched his keys off his hand and unlocked the car.

“Do I look like someone who’s joking?” Shi responded with irritation before letting herself in his car. Nino had no choice but to follow. “There’s no way I can lay in bed while Sho and my kids were out there!”

“But, you’re wounded!” Nino locked the door and put his seatbelt on, his eyes still on Shi. “And you’re not supposed to go there! It’s as good as revealing your identity. That’s what that woman wanted, and we’re not supposed to give in to that! ”

“My kids’ lives are at stake Nino! The hell I care about those petty things! Now, If you value your reputation and such, more than you do about my kids’ lives, then you can go home now, I’ll drive myself there, even if I have to drag this wounded body of mine!”


“Nino.. just please take me there..” Shi begged.

“But..the guys will surely kill me for this..” Nino looked at her helplessly. When he saw how strong the resolve she had on, he knew he had lost it.

“They won’t, but I might kill you myself if you don’t start driving.”

“Sho will kill me for this.” He said before starting the ignition.

“He won’t, I promise.” She said, giving Nino an assured smile-the one which never missed out an opportunity to dazzle him.

It’s going to be the longest drive in his life.

All eyes turned toward the source of that familiar, high-pitched, voice and saw Nino walking towards the rest of the guys, with Shi limping behind him.

“Dang it Nino, the reason I let you stayed with Shi in the apartment was so you can watch over her and make sure that she won’t get here!” Sho hissed furiously, unaware that he was saying it via speaker phone.

“Will you stop that? I’m the one who forced Nino to bring me here!” Shi’s eyes threw daggers at Sho but dropped it right away when her eyes caught sight of the woman.

“Let them go! Its me who you wanted right? I’m here now. Let my kids go!” She said in a commanding manner, walking past Sho, past the police line, and past the yellow plastic thread. Each step she makes there was that stinging pain especially in both feet, but she dragged herself there nonetheless.

“whoah. Look who’s here? If it isn’t our new actress..” Aikawa eyed her maliciously and laughed coldly. “What’s this? A movie where you can bargain yourself for them? Wake up!” She pointed the gun at Shuji’s temple earning a series of gasps from the crowd. “This ain’t movie bi*ch, its real life!”

Shi widened her eyes in terror, the hands placed over her chest clasped and unclasped, feeling her heartbeat which seemed to stop for a while the moment Aikawa’s gun-hand aimed at her son’s temple. She was about to step further when Sho grabbed her by the arm.

“Let me go..” Shi demanded of him, her voice cold as ice. “I would never allow our kids to suffer in place of me..so let me go Sho.. Its me whom she wanted..” She said with finality before taking his hand off hers.

“Back off bi*ch.”

They heard Aikawa said, stopping Shi on her tracks and gave Sho opportunity to grab her hand again, tightly this time.

“Do you really think I’ll let them go that easily?” She said mockingly and crossed her arms over her chest. “Let see,. Why don’t we have a bargain?”

Shi struggled to free herself from Sho’s grip but it was to no avail. Add the fact that the rest of them-Jun, Aiba, Ohno and Nino, also wanted to seize her. She sighed in surrender but still managed to stare at the woman disdainfully.

“Oh.. what’s the feeling bitch? You steal what was mine, now I’m gonna steal your kids’ lives!”

“What are you talking about?” Shi asked, somewhat confused.

“Oh.. still playing safe are you?” Aikawa furrowed her eyebrows only to raise it higher when Shi looked at her-confusion mixed with contempt all over her face. “Fine. Pretend as long as you want. Just don’t blame me if I accidentally pull the trigger, say, in one of your kids’ head?”

Shi bickered hearing her threatening words but knew she had to strengthen her resolve. “Are you an idiot?” She equaled her words with the same mockery in her tone. “In this situation, would I rather waste time asking what were you talking about just now knowing that my kids’ lives are at risk here? Now tell me. What was it that I stole from you for you to involve two innocent lives like this?”

Shi was waiting for her to answer, but to her surprise, the woman just stood there in the middle of the crowd, contemplating. In the passing seconds, Shi would find her staring angrily at the kids, and yet, the unusual flicker in the actress’ eyes never amiss her observation. It lasted for more than two minutes.

When the female idol finally spoke though, there was something off about her that Shi couldn’t place what. The guys noticed it too, especially Nino.

“Let’s change the game shall we? A life for a life. ”

“No!” Aiba shouted out of the blue, placing both hands over his mouth, regretting the moment that he’d spoken about his sudden realization.

All eyes turned to him.

“What is it now?” Jun asked impatiently, eyebrows almost leaving his face the way they were arched up.

“A life for a life..” Aiba quoted what the woman had just said, his voice a little strain due to panic “Aikawa-san wanted to bargain each of the kids lives for..”He looked at them hesitantly then bowed his head, feeling sorry all the more.

“For what?” Nino asked although he’d had a hunch. While he expected the female idol to do nasty things, his mind had refused to consider that thing which she wanted, that thing that made their miracle boy flinched.

“Not for what, but for whom..” He turned at Shi, “for her’s” then turned toward Sho, “And his’..”


It was a light-bulb moment. Their thoughts are in unison as Ohno pursed his lips apprehensively, Jun shook his head in disbelief that Aikawa could do such a thing, Nino threw a fist in the air out of frustration while Sho stood silently, pondering over Aiba’s words not long before his train of thoughts was distracted by Aikawa’s applause.

“oh!” She said clapping her hands in sarcastically. “And here I thought you’re the most dimwitted of them all,” She laughed, “To be able to tell exactly what I want, why Aiba-san, that’s quite impressive of you!” There was an edge in her voice whilst praising him.

Silence floated in the atmosphere. As the crowd watched in horror mixed with slight enthusiasm, the song was playing on Nino’s stereo awhile ago suddenly comes to Shi’s mind.

I’m not afraid of a future I haven't seen
I just believe in the world in front of my eyes
Things I have in my hands, things I've lost
Everything certainly has significance

Its as if their song had given her the courage. “Fine.” Shi said almost inaudibly. She felt cold winds come rushing at the back of her neck, while hands still clutched by Sho. “Whatever it was that upset you, let it be a matter between us, please don’t get other people be involved..” She closed her eyes in acceptance and stayed silent for a minute or two. When she spoke though, it was full of pleading, “I had enough of people suffering in my stead.. so please, Aikawa-san..especially Sho..let him and our kids stay out of this..” Shi brushed off the hand that were restraining her and began walking towards the center. Her eyes were clouded by the pool of tears that flowed endlessly across her cheeks.

“Oi! Choto!?” Sho was too startled by the force she had used to free her hand. “What do you think you’re doing?” He called but Shi wasn’t listening, instead, she continued walking until she was face to face with Aikawa.

“Let them go.” She said in a low hush tone, but you can feel the conclusiveness in her words. She turned towards the twins and released them-

“Not so close dear,” Aikawa slapped her hard, that her cheeks burned red but Shi just stood there still. She uttered a word of gratitude that her kids were able to run for their lives before Aikawa had the opportunity to seize them again. Now they were standing face to face with each other. Shi’s eyes darted on the object that was on the actress’s other hand. It is the control.. I must have it..or there’s no point being here if she press that button..

Once again, the crowd grew silent, even Sho and the rest of the guys were holding their breaths.

“Didn’t you hear what Aiba-san had just said? A life for a life. .” Aikawa continued.

“I heard it, your words, it was crystal clear..” Shi was almost distracted by the song that kept repeating on her mind.

Even If we're struggling with sadness
We'll be shown the way to happiness
Living in the present, walking with you

Ohhh.. except after this, I won’t be able to live with you.. She was trying hard to control her tears but it just kept on rolling down her burned cheeks. “But,” She continued, trying to figure out the lyrics of the song. She knew it wasn’t the right thing to do at that moment, but somehow, the words in that song were like forces driving her to move forward.

Betting everything,
There are things we want to protect
Going through those definite feelings..

Shi thought of the right words, but her track of mind was again diverted on her.

”Tell me Tetsuka-bit*h., how’re you going to compensate for the other life? You see, a person couldn’t die twice. .” She said nonchalantly, pointing the gun on her chest.

“When I die, its as good as two people..” Shi responded calmly and in a very low voice. She could not afford to show her anxiety.

“What do you mean?” Aikawa asked, unable to hide her uncertainty. For some reason, she was speaking in a low manner too.

“If I die, he would die too,” She looked behind and smiled bitterly at Sho while the gun pointed on her chest, pressed harder that she could feel its cold steel. With eyes still locked on Sho, “Yes, he will live, but I will take his heart with me. He will be nothing but an empty vessel..”

“How nice.” Aikawa scoffed, “You speak as though you are certain that he loves you,”

“But I am certain. He did tell me himself..” Hot tears once again rolled down her cheeks.

“Did you?” Aikawa-san turned towards Sho.

“Did what?” Sho looked adamant. Since Shi and Aikawa were talking in hush voices, he couldn’t tell what the question was all about.

“Did you tell this b*tch that you love her?” Aikawa’s words were calculating. When no answer came by, she changed the position of the gun so that the tip was now pointed on Shi’s head.

“Yes.” Sho answered timidly shocking the fans and the rest of the guys.

“Yes what?” Aikawa taunted.

Ignoring the wary glances that come from the rest of the guys, Sho announced through the speaker, his words came out like flowing water, “Yes. I did tell her that I love her,” he paused wiping the tears that escaped his eyes, making it all the more painful saying his next words because doing so would mean that he had already accepted what might happen next. “I love her that I’ll die the instant you pull that trigger.”

“Oh..did you hear that?” Aikawa was now addressing the crowd. “Its all over girls, Sakurai Sho, the noted idol, had just said that he’s inlove with this bit*ch.. say, why don’t I kill her now?” She announced-her hands dangerously hanging in between Shi’s shoulder while the other hand with gun was still pointed at her temple, earning her different responses from the crowd. Some gasped, some too scared to move, and some even took two to three little steps forward, as if in deep synchronicity.

Outside the police line, the members of Arashi stood still, immense on each of their own thoughts. Aiba hid behind Jun, afraid to witness the situation. Jun knew better than saying harsh things to her, instead he just pursed his lips and uttered a prayer (something that he hasn’t done for a while now). Nino resorted on observing the environment. He was more interested on the woman’s reaction than the rest of the guys combined, for he sensed it-there was something very unsettling about her expression, how she and the kids kept on exchanging glances, even now that the twins were safely on their side, but he had yet to discover it.

Even Sho felt rooted on the ground. He kept commanding himself to move, to reach out to Shi, but he was too terrified, as if he had gone numb-the feeling of that day when he saw her being admired by other guys was back again, only that, it was more painful this time, especially if the thought of losing her is like a chain hanging on his neck.

“There’s one thing though that had been bugging me..” Aikawa started, her expression left off a nasty atmosphere. All eyes were on her once again. “Do you love Sakurai?”

Then on Shi.

“Yes.” Shi said in a loud voice with eyes closed. It she was to die, best to reveal what she really feels. It doesn’t matter whether those girls heard her, or if they hated or accepted her, it doesn’t matter since her end-was closer than she expected. At least she will die without regret, she thought.

It happened in a flash. The sound of the gunshot echoed, followed by screams and shouts from the crowd the rest of the guys came rushing forward, Jun followed by Aiba who’s tear-stricken face was visible, and Nino who’s too lazy to walk forward had not Ohno dragged him, with Sho in front of them. The twins were out of sight and the cops still on-freeze.

“NOOOOOOO!!!” Sho kneeled beside her and pulled her body to his. He was crying, no, more than crying, he was weeping. His eyes blinded by the tears that never stopped from falling.

The fans couldn’t stop crying too-whether from the fact that their idol has been in-love with a woman all this time or from the sadness brought about by the situation, no one could tell. It was the second time they had seen him weep like that, the first time was when the truth about his kids was revealed. And like how they accepted the fact that Sakurai Sho has kids already, they knew deep in their hearts, that sooner or later, they will have to accept that thing about Shi too, especially if the woman had chosen the path of death for the sake of their beloved idol. What woman would be able to sacrifice for a man up to that extent? Their minds thought alike. There’s only one answer: Unless if she regard him important above anything else, even her own life. They couldn’t help but admire her, if only that would change the situation. But it would not.

Sho stared up at Aikawa, eyes brimming with tears but his expression told otherwise. It was pure loathing. “Happy now?” he roared, shaking like a mad man, his rage building inside him.

Aikawa staggered backwards, her strength leaving hers. For some reason, she felt fear in its purest sense. Sho’s hatred cut deep into her soul. Her eyes wandered around for help but wherever her eyes landed, she could only see deathly stares, coming from the guys and even from the fans who’d been siding with her moments ago.

She looked for her last hope and found one. She began laughing, as crazy as it sounds, yet she didn’t stop. She just kept on laughing until Jun had to practically cover her mouth with his hand.

“Oi! What are you doing?” He addressed the cops who still had not move, even an inch. He was pissed off at the situation, and the cops not doing anything was adding to his irritation. He looked at them and saw something that almost choked him. The guys saw it too, except Sho who was still kneeling on the ground, Shi on her arms. Jun was about to say something further when they heard a frail voice.

“Sho…” Shi struggled to lift an arm on Sho’s face. “Please don’t cry..” She said weakly, wiping the tear that came rushing on Sho’s cheeks. It only made the man weep more.

“Please don’t speak, Shi.. please,” Sho trembled before he managed to speak in a strangled voice. “I’ll take you to the hospital okay?”

“Hsssh.. No need Sho, ..t-the.. k-k-i-d-d-s.. I w-w-a-ant t-to s-ee them..” She carried on despite having a hard time breathing. “P-please..”

Sho sniffed and turned towards the guys, “My kids? Where are my kids?!”

But the guys just exchange glances. A sudden pang of worry washed all over Sho, but Shi spoke once again making his train of thoughts stopped for a while.

“O-oh..th-ey m-must have been tired f-from a-all this commotion ne~” She smiled feebly. “Sho…” She called again, her voice trailing off.

“Please, please, just don’t ..” Sho was unable to finish his sentence because what she said next made his heart crushed.

“I love you..” Shi smiled-that kind of smile which always dazzles people.

“I love you too..” Sho said carelessly, unaware of those smiles that began curling from the lips of the members of ARASHI the moment he uttered those words enough for the crowd to hear. Even Aikawa smiled, Jun could feel it beneath his palms.

“CUTTTT!” Someone called out.

Then another voice. “Someone please call the medics right away!” and then came another voice, “Have someone pacify the crowd!” and then another voice until the atmosphere was filled with voices, commanding voices- instructing different people of different task.

It took Sho 10 long minutes to understand what was happening around him. That was when the director approached them, that same director who had called their filming quits, the one who also shouted “CUT” just few hours back.

“Good job!” He patted Sho’s shoulder. “And oh, I’m sorry about Angel-chan. It was necessary for that scene.”

“Necessary? Scene? WHAT ARE YOU UP TO DIRECTOR-SAN?!” Sho gently put Shi’s body down, stood and collared the director. “Can’t you see? She’s dead!” He was red with rage. His nostrils flaring, eyes burning with tears but he didn’t care.

“calm down,” The director spoke calmly. Of all that had happened, its best to leave the man be. Afterall, if that thing was to happen to him he‘ll feel the same fierce.

“Calm down? She’s dead, and here you are talking like a madman, telling me that it was necessary? Is that how you value her life?” Sho felt his blood rising.

“She’s not dead Sho, only fainted..”

Sho turned around to see the source of the voice. It was Aikawa, with hands on Shi’s forehead.

“Don’t touch her!” He was staring at her with bile in his eyes.

Ohno stooped down casting Aikawa aside and checked her pulse. “She’s right Sho.. for some reason, Angel-chan,” Ohno looked at him, face was that of wonder, “her pulse felt normal..” He layed his head on her chest, “even her breathing..”

“I told you,” Director-san commented then turned to someone whom Sho recognized as one of the staff., “I told you to call the medics right away!”

Sho hated it. When you were all geared up for a match and the other person said something that stopped you in your tracks. He closed his eyes and felt himself swaying slightly; that was another thing, he’d been too exhausted, not to mention emotionally wounded, to be able to argue in any coherent fashion.


“Moshi moshi jii-chan?”

There’s a pause.

“Hai. Its perfect.” The girl bowed in response although she knew that she couldn’t be seen.

“Thank you jiichan, it really meant a lot for us.” She lifted her arms to allow the “bomb” to be taken off her. “Hai. We will thank Aikawa-chan personally.” She then turned towards the boy who had just done removing the “bomb” off his own and put the phone on speaker mode.

What do you intend to do with your parents? I think they will be mad.

“HAi. We’re aware of that jiichan,” It was the boy this time. “But we’ll deal with it..”

Have you reached your goal?

“We’ll see about that jiichan,” The girl said in haste.

“Hai. We’ll see jiichan,.. although there were still negative opinions, I think the chances are high..”

“And besides, they have their uncle with them!”

Shuji and Shuri stared in shock hearing a new voice. Both turned around to see Ninomiya, standing just a few meters behind them, wearing a smirk.


“Figures.. Konbanwa Johnny-san, did you enjoy the show?” Nino asked amusedly. The phone was still on the speaker mode.

Yeah.. although I say, I almost had a heart attack when Aikawa shot Shi..

“For you to have that kind of reaction, why, it was really a splendid performance from Aikawa-san.!” Nino clapped in response. “Do remind me to praise her later..”

Sure I will. Then, I trust you want to deal with the twins yourself?

“Yeah, If I must Johnny-san.” Nino replied curtly.

Then so be it.

Then the call was ended.

“Hah! I knew it,” Nino bridged the gap and stood few inches in front of them.

“Are you mad?” the twins asked in chorused.

“Nope, but I will if you don’t start explaining.” Nino grinned and placed both arms on each of the kids’ shoulder. “But not now. Not when Sho was outraged by your sudden disappearance.”

“Ohhhhhh!” Shuji and Shuri exchange glances and grinned at each other.


Johnny ended the call with an assurance that Ninomiya will somehow help the kids to cope up with their parents’ temper when the truth about them being behind all those events was finally revealed.

“Anou~ jiichan. Is it possible for mom to be accepted by fans?”

Shuri had asked him directly and to his surprise he couldn’t give a child a straight answer. It was one of the things that he dreaded too, the thing that was not laid out on Sho’s plans, and the thing which will have a great toll on the business. But when a four-year old kid had struck him with that question, he knew that he also had to do something about it.

“Jiichan?” The girl asked, cutting him out of his reverie.

“Actually, we had a plan,” It was Shuji who had spoken next.

“What plan?” He asked rather amusedly. It has been a while since they last visited him in his office, the last time being that day when they learned who their father was, so he should have expected something graver like that.

And that’s how he learned about their crazy plan of subjecting their own mother into torment,. Like what happened to them in the mob attack which made way to them being accepted by fans. As childish as it sounds, it still amazed him how those kids thought it like that, even the small details was thought out, again, very childishly, but nonetheless effective. He wouldn’t consent to their plan if he didn’t believe that it will actually work out.

In the end, he surrendered to their will, and proceeded to their plan, earning him few doubts from the higher ups, and on top of that, from both Sakurai family, and on Shi’s side, her mother, Tetsuka Reiko.

“That is insane Kitagawa-san.”

Those were the very words of the head of the Sakurai family. Although he was years older than the said politician, his voice still made the hair on the back of his neck to rise. It was the twins who talked their way out, and sadly, he himself didn’t know what convincing powers the kids had used on the Sakurai Family for them to agree with the matter, even volunteered Shu to execute the first part.

“No you won’t jiichan! Its too dangerous. And its my daughter’s life we’re talking here! What If Ms. Aikawa messed up?”

He remembered the argument he had with Reiko when he told her about the kids’ plan, and how the woman, as mighty as she was, refused to consent with it, let alone, allowed the twins to stay in the apartment with Shu (as part of the plan). But in the end, fate must really be on their side, since Shi was ever so reluctant to let her kids stay at her mom’s or even at Sakurai’s, so in the end, the first part of the plan was successfully executed.

The second part was to inform the police. Given Sakurai’s reputation, it wasn’t that hard. The third part, was Reiko’s doing. Although she did it grudgingly, Johnny could not ask for more. Those nerdy looking “students” were all from Reiko’s company. The fourth part, and also the main part, was of course Aikawa-san’s acting. Although by the looks of it, the actress had wavered when Shi asked the “why” question. No one had informed her that Shi hadn’t been watching entertainment world eversince Sho left her, so Johnny expected that she had no idea who Aikawa is, but telling that to the actress might somehow hurt her ego, so Johnny chose not to disclose it.

Johnny smiled to himself while watching the Tokyo streets through his windows. He moved open his drawer and put out a folder, crossing out all the names in the list wondering how will their story continue..


EPILOGUE: And so the story continues..

It had been a week, and never comes a day when Shi doesn’t have a visitor, or a letter, flowers, get-well-soon cards, and all the sorts of things that she had never imagined all her life. Even Rina-chan, her reporter friend, had paid her a visit.

*Like the past and the future mixing together
The sun will start to climb in the sky

Shi was humming along with the tune.

“Mou~ you’re listening to that song again?” Sho’s smile was replaced with grimace when he heard their song lingering inside the hospital’s private room. He walked relentlessly on her bedside and emptied the flower vase off the dried flowers replacing it with fresh ones. “I’ve been hearing that for the nth time already!” he pouted before sitting at the edge just beside her.

“Ah~ sorry Sho, I’m really fond of that song,”

“Yeah, you’re fond of it,” He said sarcastically, “What’s with the song anyway?”

“I told you, I heard it on Nino’s stereo..” Shi observed him carefully. It had been a week, and each single day, they had this conversation.

“Nino, nino, you kept on saying Nino, but you won’t tell me why you liked it,” Then a sudden thought came to his mind. “Was it because of Nino?” He asked, jealousy flushed on his face.

“No! Silly..” She said smiling for a moment, “Jealous huh?”

“And if I am?” Sho asked, this time with a more serious expression.

“Oh, don’t be, I already announced it right?”

“Announce what?” Sho looked suspicious.

“The whole Japan knows now.”

“Knew what?” He was growing impatient as the clocks ticked by.

“I love you.” Shi smiled seeing how the man was too shock to absorb what she had just said.

“I love you too..” He gave her a peck on the nose.

“Oi! Save that for later, your kids were watching!” Jun opened the door wide and strolled inside the room followed by the rest of the guys and their kids.

“Hello Mama!” Shuri beamed at her before settling herself in between her and Sho.

“Oi! Be careful,” Shuji approached her bed, but unlike Shuri, the boy contented himself sitting on the edge. He looked at his father nervously and couldn’t help but swallow hard. He still remembered that night of their confrontation.

“Why would you do something like that!”

His father’s voice roared inside the four corners of their apartment. Because it was part of their plan, the moment, his uncle Nino and his mom left the apartment, servants were summoned right away to clean the mess, so in time when they arrived later that night, the house was clean, as if nothing happened.

“Gomen,” He was looking downward, unable to meet his father’s eyes. “It’s the only thing we could think of-“

“And what’s with Johnny-san, my parents, even Reiko-kaachan! I can’t believe they give in to two four-yr-olds whim!”

“We’re sorry Papa..please don’t shout..you’re scaring me,” he heard her sister spoke for the first time, and thankfully, their dad’s expression soften a little, but the anger was still visible.

“What if your mom really died? Is that what you wanted? Shuji? Shuri?”

‘No! of course not!” they chorused as guilt feelings started rushing all over them. “That’s why.. please, if Mama were to see us right now, she’ll scold us too, but she’ll never shout at us..”

“Are you threatening your father, boy?” his father asked in an authoritative manner making him flinched on his seat, and somehow forgot his tongue.

They have been silent for good long 10 minutes, saved with Shuri’s hiccupping due to excessive crying. When Sho kneeled in front of them and enclosed them in a hug, he knew he’d already forgiven him.

But still, shuji can’t help but to feel scared each time he looked into his father’s eyes.

“Sho,” Shi shot the man a warning look before turning towards the guys. Sho on the other hand, smiled at his son, and lifted him to sit on his lap.

Shi grinned at them, dazzling all the members of ARASHI. She was about to say something, when her phone rang, distracting all of them especially Sho.

Now, in this hand I hold my hopes,
Searching for the truth
A story no one knows is starting
Because you are here, I won't get lost
I won't cry until that day

“Oh! Not that song again!” Sho pouted, making the guys exchange glances.

“Why Sho, do you really hate our song that much?” Ohno asked a little baffled.

“Ehhhhh? But that was Lu-t” Aiba was to say but Nino covered his mouth.

“Don’t you dare say that version of yours, Aiba!”

Shi joined in their laughter, her voice drowning along with their loud cheers, keeping to herself as to why she really loved that song of theirs.



PS. I will have two upcoming chaptered series. yoroshiku ne~

what's the title of the song that i used here?
credits to yarukizero for the translation. :)
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