Oct 15, 2010 20:27


A/N: Minna, sorry for making you wait.. took me two weeks to you were all aware (if not, then i'd still say it anyway) that i had messed up my graduation.. well, as one of you had said (you know who you are), There's no point in crying over a spilled milk, so i guess you can say im fine now? mou~ i dont wanna think about it anymore, besides, I was actually forgiven by my mom, and i'm at PEACE with her i guess its okay? ^^. Lastly, sorry for everyone, i really intend on making this fic until 30 chapters, but i was surprised because it will actually get longer.. sorry..  But for now here's chapter 26, its nothing much but comments are loved. :)

"A-RE YOU TRYING TO BURN DOWN MY APARTMENT?" Shi shouted across the kitchen hall, and, "YOU THREE! GET YOURSELVES OUT OF MY KITCHEN!" when the three did not move, "NOW!"

Only after saying that, that the daddy with his kids immediately went out of the kitchen. Shi was boiling, totally awake now despite suffering from a bad headache. She didn't know how, when, and where she managed to get a map and started cleaning the mess on the floor until Sho materialized in the kitchen, with total concern in his eyes added the slight fear that made it obvious that he had done something bad.

"Anou~ " But before the guy could state his purpose, Shi's temper had started to reach its max level that she half-shouted half-pleaded to the man who's always able to let her feel shocked, moved, surprised, and all sorts of emotions without even trying so hard. "OUT! Please?!"

"But, It was my-" Sho continued but was cut in midsentence.

"I said OUT!" She told him in English. She was totally pissed by now and Sho was only adding to the reason why she's annoyed.

"Oh, okay.. sorry" he bowed his head in apology. Sho had no choice but to leave her alone with the commotion. Given the situation, there's no point negotiating with her especially when she's totally on a bad mood like that.

Shi sighed heavily, she didn't mean to treat him like that but she absolutely can't think of better words to put it and the headache's making it worse. She paused for a moment and waited for her breathing to slow down its pace before she proceeded on what she's been doing before Sho entered the kitchen. She needed to kept her mind steady because it's definitely going to be a long talk with her kids and their daddy. Shi smiled to the idea but erased it on her mind immediately.. Daddy? What am I thinking? Its not that he acknowledge it right? She battled with herself more as if the thought itself was not debatable enough for her to feel anxious that entire moment. She went on cleaning the stove until she remembered that she still needs to prepare something for breakfast. Tsked. She can't help but click her tongue.


Over the breakfast table, the three kept silent while spurting on their seats every now and then, afraid that any minute or so, Shi's rage would be released on them.

"What? What are you staring at? Let's eat and we'll talk later." Shi said across the table. But when either Sho nor the twins move, all thoughts unheard of, "What now? Don't tell me you want me to feed you?" Shi talked to the twins before resting her attention to Sho, "And YOU? You're old enough to feed yourself." She said sarcastically which made it hard for the guy to swallow even without the food on his mouth.

"But Mama, how else are we able to eat if you're like that.." Shuri asked her with eyes that looked like it was about to cry while Shuji 's eyes were fixed on the food, agreeing silently with her sister not wanting to meet his mom's scrutinizing gaze.

"Then what do you suggest? That we talk things over HERE in the breakfast table?" Shi asked them unaware that she was actually glaring, and the kids were too terrified to answer back that it was Sho who gave her a reply.

"Why not Shi? If that's what would satisfy you, It'll be much better than eating with that expression on. Can't you see? The way you treat them, you're scaring the hell out of the twins." Sho told her, talking entirely about her attitude. It surprised him to see her in that state but it even scared him realizing that he's the one to blame given the current situation.

"Hey, first, don't call me Shi, second, Sakurai-san, don't dare lecture me how to treat my kids. I will treat them how I wanted to. Besides, whose fault it was anyway? What you did was dangerous!! And here I thought you're the smartest among your group." Shi yelled at him, half-exasperated. Her anger was reigning all over her that although it was wrong to point, she ended up doing the despicable thing at Sho. "And you two, that was risky!" she scolded while eyeing them cautiously.

"But mama, it wasn't his fault, if I-I d-didn’t open the stove, and if we just check before-" Shuri started to explain but was cut in midsentence by Shi's bellowing voice.

"Don't try to side with him young lady!" snapped Shi,"He should have at least known that rice grains are cook with water. "Shi said matter-of-factly, "And besides, what are you trying to cook anyway?" Shi asked despite her irritation.

"It porridge mom. Its for you, because Sho-niichan thought you might be having some headache from last night.." Shuji told her before throwing a wary look at Sho who smiled oddly trying to assure his son that it will, without a doubt, be alright.

"Oh, why, thank you Sakurai-san." She said wryly trying to vie that mounting feeling inside which started to alarm her that very moment when she felt her heart beat hysterically for that indefinite reason knowing how Sho always suck at cooking but still tried for her sake.. " A-and … porridge? But from what I saw- it was totally black and-" darn.. why am I stuttering? She thought and was about to complain when Shuri let out a little chuckle.

"Isn't it sweet Mama? For niichan to cook for you even though he suck at it! I mean totally suck at it! But he was so KAWAII!!!" Shuri illustrated, evident that she was having fun recounting the story to her.

"Oh? Cute huh? I don't see any of it, aside from the part that he was so brainless-with all his list of 'know-hows', not to realize that contacting hot object directly with cold temperature would definitely result to a blast..what is he? an idotic moron?" Shi preached while making an expression of an old hag that made the three giggled. However, it only made the matter worse.

"What now?  now you're conniving? I can't believe this!" Shi asked in complete disgust while her hands literally banging the table.. She never intended to insult Sho especially in front of the twins, but it amazed her how the man, in such a short period of time, had won over the heart of Shuji and Shuri, not to mention the side glances and winks that made her sick to her stomach but at the same time made her heart do somersault whenever she looked at them perfectly having the time of their lives, as if known to each other that they were father and kids. I wonder if it would also be like that when the twins found out.. Shi can't help but contemplate for she's aware that Sho knew, if not, had an idea that he was actually the twin's dad.

"Pfft.. Sorry mama,,you're making such a weird face.." Shuri can't stop laughing.

"Weird?" Now they'd done it again. Shi's faced wrinkled while waiting for a response but it was impossible because the three were still laughing their heart out, including Sho. The nerve!! Shi thought. But her expression softened when she realized how good to see her kids being like that with Sho, but still she can't let her emotion get ahead of her again.

"Mama, you looked and sounded like an old hag,. Are you sure you're just 21? Coz it looks like you're 30 yrs older.. even older than baachan.." Shuji told her with a hand on his side, probably from the effect of laughing too long.

"Hey that was mean." Shi reacted with the same expression.

"See? See? Mama's acting like an old lady!" Shuri confronted her with the same remark. "Right niichan? Right?"

"Ah.. I think so.. but isn't she cuter that way?" Sho observed with a wide grin plastered on his face.

"hey, you're talking as if you're not old! hmph" Shi grunted.

"At least for me, I don't look like one." Sho smirked impishly at Shi who easily got bothered by just hearing the guy's comment. It felt so natural for Shi that even her heart was leaping for the joy it brought-As if the world was turned upside down. When Sho noticed that she neither moved nor reacted, he winked at the kids and whispered : "looks like we got your mom's soft side" which again end up with another round of side snickers from the twins. But when they noticed that Shi was still dozing off, Sho's concern resurfaced that he actually stood on his feet marching onto her side to check what's wrong.

"Hey Shi, are you okay?" Sho waved his hand at her face which had put Shi into a sudden shock that her initial reaction upon seeing Sho made the guy backed off a bit and winced at the pain.

"Ouch!!! why did you do that?" Sho examined the part of his hand where Shi had bitten. Red marks in the form of half moon were visible a few seconds after her attack.

"Because you startled me! Just a moment ago, you were sitting right there in front of me, and without knowing it, you're suddenly next to me! How am I supposed to react on that?" Shi told him defensively apart from over-reacting on the whole situation.

"But you're dozing off and it got us worried! Honestly Shi, are you trying to switch personality every now and then? Earlier you were nagging like an old hag, then you stopped like a puppet, and now, you bit me like some sort of animal!" Sho scowled at her disposition which earned a couple of silent chuckle from the twins.

"What?" they said in unison looking at the twins who nearly jump off their seats seeing both their reaction.

"er~ because it was amusing, seeing how nii-chan scold you mama-you-you- looked like an old couple, arguing about some trivial things." The twins answered in unison trying to hide the amusement in their eyes making both adults to narrow their eyes.

"NO Way!" they bellowed at the same time.

"There's no way I'm going to be wife with this stupid, idiotic, brainless, moron, old guy who doesn't even know how to open a stove!" Shi complained.

"Huh! As if I'm going to marry such a girl who doesn't know anything but to nag at people! And who seriously changes personality in just a blink of an eye!" Sho retorted back.

"HAH! Look who's talking! It was your fault in the first place!" She said smugly with one eyebrow raised high enough that it looked as if it were about to leave her face.

"Oh! Now you're talking. Why thank you, its not my fault that your stove looked different from the one we had in our house!" Sho grimaced. Their conversation wasn't going anywhere.

"HAH! HAH?! Blame your mistake on my stove! Impossible! You're one bunch of an old fool! This was the first time I heard someone blamed their bad to a stove. Oh! I feel pity for my stove.!" She was starting to get irritated. Its not that she could blame him, for truly, even her mom was confused about how to open the stove, but she can't admit that.. there's no way in hell that she's gonna admit that,, especially when the guy was pissing her up to her very bones.

Amid their heated argument, both kids just stared in shock and glee. The scene was so hilarious that their tummies hurt due to excessive laughter. It was entertainment to a purely sense. It's as if they're watching some sort of film with Sho and Shi as the main character discussing shallow matters over the table like a real couple. They can't help but to smile to this.

When the two adults noticed that they're being laugh at by the kids, they too broke into a wide grin.

For Sho, happiness is an understatement. What he felt that time was something that is further than expected. How he wished revealing the truth is as easy as one-two-three but he knew it'll going to take some time before he can do that.

For Shi, it felt good. It was the first time she laughed like that for a reason that was so plain that a normal person wouldn't actually count it as something that is worth laughing.

For the twins, it was something worth seeing. The two kept in mind to thank the guy who's able to make their mom convey different emotions-from rage to panic to composure and back from composure to panic to rage, as if it was only a piece of cake. If truth be told, this was the first time they were able to witness their mom like that and it was because of Sho. No man is able to earn such rich emotion from their mom for as far as they knew it. They had witnessed some people, particularly Shi's suitor, to resort on doing stupid things just to be able to gain their mom's attention, precisely, annoyed attention, BUT no one was able to get their mom hyped up this much and they respected Sho for that.

"No wonder…" Shuji mumbled to himself and threw a knowing look at Shuri who understood right away what he was thinking and gestured him to stay put.. "Let matters take its own course an-chan..or everything.." Shuri whispered to him which he replied softly, "Wakatta.." and smiled before he drifted his gaze back on her mom and his thoughts on what she was saying.

"OKAY! I think we had TALKED whatever we are supposed to talk. Now, mind if we eat?" Shi smiled at her kids before giving her attention to Sho. "And Sakurai-san, mind going back to your seat?"

"I won't unless you call me Sho," Sho challenged. He knew that one of the things about a person that pisses Shi is being too pushy.

"Fine Sho-san, now mind to sit there?" Shi looked a little grumpy.

"Nah., what's with that san? Say it. Sho." Sho persisted mouthing the letters S-H-O to her.

"Ugh. I hate you. Sho. Now would you please go there Sho?" She smiled sweetly at him, the kind of smile that will make every guy lose his concentration. Which was definite when Sho stumbled onto one of the chair's leg. Time to get back is sweet.. Shi smirked before focusing on her food..I hate you?

It was ironic more than the irony itself. For with all the words put together and with all the emotions she had for him, the phrase "I hate that I love you" was more appropriate and endearing, that she deliberately omitted 'love' simply because she was scared to death. Falling for him is sweet, loving him is sweeter, but loving him more than reality outstretched is sweetest beyond compare; not until she actually tasted the bitterness at its own best, and God knows how she would not have wanted, if only she had a choice, to ever taste it again.

When at last seated, Sho's heart was still beating frantically that he held his chest as if doing so would make the hammering slower. .I hate you too..but that's why I love you more..While still recovering, Shuji's comment made him hold his breathing which was worse because he felt he was palpitating so hard that was enough to be on a heart attack.

"Ne~ Sho-niichan, how did you know mama? Because you were actually the only one who knows that her name was Shi."

Luckily for Sho, Shi cut the topic short without even giving some answers.

"Hey, no talking when your mouth is full. That's bad manner." Shi snapped back.

"Hai." And the twins totally forgot the question, rather, chose to drop the topic. Whatever their thoughts are, they keep it to themselves. As the saying goes, he should mind his own business and only his twin sister knows what he's really up to.

Sho sighed in relief but his heart remained thrashing emphatically that his hand remained on his chest. Across him, Shi's heart was pounding so hard that without her ribcage it would actually storm its way out of her chest.


True to his word, after going home to take a shower,  Sho immediately head off in the jimusho to paid a visit with the old man who, not long ago, had conceded the regime to Mary-san. Despite that, there was this unspoken accord among Johnny's that the old man was still the one who ruled.

"Fancy seeing you here, Sho. What was it all about that earned you a trip to my office?" Johnny asked the man who's waiting rather impatiently at his office lounge. Usually, he never memorized the name of everyone under his own jimusho,. So long as he remembers their faces, it was enough even if he keeps on calling them "you". But this particular idol in front of him, how could he forget? Not only he belong to the group who recently celebrated their 11th year, the guy was also one of those few who managed to keep their intimate life so private that everyone would actually thought the guy to be some genius. But for him, Sho is just a child who actually messed up at his own real thing, especially when he's the one who nearly made his heart stop working, knowing what he had done to his self proclaimed-precious-granddaughter five years ago. And now the guy came to talk to him about that, or, probably.

"erm, I came to talk about something." Sho went fidgety all of a sudden, he never expected the jimusho father to exactly know him, even more when the old man muttered his name. Talking to his big boss surely got to his nerves more than he ever expected. Worse-Johnny seemed to know his purpose but its too frightening that the old man was too calm that Sho can hardly breathe and it was so nerve-cracking.

"Hmm, I supposed it isn't about your group, or rather, it is a personal thing." Johnny said, putting more stress over the word. When Sho didn't speak up, he continued. "Finally found out huh." It was a statement, not a question.

"Un.." Sho just nodded. It was something that he expected. After all, he isn't Johnny for nothing. He was actually shocked to hear from the twins that the old man knew, but deep in his heart, he was grateful to the old man himself, for he had done something that Shi wouldn't have done if she'd got the options that time-naming the twins with his name, "Sakurai". He's also aware, from that cold look and that superior aura coming from Johnny, that the old man hold quite, if not, a huge grudge on him. Still, he braced himself for worse things to come, for what he did was something that can't be forgiven by just a mere apology.

"When?" The man simply questioned. Being an old man taught him a lot, especially when dealing with those kinds of things. Well, honest to goodness, in Sho's case, he wanted to punch the guy straight to his face but he knew better so he had made plans on the situation even before the guy found out the truth himself. Besides it would be unsightly if he's to break the rule of "no hitting in the face" when he's the one who first imposed it.

"Two weeks ago, at our anniversary celebration." Sho answered directly. One thing he learned, its best to be as direct as possible when dealing with his boss.  Everyone knows how the old man hates surprises.

"What do you plan to do now?" The man asked. Its best to hear the guy first, and then backed him up if something midway the plan goes wrong.


Sho still couldn't believe what happened. Two days ago, after he told Johnny his thoughts and what he planned on doing, the man just replied with a single tap on his shoulder, an "okay. You're not a kid anymore. Be responsible." and laugh. The next thing he knew, he was being dragged inside the conference room by Johnny. Apparently, there was an on-going meeting with all of other bosses in the jimusho when the old man coincidentally comes outside to answer an important call before he saw Sho.

It was an awkward situation for him. Suddenly meeting the other bosses, who are responsible to keep the jimusho to stay up in the business world, was something he didn't thought out well-especially when his heart is not prepared.  With a stuttered voice and pauses from here and then, he managed to recount the events from five years ago up to recent events which made up his mind and helped him end up with a concrete decision. Not everyone seemed pleased with his decision, but with Johnny on his side, who can be against him? He knew the man was powerful, but Sho didn't know that he is that influential.

He still remembered what Johnny told the bosses that made them to somehow agree, if not, to give him the consent that Sho needed.

"Would you rather suggest that Sakurai will not take the responsibility and abandon her and the twins given the circumstances that we're talking about Reiko Tetsuka's ONLY daughter here?" Johnny told them omitting the part that Reiko herself was actually unaware of the fact that Sho was the twins' dad.

Sho was even quite appalled at how the bosses seemed to be caught off guard; some are even frightened to their very being, by just the mention of the name TETSUKA. He wondered why that is but knowing Reiko, he knew that Shi's mom is also someone whom you will not bother to mess up with.

He swore by that time he could have hugged the old man out of gratitude.

When the meeting concluded, Sho was about to leave the office when Johnny called out. "The jimusho will support you if you have the heart for it. If none, then this talk is useless." And before he actually closed the door behind him, Sho heard the man added. "And please, reconcile your feelings for Shi, that kid suffered enough..if you hurt her again, I wouldn't mind hitting you in your face even if it meant breaking my own rule..and please, If you're just feeling responsible towards her, best not to move forward."

Of course Sho didn't mind. To be told like that, especially by Johnny, is something. Needless to say, he felt responsible towards Shi, but he knew that it isn't about it why he decided to do what he planned to do. There's a more profound reason.

"Someone's happy." Jun observed snapping Sho out of his dreamland.

"Nah.. its more.. hmm, I say,  glowing?" Aiba suggested. These past days, it had been a trend for both he and Jun to pay more attention to Sho and count the changes that the man displays as days go by. They were currently doing rehearsal for their Osaka dome concert.

"When did it start happening?" Ohno butt in their conversation.

"Hmm, that's after he'd gone to talk with Johnny." Nino replied lazily. "Honestly, why don't you just go ahead and asked him what happened rather than speculating here and fussing over and over. You two looked like those in my neighborhood who did nothing but gossip." He said without keeping his eyes off from his DS.

"Kya~ Nino-chan is mad. Kawaii!" Aiba taunted Nino who grunted and glared at Aiba, showing his bratty side. But doing so was a mistake for the younger member realized later that he had lost a game which made him glared even more at Aiba who distanced himself to avoid his following attacks.

"Oi. Easy." Jun laughed amusedly seeing how pissed Nino was by Aiba's joke while brushing himself off from Aiba who resorted on hiding behind him.

"Ne Sho-kun, what happened when you talk with Johnny-san?" Ohno asked. Like others, he was curious how rough or smooth did the conversation go between Sho and their boss.

"hnn. Nothing much. Just normal." Sho said with a smirk, obvious that he was hiding something.

"Normal? You're laughing and smiling out of nowhere and yet you say normal? Now I'm curious." Jun interrogated.

"Hn, that's because its really normal, I mean they agree with my plan-" Sho answered but was interrupted by Aiba who seemed in high spirits hearing Sho's statement.

"They agreed? Hontou? Plan? What plan?" Aiba blurted continuously, afraid that he might miss something if he didn't.

"Well, not all of the bosses, but the jimusho in general agreed. Johnny-san even told me that I have the jimusho's support." Sho replied momentarily, ignoring the last part of Aiba's question. Somehow, he wanted to keep his plans to himself until the day he's ready to execute it. This did not escape Jun, and the guy questioned.

"What about the plan? Your plan?" Jun asked. He was really wanted to know what Sho was up to.

"Hi-mit-su." Sho just smiled. "You'll know when it happens."

"Eh? What was that? You're not telling?" Nino cut in although he really didn't want to know at that moment. He was looking forward about what the fail captain is capable to do and if it will succeed. For him it's some kind of game that if Sho loses, he'll right away snatch the console in Sho's hand for his turn, will play in his own terms and will take over the game called love. As if Sho read his mind, the guy simply answered.

"I don't intend to. I mean, not now.. when I'm ready, I'll tell you. Besides, I wanna do this on my own.." Sho seemed a little distant. He really didn't want to disappoint the guys but this time, he wanted to know up to what extent he was willing to do it, and how long will he last. "I'll call for help if its too much for me.."
Seeing his determination at hand, the guys had no choice but to let him be. Afterall, they trust Sho's words when he said he'll call for help when things will not go exactly as he planned..


It amused Johnny how it took Sho two weeks before coming to his senses; even so, he was pleased by Sho's action. He knew the guy to be an intelligent person but he never expected him to come up with such a brilliant idea which gained both positive and negative responses from the jimusho. Johnny can't possibly tell whether he was or was not happy about it for it will affect the business onwards especially JE idol rules which was imposed by none other than himself, but Sho's idea was thought out so well that he can't just sat there and leave things as they are while the committee was questioning the guy. In the end, he sided with Sho and even threatened those who will oppose.

As he was sitting in his office, he can't help but remember the conversation he had with Shi two weeks ago that had left him worried, unsettled and sleepless at night.

"How dare you lie to me jiichan!!" Shi's rage was felt over the phone.

"What? Why are you suddenly yelling?" Johnny asked the lady. The excitement that he felt when he saw Shi's name on his caller id was change with utter disappointment. He was not used to the lady's violent behavior.

"Don't play dumb Johnny-san. You knew! You knew all along that he was a member of ARASHI yet you made me sign that damn contract without letting me know!!" the lady's voice rang loudly through his ears which made him distanced the phone away from his ears.

"Are you talking about Sho?" Johnny simply asked.

"Of course! Who could it be?! You know you're the only person in the world who knew about him!" Shi answered totally irritated by the man's droopy behavior.

"Hey, calm down my child. You know I can't do that. If I told you, never will I get you to agree with that contract." Johnny explained. He was being restless about the topic, yet he chose to calm down for the sake of Shi. God knows how he didn't want to argue with her.

"Oh? Is that so?! Is that the reason why you lied? You sneaky old fool who cares for nothing except how to expand-" the person on the other line stopped upon realizing that she had gone too overboard.

Johnny knew that the girl did not meant it, but it was foolish not to be affected by her words. It hurt him even more when he heard sobs over the other line. So he did not speak for a moment, understanding how the girl felt.

"Shi, my child, have you calmed down?" Johnny asked a few moments after Shi's ragged breathing began to change in its original pace and the sobs were heard no more.

"Un,. Gomen jiichan.. I know I shouldn't have said that. Of all people, you were the one who supported me and you treated me like your own.. I'm really sorry..I felt frustrated and sad because once again you treated me like a child without even trying. " Shi said, a little compose now.

"Hmm, that's because I was worried about your reaction.. I planned on telling you, but I never expected you to see him accidentally in the elevator. Seeing your reaction that time, had changed my mind." Johnny explained. He felt the weight of his own words.

"Jiichan, I'm capable to understand you not that kid anymore.. You could have told me.. " She said moping.

"There, there, stop sulking.. Its not about being able to understand or not. I know you can, but the trouble is, the more you understand, the more it will get to your system which can lead to another round of heartbreak again..." Johnny sighed. Talking to Shi took all his energy. The fact that he is not getting younger seemed to sink more to him now as compared when he was talking with others.

"Jiichan? Daijobu?" Shi asked worriedly upon hearing Johnny sighed. "Gomen.. its because I said those awful things to you.. gomen.."

"Nah. Don't worry. Just a little tired.. .you see,  an old man's health.. Mah~ lets talk some time okay? But before that, I want to ask a question, and I need you to answer me honestly, can you promise that?" Johnny said holding on to his chair for support. He breathed slowly while waiting for the lady's reply.

"Un.. promise..anything if it will make you better." The lady replied cheerfully.

"Right now, do you still have feelings for Sho?" Johnny waited.

Johnny's lips never ceased to curved into what seemed to be an eternal smile every time he remembered what exactly Shi's reply was. He was at that state when his secretary called him to inform that he had a visitor.

"Sir, Reiko Tetsuka-san is outside waiting in the lounge."

"Please do let her in." Johnny said and braced himself for revelation time. He needed to do something while hoping that his condition will not fail him.

forgetting those feelings is much like digging my very own grave and burying myself ALIVE..


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