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Comments 51

miki_831 November 10 2010, 00:19:00 UTC
hey! i've seen you around, would you like to add?


tenshi_no_koi November 11 2010, 04:40:29 UTC
Sure! I love new friends =D
Plus you're friends with Allie, too!


snapexprincess November 25 2011, 07:39:28 UTC
Hey, we have things in common. Friends?


tenshi_no_koi November 25 2011, 08:45:03 UTC
Sure, I love new friends!! :)


snapexprincess November 25 2011, 09:29:17 UTC
Great!. :>


taemintyfresh November 25 2011, 21:49:27 UTC
-waves- Hai~

I'm looking for some friends on lj since my f-list currently has crickets on it. :'3

I see from the interests we have a few things in common~ Mind if I added you? 8D


tenshi_no_koi November 25 2011, 22:39:48 UTC
Hello :)
My f-ist has become increasingly quiet over the past few months & now has crickets as well ;~;
I'm always open for friends with things in common! I'll go ahead & add you :D


taemintyfresh November 25 2011, 22:47:43 UTC
Thank you~! Hope we can be great friends! 8D


tenshi_no_koi November 26 2011, 05:33:13 UTC
I hope so too! I started following you on Tumblr, I'm praisejjongbuns :)


miss_aztec57 December 15 2011, 11:21:49 UTC
hey! I found you as I was stalking through lj (as you do) Anyway, you seem pretty awesome and I would love to friend you! ♥ And also, I need a Blinger friend. I have no one who is Jjong biased! ;; /sob I love SHINee (obviously) and my other favourite bands are UKiss, Super Junior and SNSD and also im becoming obsessed with Infinite at the moment as i've just started to watch Sesame Player :)

I'm an active commenter as well, (except for the next four days i'll be on holiday so, not great timing) My posts are the same, alot of SHINee spazzing mixed in with other fandoms and real life.


tenshi_no_koi December 15 2011, 19:36:54 UTC
Hello there :D
SHINee is like a magic word, because I love becoming friends with Shawols ;A; & YAY INFINITE!~ They are so ahklahlahdh wonderful!

I'll go ahead & add you :) I plan on making a post today & there will be an introduction & a new friends meme that I've started asking my new friends to fill out. (I don't know how often you're on LJ, so I wanted to make sure you don't miss the post! :D)


miss_aztec57 December 15 2011, 19:41:32 UTC
Yay! xD *dances*

Oh that sounds great! I won't be able to comment on it thought for a while because i'm literally about to leave in 20 minutes and im not sure if where i'm going will have an internet connection SO I might not be able to comment on anything for four days. I thought I should tell you that so you don't think i'm ignoring you! When I get back though, expect a commenting spree from me ;)


tenshi_no_koi December 16 2011, 05:46:09 UTC
That's fine! :) I'm glad I told you so you could tell me you would be away for a while because if I hadn't, I would I would have wondered why you didn't comment. Have fun on your trip!! :D


dusky_rose March 19 2012, 14:46:34 UTC

Tried to reply you on the entry with Infinite twitter bg but it was already locked so cant leave one.

So leaving it here.

ahhh i think mine is 1280x768!
thank you girl!

Btw, I hv added u as a friend :)


tenshi_no_koi March 22 2012, 06:29:51 UTC
Hiya :)

Ah, yeah it was locked after 72 hours~

I'll start working on it since I have the pictures & some time while I wait for SHINee's comeback :)

Ah, did you want updates & access to the community? It's open membership, you can join without any kind of screening process :) Unless you wanted to be friends, then I'll add you back :)


dusky_rose March 27 2012, 13:13:46 UTC
ah yes, I would like to access the community~

Oops, i did wrongly? May I hv the link to the community please? Thanks!


dusky_rose March 27 2012, 13:15:31 UTC
But if u dun mind, we can be friends on LJ too! tho I rarely post on my own blog. But I will comment often!


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