Friends Only

Jun 30, 2020 07:53

Fo banner by: blame @ cutesea

Graphics can now be found at: deviant_delight~

This journal is now 100% friends only! My blogcrews, & blogclaims posts will stay public~ I don't think I'll be making any blogcrews or claims in the near future.

{❤} You should only friend me if you like: SHINee, Infinite, Miss A, T-ara, or World of Warcraft.
{❤} Actively commenting. I comment & post often & I would like the same from my friends
{❤} Look at my profile to learn more about me~
{❤} Please be semi-literate (Don't type in l33t or all caps).
{❤} My posts are me spazzing & fangirling & most of my personal life. If you don't like fangirling or reading about what I did today, I'm not the friend for you
{❤} Please leave a comment in this post so I can add you back ~_^

friends only

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