For those who've been waiting for details,......

Feb 22, 2007 23:23


Some of you have been wondering aloud (see, I really DO read my blog!) about whatinnaHELL went on/down/etc. recently whilst I was in New York. A good and apt question!

Simply put, I feel it is a beginning to The Next Phase of my life. Especially musically.
And I don't say that lightly - I come to that conclusion after a LOT of thinking and ( Read more... )

new york, music, vacations

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Comments 4

***OH YEAH!!!*** crazyspinto February 23 2007, 13:43:57 UTC
*******OH YEAH!!!!****** You definitely have to be of a certain age to get the Nanook of the North reference (from elementary school i remember the igloo living, fur coats, ice fishing and remember the naked breast part?) and I'm SUPER glad to have all the insider scoop-ness about NYC eateries for my next trip in, will just say i'm "making a note" of the whole what to eat so his umm... stuff ... ummm... you know... tastes... good or whatever, okay enough of THAT and YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSssssssssssss, *MOJITOS* are my new all time favoritely dangerous drink.

And of course CONGRATS & WAHOOOO!!! WAY TO GO on the Ghost Rider singing gig "now in a theater near you" part!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tell me more, so when I go to see it this weekend, I know *EXACTLY* which sections, which notes are yours, okay?

(Sheesh, man if we don't get together when I'm in NYC next, I'm going to be very disappointed!)

Comment back already, or go comment on my post .... tenorvox rocks!!!


Re: ***OH YEAH!!!*** tenorvox February 28 2007, 09:03:20 UTC
*titter ( ... )


floundah February 23 2007, 16:01:26 UTC
I'm also looking forward to seeing Ghostrider. Will you be getting a taste of the 44.x million? When especially should I listen for you in the movie?

You said: "Simply put, I feel it is a beginning to The Next Phase of my life. Especially musically.
And I don't say that lightly - I come to that conclusion after a LOT of thinking and discussions and other stuff.."

What musical changes are afoot? I suspect that moving back to LA will help, as well as all the networking/visiting you have been doing. Can you be more specific? Email me if you want. :)


Oh goodie!!!! Yes, DO go see it. tenorvox February 28 2007, 09:06:12 UTC
Actually, when the movie has gone to DVD and is being shown on airlines, HELLS YES I *shall* be getting residuals on tha Benjamins, yo!!!

Damm straight.

See what I wrote for CrazySpinto above as to when and where you should listen for me - knowing my voice slightly, you can probably hear me now!

And..... joo heff mel.



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