Haiagare, Rival

May 25, 2008 14:18

The Three People You Voted On:
1- one
2- two
3- three
and your character stamping link: Sanada-fukubuchuo

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~The Basics~
Name: Selene
Nickname(s): Sele, Fluf, fluffy, flù
Likes:Chocolate, my friends, reading, books, music, manga, my dog, summer, playing the violin, shopping, video games, dancing, musical, love
Dislikes:School, horror movies, rude people, school, discrimination, spiders, liars, bugs, seafood, fighting, prejudice, violence, war.
Pet Peeves: loud people
Zodiac Sign: libra

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~The Questions~
In your own words, describe what a rival is to you: someone similar to me,who inspires me to be better. A rival for me is someone I don't hate but admire

Personality-wise, what do and don't you like in a person? Close-minded, selfish, uncooperative, too loud, immature

What kind of person can you see as a good rival?Mature, intelligent, serious, hard working

What things are you physically and mentally good at? I am good at dancing and sports, mentally I think I have a good memory

What things are you physically and mentally not good at? I'm not very competitive and I am really bad at singing. Mentally I am easily distracted

Using tennis as a example:
a) How would you react if you had to work with someone you considered a rival in a doubles game between (say) the Golden Pair? I would try to do my best and cooperate with my rival in order to win the match

b) How would you react/feel if you lost to your rival in a singles game?I would try to analyze the situation and try to understand what went wrong in order to do better next time
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