III) _sabriel II) penguinsoul I) mint_chan 0) Sengokuʅ ☄ ʅ
~The Basics~
Name: Nadia
Nickname(s): Kanoa (Noa for short)
Likes: sleep/good dreams, teddy bears, sweets, money, art, poems, music, anime, manga, plants and animals.
Dislikes: being bored, getting sick, spicy foods, work/cleaning, and bugs (especially mosquitoes and leeches. those blood suckers terrify me.)
Pet Peeves: People who just assume things about me or other people based on skin color, rumors, friends, etc.
Zodiac Sign: Virgo/Snake. I can't really say that I act like how a virgo should but most the things they say about the snake is true for me.
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~The Questions~
In your own words, describe what a rival is to you: A rival to me is someone who is what you aren't in some ways (and vice versa). They are someone that has a skill you are working hard to be good at and/but at the same time you have a skill you're good at that they are working hard to be good at. They would someone I would consider more of a acquaintance and sometimes a comrade depending on the situation. I would never really consider them a friend, unless they wanted to be one.
Personality-wise, what do and don't you like in a person?
I like people who are fun, helpful to others, willingly to tell you the blunt truth if you're hurting yourself by ignoring the truth, and have a sense of humor.
I dislike people who are snobs, racist, sexist, and ageist. I especially dislike those who feel the need to use drugs or drink to rid of their problems and those who are to full of themselves.
What kind of person can you see as a good rival? I can see someone who has ideas that are out of the box a circle, someone who will at least get along with me when it's needed, someone who is truthfully blunt to people (cause even if the truth hurts. it's better knowing it and doing something about it than staying in denial in till it is too late to do anything about it), smart (but not too smart), and kind at the same time as a rival of mine!
What things are you physically and mentally good at?
Physically: I'm good at badminton and soccer since they are games that don't need much stamina. At least, in my opinion they don't, but than again I usually play Center-back and sometimes but rarely goalie or midfielder in soccer games.
Mentally: I'm good with math, playing with words/twisting peoples words, having a idea of what people are thinking (or at least getting their side of things), keeping track of up to 15-30 things (depending on how big or small the task is) at one time without writing them down, and remembering places by their looks (instead of addresses).
What things are you physically and mentally not good at?
Physically: Everything but badminton and soccer.... Sure! I can be bouncy from time to time and fly around a room when I'm happy about something or just really hyper but my stamina for most things (like running or long games) is very low.
Mentally: I fail at understanding addresses/maps. Sure I know my address but I wouldn't be able to find where I lived if I already didn't know what it and the things around it looked like.
Using tennis as a example:
a) How would you react if you had to work with someone you considered a rival in a doubles game between (say) the Golden Pair? I probably would be interested, since we would have trust each other just enough to share our skills and weak spots so that we'll have a chance in winning against the golden pair.
Though, I probably would be happy with the idea, I wouldn't be/stay happy if they were someone that truly didn't want to work with me at all cause of their ego or whatever.
b) How would you react/feel if you lost to your rival in a singles game? Assuming that I was on some equal level to them (or vice versa), I would brush it off and say it was just luck. Since, after all, I know we're both close to the same level and somewhere the line has to lean towards and a way from one of us. It just happened to lean towards them and a way from me and that's why they won. However, even if I would brush it off and say it was luck, I wouldn't let them continue to be slightly better than me without doing anything about it. I would work hard in my own way to pull the line back towards me again.
As for how I would feel, I would probably feel a little jealous and/or disappointed. However, later on after some time I would probably feel and be happy for them, since they worked hard for the win and I know that I can't win everything. I lost so the only thing I can do is learn from it and work harder.