GitS SAC: эпизод 11
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Весьма распространенное заблуждение, что "синдром замкнутого доспеха" это когда человек совершенно не приспособлен к кибертехнологиям. Но на самом деле, они слишком к ним приспособлены.
Возможно именно этим объясняется "эпидемия лоу-тека" [1]. Будет забавно, если нежно любимый мной "разумный консерватизм" окажется защитным рефлексом, спасающим от "выгорания мозгов" при большом потоке информации. Во всяком случае, мои ощущения близки именно к этим.
[1] - У нас это еще не так заметно, но стоит ввести в гугле что-нибудь вроде PocketMOD, minimalism in blog design, D.I.Y. Planner,
Hipster PDA, плюс дополнить впечатления просмотрев по диагонали статьи вроде
Who needs a PDA when I've got paper?, The Myth Of The Paperless Office или и получится весьма впечатляющая картинка. Да и у нас достаточно downgrader'ов. Что интересно такое вот "назад к простоте лоу-тека" поражает как раз цвет профессионального IT-people - людей которым полагается быть "на пике инфотеха".
"If you don't have that sort of free time to dream and muse and mull, then you are not being creative, by definition," said Dan Russell, a senior manager at IBM's Almaden Research Center in San Jose, Calif.
After concluding three years ago that he was becoming a slave to e-mail, Russell decided to put his foot down. These days, he takes his time replying to messages. All his responses say at the bottom: "Join the slow email movement! Read your mail just twice each day. Recapture your life's time and relearn to dream."
Russell has turned off the e-mail settings that deliver a note as soon as it is received. Instead, he pulls down unread messages twice a day. His approach may irk those who want a speedy reply, but he said it has cut the time he spends on e-mail in half, to less than two hours a day.
The IBM researcher has other tricks, too. He leaves his cell phone in the car and doesn't use instant messaging software. And when he really needs some uninterrupted time to think, he will schedule the break as an important out-of-the-office event. In reality, he will just find a nearby office and close the door.
(c)Driven to distraction by technology