Many thanks to
Nige for suggesting
Em and I go to the theatre tonight!
We went and saw The Popular Theatre Company's hilarious The Complete Works Of William Shakespeare (abridged). I wasn't really expecting anything... I hadn't even considered the possibilities (and aside from the name, knew nothing of the production), so to come out physically hurting from laughing so much was a very welcome surprise.
That said, though, I'm still healing, so it's not that difficult to hurt me, even smiling is uncomfortable right now.
Unfortunately, none of you can enjoy yourselves as we did, as tomorrow (well, tonight) is their last night - and it's sold out already.
And my quest to find interwebbery related information revealed only
this, which I believe is the Deviant Art page of one of the actors.
Other matters concerning the Ten:
I'm no longer bleeding! And I can feel myself getting better already.
I won't be drinking tomorrow night, though, unless I can't control myself, I really want to be healed as quickly as possible.
I haven't had my tongue bar in since late Wednesday. It's a strange feeling - and I considered not putting it back in - but I've decided I'm not done with it yet. Though it might be time to get a new bar.
Em looked after me so well, made me risotto, gave me cold packs, served me drugs as needed. In fact, due to codiene and
phenergan, last night could be described as the best night's sleep I've had in a long time.
Tomorrow I'm going to size up and/or do a bit of work for a man who I'm hoping to source some cheap (legal!) notebooks through. Hopefully it'll be quite a few hours at a good pay rate (from what he's told me he's definitely not hard up, so I won't feel bad getting good pay) because a cash injection is always appreciated.
Then the evening is an appearance at Cas' birthday drinks, then videos at Em's. Contact myself or her for more information, though I think it'll be one of those things that "just happens". Don't expect an invite. Those who help themselves earn the richest rewards.
And maybe I'll wash Snatch - if it's not raining.