catch-all update of lameness

Jul 21, 2009 18:06

1. AUGH WHY DO BUGS KEEP TRYING TO FLY INTO MY EARS? I swear, this has happened to me every time I've left my apartment in the last few days.

2. I watched an incredibly dull and joyless production of The Merchant of Venice, about which I may have more to say at a later date. I was very surprised to learn that it had been directed by Trevor Nunn ( Read more... )

merchant of venice, renaissance clothing, friends, shakespeare productions, i fail at girliness, clothing not of the renaissance, failcakes

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Comments 11

ajodasso July 21 2009, 22:32:25 UTC
Oh, hell no: the Perfect Black Cardigan is one of the most elusive creatures in the universe. Seriously. I have yet to find one myself!


tempestsarekind July 21 2009, 22:37:08 UTC
Heh. I was assuming it was just me, because everyone else already seems to *have* one! I'm wearing one of my Okay Black Cardigans right now, but it's just not the same...


owlfish July 21 2009, 22:49:13 UTC
Just because everyone else has *your* perfect black cardigan, doesn't mean they think they have theirs, I suspect.


tempestsarekind July 21 2009, 23:07:04 UTC
Tee hee. I bet that's very true!


cschells July 21 2009, 22:58:17 UTC
I have a perfect black cardigan. Moths ate a hole in the elbow. *weeps* I have to figure out where to get it fixed, if possible. Until then, I feel despondent every time I see it. It's a black, zip-up, cashmere hoodie from Costco, and I love it more than I love most people.


tempestsarekind July 21 2009, 23:08:32 UTC
Oh, that's too bad! Do they still make them, do you know? Maybe you could find another... If not, I hope it gets repaired!


cschells July 22 2009, 04:00:07 UTC
I've seen things in the same vein, but not nearly as nice, sadly. Good luck with your quest, though. I hope the one you ordered is what you've been looking for!


tempestsarekind July 22 2009, 22:56:26 UTC
Oh, that *is* too bad. Thanks, though--I'll probably report once the sweater arrives. Fingers crossed!


litlover12 July 21 2009, 23:03:02 UTC
Just quit putting honey in your ears. ;-)

Your day sounds like my day yesterday -- which culminated in the deer eating all the buds off my favorite yellow rosebush. Again. *Sob*


tempestsarekind July 21 2009, 23:11:09 UTC
I'll have to do that. :)

Boo on the deer. I know they have a right to nature and all, but roses should be off-limits!


litlover12 July 22 2009, 00:00:08 UTC


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