Dec 17, 2008 21:10
HeLLO minna!!! i'm still overwhelmed by the concert right now, but i just want to write something while i'm still in the heat..
Well, i'm in the hotel now, just watched NEWS ' concert in Kumamoto just now :):):)
it feels so unrealistic !!!
these people seemed so distant and from another world , i would never have dreamed i could be standing on the same ground as them, not to mention being just like 1 metre away!!!
well, the Kumamoto Grandmesse is a really small hall, so there aren't many seats, i was already sitting on the floor seats, which i guess should be pretty close, sadly to the side of the stage, so couldn't see those front performances well, but they DO go around all the time, and in turn they come quite close ^__^
i'll just list those i want to record down in point form, hope i will get to make a formal report later on when i get home..
1. They all look exactly like u see them on TV ! so pretty in real person!!!
2. Shige looks really handsome! i never really liked him before but after tonight, i've changed my thoughts about him :) he's good looking and pretty friendly towards fans
3.Tego is soooo Cute!!!! in the MC part, Shige asked Tego to pose as if he was doing photoshoots, and Tego did a bunch of cool poses, then Shige asked him to act Kawaii , and HE did!!!! some really really Kawaii poses and smiles ^___^
4. in the MC part, Ryo talks more than he usually does :) and Yamapi barely speaks..
they were talking about Kumamoto, and i think they said Tego thought they were in Kagoshima!! the crowd got kinda mad!! hahaha
and they talked about surnames, they were asking whether there were Koyamas, Nishikidos etc in the hall, well, no Nishikidos.. haha. He's quite unique after all ne ^___^
5.Ryo in real person is really really skinny ne!!!! he looks like a board from the side, but he has a beautiful face :) and a wonderful cute smile :) altho he's sometimes kinda mean, he walked over like 20meters from those side stages without turning to those frantically waving fans even once!!!
verybody else is sooo friendly, they try to reach down for the fans to touch them from those mobile stages.
7. Massu looks really cute in real person :) the end when everyone comes out a second time, Ryo and Pi and Shige were topless *\/* Ryo was wearing shades and a crazy pair of pants, black with many white skulls? on them..he is sooooo skinny!! Tego was wearing a bathrobe, and at a time it flipped open and he panicked and immediately wrapped himself up again..haha, and then Shige tried to pull it off of him, Tego lets him in the split second he jumps back backstage.
my thoughts:
i've been watching the NEWS Pacific con for a hundred times now, i've got to say this concert wasn't as well arranged as that one, but probably cos that one is in Tokyo Dome so the props and everything else is more grand.but still there's no Pi solo, no koyamashige, mmmm... but it was still really magical, just the fact that i got to see them ..^___^... almost tearing now...
ahh, 2 more shows tmr!!!!!!! looking forward to them!!!!
news concert