Kansai Trip 18-23 Sept 2008

Oct 01, 2008 23:42

Minna!! I just went another trip to Japan, this time to the place my sexy man was from  Osaka!!! and other parts of Kansai ^_^
pls take some time to read it and comment if u like :)
and to thank all the NEWSjpop LJ members for posting so many up dated info and stuff for me to leech all the time.. -__- I've got 2 genuine official NEWS shop pics to give away ~!so read on :)
This was mainly a siteseeing trip, initially i didn't really thought i'll eye on a lot of JE stuff..but being me ..kaka...i just couldn't resist looking here and there for our boys.. anyway, i reached the Kansai international airport in the afternoon and didn't plan anything to do, so went to Shinsaibashi (if u like Kanjani 8, there's a song that mention this place :) )

the famous glico light box was here forever i guess, i'm not that girl btw

 my first dinner, sushi buffet. 1260yen only! which is pretty cheap in Japan i must say...

 pretty onake on the streets of Shinsaibashi, this is a place in Osaka were I'm sure every young person goes to when they visit Osaka... so i'm sure Ryo's been here (beams..) standing on the same ground he stood...hoho tons of shops for clothes here, and Ryo's favourite Yakisoba and others ^_^ takoyaki and okonamiyaki.. Osaka foods.

alrite!! start the JE spotting!
Okada Junichi! super good looking as well, selling the Sony T series cameras. Lots of commercials of him on both TV and posters there..

SUPER big P poster (that's how Ryo calls him..hoho ..right on the central spot of Shinsaibashi)

went to Himeji today.. which is a 2 hour ride from Osaka. it's in Hyogo prefecture (where Toda erika was born ^_^ i like her too... can't wait for Ryusei no Kizuna...i like all the ppl in it...)

 this is the Himeji Castle which is a world heritage.

my very japanese style lunch.. pretty little dishes with delicate bites of food..
Then i went to Kobe. and look what i saw!! (screams!) totally unexpected sighting!

something to brighten my day after seeing the boring castle!!hahah big big Russ K poster at a bus stop in Kobe. so wanted to rip it out, but there's a glass case...-_______-

close up
Kobe is a very pretty place, quiet and so uninhabited...i saw soo few ppl...
the weather was sugoi tho... Japan is such a nice place ^___^

 Kimochi ii ne!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 plus a yummy matcha ice cream..
and that night.....

there aren't many japanese songs to choose from in the karaoke places in my place... no NEWS, no Kanjani8! so I HAD to try out the karaoke in japan.. ^___________^ full list of NEWS and Kanjani songs..heee...

the room.. the price was awfully expensive tho.. 900 yen for just 30 minutes!!! with my very limited japanese, i didn't know how to negotiate with the ppl...so i just played for 30 mins...kinda just for the feeling of it :)

Kyoto. is a place with lots of old buildings and Jinjas.

nothing much to say about it... for the sake of not appearing to be only doing stuff related to fangirling...haha, had to visit these places..
eventually left and went to Shinsaibashi again, for more shopping..and food

super yum tonkotsu ramen! (Ryo's favourite flavour :P )
and look what i came across!!

an unofficial shop that sells tons of JE plus other male artists stuff.. i definitely recommend this place! altho the money u spend don't go to our boys when u buy here  , but there's such a wide variety of things!!!
here's what i bought:

big Kanjani poster for just 300 yen!!

2009 calendar of Nishikido Ryo  and Ryo alone!!!!!!!!!! it's huge! with one big page per month.. decided to get this one, there's another one of NEWS, but i have the official one for NEWs.. since Ryo doesn't get his own official calendar.. ^___^ , there's one for YamaP too for those of u who love him ~!!

the different pages of each month..sorry for the blurry images, cos i didn't take the pics of each page one by one, just the small blurry sampler pics on the front... all these pics are from the latest Kanjani8 summer con.

 big print of Ryo's pic from a recent magazine. the smaller one is one of those shitajiki which is a hard plastic board that makes flip flopping sounds when u play around with it
 the other side of the shitajiki has another pic. :)

this is a funny one, it's like some pass for the pacific concert. perfect to fit into your wallet :)
there are tons of passes for other things...hahah.
ok , so that was like 4500 yen altogether...

more JE spotting..

 for P fans..they're selling Kurosagi DVDs in shops now. :)
 day view of the P poster.

poster in all the kusuri yas ...SOOO wanted to snatch that pretty poster.all the bath sets which gave out small brochures were gone tho.. -____-... for the sake of supporting them, i still bought a body gel.

since i spent so much money..dinner was okonomiyaki!!! yum!!

 300 yen!!

went to Tanabe in Wakayama prefecture the next day.. wanted to go a traditional onsen hotel with those onsens among the rocks and trees... but there was a typhoon and landslide, so the bus wouldnt go there, went to a modern onsen hotel instead...

Tanabe is a small village..very pretty ^__^ and very few people..

look at this! so bleach feel ne! (if u even saw that anime..)

... imagine seeing this with Ryo-chan.. ^_______^ what a nice dream......

and my n course meal.. umai!

back in the civilized world in Osaka, no big plans today so just walked around.
 this is the osaka tower.

takoyaki. (pieces of octopus in flour, with yaki sause and mayonaise and those thin fish pieces)
more shopping! :)

haha!says "last friend" on the shirt

LOOK! i bought Tegoshi's shirt on the commercial! ero Tego wears a shirt with this sexy girl..hhaha.
girls who buy russK also get a free gift.

and THIS will become my prized collection.. cos i literally stole it...eep

Russ K catalogue..
i really don't know why they won't just give it out, there are like only 3 sheets of this in the whole shop (and any other shop with russK i've seen so long), and most of them with those beeping devices attached (like those on expensive clothes or bags).. it's just a sheet of paper jeez... anyway, i ran across this one which was casually pinned to some clothes displaying outside... so i snatched it.. -_____-  hope u don't think i'm too bad .  that's why the corners are kinda torn.. BUT it's sooo pretty!!!!

the backside promoting the clothes NEWS are wearing

ramen dinner again.
 with gyoza this time.

Last day already.. -_____- ok , big event!! Johnny's Shop. Special thanks to watchful21 on details of how to get there.  I'll just add a few extra pics here to make it easier still (cos baka me still had some hard time finding it, and there are thousands of small buildings here even the locals can't help u)...

 this is exit 8 of Shinsaibashi subway station. the subway is the only train that goes to Shinsaibashi. JR and all others don't go there.. the white building u see here is Nikko Hotel.
with the hotel on your left, walk straight along midosugi till u get to this curb.

which is just where the hotel ends and u see the blue flags of the bank in front, turn left here and go on straight. go in all the way till u see a building called Daibi

the johnny's shop is right there.
my experience: even tho i went on a skool day, there were a bunch of skool girls. but no line ups at the door, just go in and out as u wish. the inside was a bit crowded, but u could definitely assess the pics on the wall, pick whatever u like, squeeze around a bit, line up to pay (20+ person line with 4+ counters). i got everything done in about an hour :) not too long i must say.. and the ladies at the counter will count 2 times and check the pics quickly. nice shopping experience ^__^

i bought a lot of shop pics and the kanjani 8 album..didn't scan the pics one by one, there weren't any new NEWS shop pics at the time tho, newest ones were from Summer Time.
I also bought the Pacific LE edition !! (not in johnny's store)!!! finally!!, I actually ordered that in my country at the time it was released but received a phone call to say they were out of stock so i couldn't get it -_________- sooo sad at that time cos i waited for a month already only to hear that..... but finally got my own one! (for those who don't have it, i still recommend to buy it, cos the quality is much higher than those on the web for d/l ,but still thanks to those who put it on the web and subbed it!! love u still!)
also bought the it's my soul single. :)
here comes the give away!!

 2 Group pics from Summer time. pls leave a comment to say why u should have it and i'll decide in 2 weeks :) i won't hide your comments, i guess it'll be obvious if there's any copying cos u'd have written it first ^_^ . i'll pay the postage .

last purchases at the airport:

 i really recommend buying magazines at the airport cos u save some tax and don't have to carry them around on the trip.
the bottom left magazine was totally unrelated to those boys except for the cover and a very nice poster inside,

 which is still worth the 380 yen i guess, just treat is as buying a poster....

and the trip ended...(weep)  .... ^____^ totemo tanoshii ne !!

and when i got home, my ordered kanjani 8 con goods arrived!!


Hope u had fun reading my journal :) it's a bit too long maybe~~

news, kansai, je, japan, ryo, kanjani8

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