Who Is Behind Coronavirus and COVID 19 Pandemic? Russian Response, Part 1

Aug 04, 2020 21:00

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Who Is Behind Coronavirus and COVID 19 Pandemic? Russian Response, Part 1
Суть времени | 04.08.2020

Russian political analyst Sergey Kurginyan reveals who invented and made the coronavirus and who is the beneficiary of the covid 19 pandemic

Read the text with links here: eu.eot.su

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On May 6, 2020 the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Russian Federation made a very important statement on their website, according to which false and socially significant information in terms of the artificial origin if the Coronavirus should be considered fake news.

The leader of the Essence of Time movement Sergey Kurginyan explains why this statement is strange and dangerous.

First of all, the wording itself that “neither the World Health Organization, nor the Government of the Russian Federation, nor other official authorities of the Russian Federation have confirmed information on the artificial creation of the coronavirus infection” defies common sense. Since none of the listed subjects neither confirmed, nor denied this information. And since when did the WHO and the government become the final authority in determining the truth of this or that information? In Medieval times all the authorities firmly believed that Sun revolves around the Earth, and not the Earth around the Sun. How did it all end?, asks Sergey Kurginyan.

Secondly, there is a global political discussion about the artificial nature of the Coronavirus, and it is just gaining steam. Particularly because of this issue the tension between the United States and China has grown abruptly. The topic of Coronavirus has become the main card in the political game.

Thirdly, the Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov, responding to the Prosecutor General’s Office, emphasized that there shouldn’t be any definitive statements on the Coronavirus’ nature, since it’s not entirely clear what are we dealing with.

There is an evident contradiction, and such contradictions immediately call into question the appropriateness of the authorities’ actions, and their consolidation.

Fourth, The Prosecutor General's Office, in its statement is actually insisting on the prohibition of scientific discussion. While there is no consensus among scientists about the nature of COVID-19, and generally, a final verdict on any scientific issue can never be made. More recently, according to historical standards, the scientific community first completely denied Einstein's theory of relativity. But it was this theory that made it possible to create the atomic bomb.

Fifth, prohibiting freedom of thought, prohibiting scientific research in our country will soon lead to only one thing - to the fact that an adversary who did not introduce such prohibitions will acquire a large advantage over which Russia will be powerless, says the leader of the Essence of Time movement.

Sixth, one cannot control an information society through prohibitions. Attempting to do this puts the authorities in a stupid and ridiculous position. But it is very dangerous to find yourself in a position like that at a time of growing social tension. For laughter in the hands of destroyers can be more terrible than street protests.

Sergey Kurginyan emphasizes that in order not to notice all of the above and to demand that information about the artificial origin of the Coronavirus be considered fake is equal to hiding one’s head in the sand, like an ostrich, or there is some conflict of interest.

To begin, Kurginyan proposes to consider a number of statements made by officials: high-ranking officials and reputable scientific specialists, but to consider them in conjunction with each other, not individually.

Источник: www.youtube.com

Из комментариев:
"Друзья. Это - английская версия видео, вышедшего на русском языке 12 мая. Ссылка на русскую версию - www.youtube.com"

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